​Tell the Board: Closing campuses now keeps our college from growing in the future!

We need to be ready for enrollment growth with a post-COVID recession, and the expansion of programs and classes with funding from CHEF and Schools and Communities First. Shrinking the college by permanently closing the Civic Center and Fort Mason campuses now will keep us from being able to serve more students in the future.

Before making these decisions for short term budget savings, the Board needs to take into account all of the financial consequences of these decisions, such as losing revenue from CCSF Extension classes. Furthermore, they could renegotiate the leases and most likely get more favorable terms. In March, SF voters approved $845 million for CCSF’s facility needs. It’s past time time for our 750 Eddy St. location to be seismically retrofitted. This would eliminate the need to pay for a Civic Center Campus lease altogether. It is incumbent on the Board to develop a concrete plan on how to preserve the programs and students at For Mason and Civic Center before making the decision. The mistakes of closing 750 Eddy and 33 Gough without careful forethought must not be repeated.

Being part of diverse communities throughout the city at our campuses makes CCSF beloved by students and relevant to all neighborhoods.

In addition to these proposed campus closures, we’ve also learned that the college has cancelled 100% of our American Sign Language Classes for Fall! This is in spite of the facts that ASL classes and waitlists fill up each semester, and that students from our program are in high demand, and can earn $65/hr as ASL interpreters immediately upon graduating. Our local schools, courts, and public events depend on City College’s wonderful ASL program to train interpreters, who serve as a crucial bridge between the hearing and deaf communities. ASL is also a magnet for the many high school students who enroll through the concurrent program. One semester of ASL satisfies two semesters of high school language courses. As well, ASL satisfies the language requirements for both the CSU and UC systems.

The Board will be discussing ending leases at Civic Center and Fort Mason in closed session at Thursday’s meeting – we urge all AFT 2121 members to submit public comment by 3:30pm this Thursday, 4/23 (250 words max to publiccomment@ccsf.edu) to let them know they need to slow their roll and think about the long term impacts to our college when they make decisions without taking time to consider the consequences.

Posted in E-news Archives, Events, News

COVID bargaining | AFT elections: Ballots out | Canvas privacy | DA & COPE

Rebort-back: COVID impact bargaining

AFT 2121 leaders met with Chancellor Gonzales and SVC Tom Boegel to push back against last week’s announcement that the only faculty eligible to teach this summer are those previously certified by the Distance Learning Office for online instruction. We proposed, instead, that the college deem eligible to teach this summer any faculty member comfortable teaching “remotely” (as we have been doing during the COVID pandemic). SVC Boegel agreed to check in with the Office of Distance Learning and respond to us.

In addition, AFT’s grievance officer Malaika Finkelstein objected to a recent email announcing that noncredit instructors are currently not expected to be teaching their classes at all. Malaika pointed out that many noncredit instructors have been working long hours to keep their students engaged. SVC Boegel agreed to clarify expectations around noncredit instruction, and AFT is currently organizing a forum for noncredit faculty to discuss this and other issues arising around emergency remote instruction.

Finally, we raised our concerns about plans discussed in last week’s Board committees to close Civic Center and Fort Mason Campuses. Chancellor Gonzales reported that after hearing concerns in public comment, she adjusted the upcoming Board agenda so that those closures are discussion only items. She agreed to explore the suggestions offered by Civic Center faculty for saving their campus, as well as the concerns raised by librarian Dayna Holz about the closure of Fort Mason.

AFT 2121 will be making public comment on these and other issues at this Thursday’s Board of Trustees meeting. We invite all AFT 2121 members to join us. Please stay tuned for more info soon on our plans for the BOT meeting.

AFT 2121 elections: Ballots out!

Electronic ballots went out to all 2121 members on Monday, April 20, via Electionbuddy, the online voting service handling our current AFT election. If you have not received an election notice in your email, or you have any other questions, contact them at aft2121@electionbuddy.com. Please provide your current email address and your home mailing address. You may vote online through Friday, May 8, 2020.

Canvas privacy concerns

We are alarmed to hear rumors that administration may be monitoring the Canvas online classes without the consent or even knowledge of the instructor. We brought this concern up at our impact negotiations meeting last Friday. Interim Chancellor Dianna Gonzales told us that she would find out what is going on and get back to us.

In the meantime we will be submitting an information request to find out exactly what they are doing and why.
Stay tuned..

Delegate Assembly & COPE: How to participate, more

All AFT 2121 members are invited to join upcoming Delegate Assembly and COPE meetings to participate in our Union’s decision making.

