The Results of Oct 26 Rally & New Unfair Labor Practice Filed Against District

Rally Results, Mediation in Bargaining, & Another Unfair Labor Practice Filed

At last Thursday’s Rally for a Fair Contract jointly hosted by AFT 2121 & SEIU 1021, you, as faculty, demonstrated your unity and articulated your urgent needs.

The action was a success in communicating your collective power, generating positive press attention, launching your strike commitment card, and winning decisive action from the Trustees to support bargaining. All of this was the result of your visible power in numbers and the moving testimony from faculty across the college, from EMT to Math, on why a fair contract and competitive salary are so urgent for our families and programs.

As a result of your Rally:

  • Your bargaining team is entering voluntary, pre-impasse mediation with the District to try to address sticking points in bargaining, and, at Thursday’s meeting, the Trustees decided to appoint up to three individual board members to the District’s bargaining team to participate in these mediation sessions. A major issue in bargaining has been that the District’s team lacks the authority needed to actually negotiate. But the Chancellor and his team bargain on behalf of Trustees, so we expect this issue to change. Mediation sessions will take place on November 6th and November 13th. AFT’s expectation is that the District will commit to bargaining in good faith during this process. To keep the District accountable, we have set a deadline for declaration of impasse of November 14th.  

  • Positive press coverage of your demands for a fair contract and more competitive salaries: see stories in the SF ExaminerMission LocalSing Tao, and additional potential coverage to come from KQED and CalMatters.

Finally, we have an important update on bargaining.

  • Chancellor Martin knowingly provided false information to your union regarding matters relevant to your contract negotiations. In response, AFT 2121 has filed another unfair labor practice. Unfortunately, the Chancellor opted to provide false and misleading information to AFT 2121 about the District’s OPEB (Retiree Health Care Fund) contributions, an issue central to negotiations over salaries among other economic topics in bargaining. It is a violation of labor law to “knowingly provide an exclusive representative with inaccurate information” about the District’s financial resources. See further details in a copy of AFT’s Unfair Labor Practice here.

Stay tuned for more details on mediation and the broader struggle to ensure CCSF leaders work to better support and lead our college.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Thank you for a wonderful Strike Ready Rally for City College!

Dear City College Community,

Hundreds of City College community members picketed and rallied last night outside