Some things to keep in mind when joining remotely:

  1. We will be muting participants when they join, to minimize background noise, but you will be able unmute yourself to participate.
  2. If you would like to make a comment or ask a question, please use the Raise Hand feature and you’ll be called on and unmuted by the facilitator.
  3. If you’re calling in by phone to the meeting, only a phone number will display instead of your name; we’ll ask you who you are and list your name instead of number for the meeting.
  4. We’ll use the Poll feature for voting, and a reminder that only Delegates vote at the Delegate Assembly meetings.
  5. The meeting will be recorded for the minutes, but the recording will not be made available after the meeting, and the secretary will delete the recording once she completes the minutes.
  6. Please be patient – we’re all figuring this out!
  7. Having trouble? Step by step zoom trouble shooting.

Tuesday, April 21 Delegate Assembly from 3-5pm.

Agenda and draft minutes:

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://tinyurl.com/vos8lrj OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #925 8144 6298 and Password: 184588.

April COPE meeting, April 21, 1:30-3pm


  • Endorsement for (1) seat on the Board of Trustees
  • Board of Supervisors: D1 (Richmond) & D9 (Mission)
  • State Senate

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://tinyurl.com/wyqgjt3 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #933 937 230 and Password: 870996.

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at aft@aft2121.org.

Please post, distribute, and otherwise share this information
with interested colleagues who may not be receiving emails.

Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from AFT 2121, please click here.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

Non credit & other COVID impact negotiations | AFT 2121 is hiring | DA & COPE | More…

Concerns about non-credit during COVID crisis

Tom Boegel’s 4/10 memo to all faculty about remote instruction raised serious concerns, especially among non-credit faculty. Non-credit has been fighting administration’s disrespect and disregard for many years. Union members are wondering if this administration is truly committed to the non-credit programs that serve our communities. AFT is talking to administration to find out their intent and to clarify the status of non-credit remote instruction. Our next meeting with Chancellor Gonzales is this coming Friday, 4/17.

Impact negotiations over impact of COVID-19 shutdown on faculty working conditions

AFT 2121 will meet with the District on Friday, April 17, to continue negotiations over the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on faculty working conditions. Discussion began today over administration plans to schedule only official online CCSF courses this summer session, and not classes remotely taught by faculty utilizing canvas. Other topics include “eavesdropping” by Chairs/Deans on faculty remotely delivered classes; proposed elimination of 1170 Market and Fort Mason sites; Fall schedule cuts and mode of instruction; pay for scheduled classes including extension classes or short-term classes per “hold harmless” agreement.

Changes in Dates for Staff Organizer position

Due to the changes in our schedule because of COVID-19 we have changed our timeline for hiring a Staff Organizer.
We are now accepting applications until Monday, June 15th, 2020 at 9am. The new starting date is Monday, August 3rd, 2020.

Delegate Assembly & COPE: How to participate, more

All AFT 2121 members are invited to join upcoming Delegate Assembly and COPE meetings to participate in our Union’s decision making.

Some things to keep in mind when joining remotely:

  1. We will be muting participants when they join, to minimize background noise, but you will be able unmute yourself to participate.
  2. If you would like to make a comment or ask a question, please use the Raise Hand feature and you’ll be called on and unmuted by the facilitator.
  3. If you’re calling in by phone to the meeting, only a phone number will display instead of your name; we’ll ask you who you are and list your name instead of number for the meeting.
  4. We’ll use the Poll feature for voting, and a reminder that only Delegates vote at the Delegate Assembly meetings.
  5. The meeting will be recorded for the minutes, but the recording will not be made available after the meeting, and the secretary will delete the recording once she completes the minutes.
  6. Please be patient – we’re all figuring this out!
  7. Having trouble? Step by step zoom trouble shooting.

Tuesday, April 21 Delegate Assembly from 3-5pm.

Agenda and draft minutes:

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://tinyurl.com/vos8lrj OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #925 8144 6298 and Password: 184588.

April COPE meeting, April 21, 1:30-3pm


  • Endorsement for (1) seat on the Board of Trustees
  • Board of Supervisors: D1 (Richmond) & D9 (Mission)
  • State Senate

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://tinyurl.com/wyqgjt3 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #933 937 230 and Password: 870996.

May COPE meeting, May 12, 1:30-3pm


  • Board of Supervisors: D3 (NB/Chinatown) & D7 (Southwest)
  • Revenue Measures: Gross Receipts, CHEF, possibly others
  • Social Housing Measure

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://tinyurl.com/s6sgho7 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #

535 209 657 and Password: 680930.

COVID student survey

AFT 2121 is working with San Francisco Rising and SF United in Crisis Coalition to assess the needs of college students during the shelter-in-place order. Understanding what resources our students are lacking during this crisis and how their well being is affected will help us be better advocates for them and provide guidance on how educators can help students make the best out of this difficult situation. Please share this survey widely, we are hoping to collect 500 surveys by April 29th so that there’s enough time to use the survey results to affect students’ wellbeing before the end of the school year! Thank you for your help in sharing it with your students.

Access the survey through this link: https://forms.gle/wAJ9x9PtSGAf9CdX8

You can support our undocumented community members: Donate to Undocufund

In response to the incredible need to support undocumented workers and families in the time of COVID-19 AFT 2121 is joining sibling union United Educators of San Francisco in endorsing UndocuFund San Francisco. Undocufund was established by Jobs with Justice, Young Workers United, Chinese Progressive Association, La Colectiva, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, and PODER as a relief fund for undocumented community members who live, work or recently lost work in San Francisco due to COVID.

You can help: DONATE and spread the word (more info on the new website).

Shut down 850 Bryant!

About 700 people remain in San Francisco’s jails, many of whom are imprisoned in the decrepit and earthquake-unsafe CJ4 at 850 Bryant St. With toxic fumes, flooding & sewage, being in jail right now with the COVID pandemic is a death sentence. SF Supervisors must release prisoners & finally #shutdown850. Supervisor Fewer is working with the No New SF Jails Coalition to introduce legislation Tues. 4/14 to close County Jail #4 at 850 Bryant St.

On Wed. 4/15 Participate in the Media Storm and urge Supervisors VOTE YES on Fewer’s ordinance to close 850 Bryant St!
Posted in E-news Archives, News

AFT 2121 demands to negotiate over summer session

Dear AFT 2121 Members:

You may have seen the recent email from SVC Tom Boegel announcing 1) that classes will not meet in person for the rest of the Spring semester, and 2) that the Summer session will consist entirely of online classes.

While we understand that public health restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic may well rule out face-to-face teaching this summer, AFT 2121 has grave concerns about the impact of this unilateral shift to an all-online summer session. For this reason, we have demanded to negotiate over this shift.

We are committed to finding a solution that supports the health and safety of our community while minimizing the negative impacts on faculty and students. We will keep members apprised of our progress in these negotiations.

In Unity,

Jenny Worley
President, AFT 2121

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at aft@aft2121.org.

Please post, distribute, and otherwise share this information
with interested colleagues who may not be receiving emails.

Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from AFT 2121, please click here.

Read more ›

Posted in E-news Archives, News

AFT 2121 Election Update

Yesterday, the AFT 2121 Executive Board approved the hiring of an online election firm, Electionbuddy, https://electionbuddy.com/, to conduct our upcoming AFT 2121 elections. The AFT 2121 Election Commission, reviewed several such firms which specialize in web-based, secure elections, including union elections, and recommended contracting with Electionbuddy. Eligible AFT 2121 voters will access the election site remotely and cast their ballots. All eligible voters will be notified when on-line voting commences later this month. If you wish to update your current email address, send it to: aft@aft2121.org.

For statements from candidates, and other election information, go to: https://www.aft2121.org/elections/

Electionbuddy will provide staff to answer voter inquiries at a dedicated AFT 2121 election email address. This will include assistance to members having questions or difficulties with the online voting process. Each eligible voter will be assigned a unique ID number to insure a secret ballot.

Tomorrow, Thursday, April 9, at 5:00 p.m., is the deadline for submission of candidates’ statements for the upcoming Union election.

Announcement: Nominees for AFT Convention Delegate elected by acclamation

The AFT 2121 Executive Board voted yesterday, April 7, 2020, to elect all nominees for the position of delegate to the July, 2020 AFT Convention by acclamation, since there were fewer nominees for AFT Convention delegate than positions available, making the election unnecessary.

Posted in E-news Archives, Elections, News

Acting Chancellor appointment | Balboa Reservoir | COPE announcements | Take action during this COVID-19 crisis

Board Appoints Acting Chancellor

Last Thursday, the Board of Trustees appointed SVC Dianna Gonzales to act as Chancellor for three months while the Board hires an Interim Chancellor, who will in turn oversee college operations during the (likely) yearlong search for a permanent Chancellor. The Board’s decision to move toward new leadership represents a positive step in the right direction for the college.

At the last general membership meeting, AFT members suggested that we recommend to the Board a brief list of qualifications that faculty would like to see in an Interim Chancellor. If you have suggestions for that list, please discuss them to your Precinct Delegate (your department’s union rep) for consideration at the April 21 Delegate Assembly. Follow this link to a list of Precinct Delegates/Union Reps.

SF Planning Commission takes up privatization of Balboa Reservoir

Join the remote hearing and take action to keep public lands in public hands

At its Thurs. meeting (4/9 at 1pm), the Planning Commission will consider whether to take up the issue of re-zoning the Balboa Reservoir parcel. Though currently zoned as “P” (Public), the proposed rezoning to “Balboa Reservoir Special Use District” would allow privatization, as well as increased height limits. The commission could schedule a full hearing as early as April 30th: Agenda Item 16b recommends Initiation of “General Plan Amendments” for the Balboa Reservoir Project. AFT 2121 supports the use of public lands for public good.

SF Planning Commission this Thurs. 4/9, 1pm
* Live stream: SFGovTV website
* Public comment call-in line will be provided on the Department’s webpage

Upcoming COPE meetings via Zoom: Agendas and Zoom info

  • April COPE meeting
    April 21, 1:30-3pm
    Via Zoom

    Join the meeting:
  1. Zoom meeting via link
    Meeting ID: 933 937 230
    Password: 870996
  2. One tap mobile
    +16699006833,,933937230# US (San Jose)
  3. Dial in: 1 669 900 6833
    Meeting ID: 933 937 230
    Password: 870996
  • May COPE meeting
    May 12, 1:30-3pm
    Via Zoom

    Join the meeting:
  1. Zoom Meeting via link
    Meeting ID: 535 209 657
    Password: 680930
  2. One tap mobile
    +16699006833,,535209657# US (San Jose)
  3. Dial in
    +1 669 900 6833
    Meeting ID: 535 209 657
    Password: 680930

  1. Board of Supervisors D3 (NB/Chinatown), D7 (Southwest)
  2. Revenue Measures (Gross Receipts, CHEF, possibly others)
  3. Social Housing Measure

Support our undocumented community members: Donate to Undocufund

UndocuFund San Francisco is for undocumented people who live, work or recently lost work in San Francisco due to COVID.

You can help: DONATE and spread the word (more info on the new website).

In response to the incredible need to support undocumented workers and families in the time of COVID-19, AFT 2121 endorses the work of our allies Jobs with Justice, Young Workers United, Chinese Progressive Association, La Colectiva, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, and PODER to set up a relief fund for undocumented community members.  

(Save the dates: 4/14 & 4/15) Shut down 850 Bryant!

Supervisor Fewer is working with the No New SF Jails Coalition to introduce legislation on April 14th to close County Jail #4 at 850 Bryant St by November 2020. You can support by participating in a Media Storm in support on April 15th. Stay tuned for more info soon.

Call on Governor Newsom to cancel rent and mortgage payments during COVID crisis!

AFT 2121 is joining the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) in calling for rent and mortgage forgiveness during the COVID crisis.
You can help! Sign the petition.

In the coming months, our nation, like others across the world, will be facing an existential decision. Are we a country that believes in taking care of all of those who reside here – no matter their race, age, income, citizenship status, or other identifiers – or will we double-down on our worst tendencies, led by bankrupt politicians and the corporate class, and allow these forces to advance an agenda anchored in individualism and greed that will leave millions behind?

Central to this struggle will be the right to housing.

Take action: Protect Financial Aid for students

With campuses closed down and movement to online instruction to slow the spread of COVID-19, the resulting disruptions have caused concerns that students who may need to withdraw could be penalized and required to pay back financial aid.
Posted in E-news Archives, Events, News

Elections | CHEF listening session | Unemployment | CalSTRS premiums| Facilities

Update: AFT 2121 elections for 2020-22 term

Nomination for officers, Reps-at-Large, and Labor Council and for AFT convention delegates conclude this Friday, April 3, and we are already in the process of confirming acceptance with nominees.

Due to the state-wide emergency restriction around COVID-19, AFT 2121 is unable to conduct a mail ballot as we have in the past, so voting will be conducted online by a third party company that specializes in online elections, including union elections. The AFT Election Commission is reviewing these vendors and recommending one to our Executive Board. Members will be sent voting instructions to their email addresses. Members will then access a remote, secure voting site to cast their ballot using a unique member number.

If you wish to update your email address, please send your new address, along with your name, phone number, and CCSF employee ID (for verification purposes), to our general mailbox: aft@aft2121.org.

Candidates may request contact information of eligible voters for the purpose of election campaigning. We will also host campaign statements at our website, aft2121.org. Candidates statements are due Wednesday, April 9. Please see rules for submitting a candidate statement here.

Tentative dates:

  • Monday, April 20, 2020 – email notification to eligible voters with online voting instructions
  • Friday, May 8, 2020 – last day for online voting
If I’m retired, laid off, or on leave, can I still vote?  

AFT 2121 Retiree Chapter members are eligible to vote in the upcoming AFT 2121 elections provided they are current in paying dues ($24/year).

Current faculty on unpaid leave or part-time faculty who are laid off (with recall rights) need to pay $5/month dues to remain in good standing and eligible to vote. Contact us with any questions aft@aft2121.org.  

(4/1/20) CHEF listening session

To recover from the COVID-19 impacts on our community San Franciscans will need our college more than ever! On Wed. 4/1 at 3pm we’re having a virtual listening session via Zoom for AFT 2121 members to learn about, ask questions, and give input on our proposal to bring more funds to CCSF by establishing the Community Higher Education Fund. All AFT 2121 members are invited to join us.

Follow this link from your computer or smartphone to participate OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #103 736 288.

Unemployment insurance for faculty who work part-time

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about applying for unemployment. Here are a few quick points. For more, please see our AFT 2121 unemployment page.

  • Our semester runs through May 20. This date did not change when we were shut down. Our pay and our employment continue. Faculty who have full-term assignments are considered employed through May 20.
  • Faculty who work part-time are eligible when our assignments end whether or not we expect to have an assignment the following semester.
  • Because of the COVID-19 crisis, the State of California is expanding unemployment benefits. The possible benefit amounts have increased by $600 per week. The benefits period has been extended to 39 weeks. You can now report income from self-employment and “gig” work. — If your CCSF assignment ends but you still have some work (either from another employer, or a reduced CCSF assignment) you may still be eligible. If you’re not sure they’ll consider you unemployed, the best way to find out is to apply.

CalSTRS fails to deduct retiree health care premiums

Some retirees have received health coverage termination notices from the Health Service System (HSS) because CalSTRS failed to deduct and forward to HSS health premiums from retiree pension checks. If you have received such a termination notice, please contact AFT 2121 immediately by emailing us at: aft@aft2121.org or calling 415-585-2121.

Report: Facilities Committee

The Senior Vice Chancellor (SVC) of Facilities, James Sohn, is working at breakneck speed to spend the $845M of bond money passed in the March election. Many members of the Facilities Committee are concerned that he is bypassing Participatory Governance processes.

Some particular concerns are the potential sale of the Eddy St. Campus, unmitigated environmental impacts of the Balboa Reservoir Project, and SVC Sohn’s pre-authorization to spend large sums of money.  

John Watkins, from the Program Management Office (PMO) presented a list of 40 items to the Facilities Committee on March 30th that are slated to be sent to the regular BOT meeting in April. Although the committee was told that the list did not require any action, the heading of the list was “April Board Action Items (Preview)”. The extensive list lacked much information and detail.

The Committee flagged 5 items in particular for more information before deciding on a recommendation:

  • 8. Authorization to Revise Scope and Budget for the Emergency Response Center Fit-Out
  • 9. Authorization to Contract with XXX for Design Services to Renovate the Existing Bookstore Annex as an Emergency Operations Center at Ocean Campus
  • 19. Authorization to Enter into a Lease Agreement at Chinatown Center
  • 20. Authorization to Sell Eddy St Center (A concerning development. AFT pushed back, stay tuned)
  • 21. Authorization to Enter into a Lease Agreement at Downtown Center
The Balboa Reservoir

The Draft Environmental Impact Report on the Balboa Reservoir Project identified three significant environmental impacts: construction noise, air, and transportation. On November 30, 2019, under the authority of AB900, the Governor overruled consideration of these impacts. The project is to move forward with unmitigated environmental impacts.

Given this, the Facilities Committee passed a recommendation that the College appoint an official representative for the Balboa Reservoir project to represent the college’s interests to the developer and the city who reports back to the Administration and the Facilities Committee.

The Committee still awaits this action to be implemented.

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at aft@aft2121.org.

Please post, distribute, and otherwise share this information
with interested colleagues who may not be receiving emails.

Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from AFT 2121, please click here.
Posted in E-news Archives, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

Read about

Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595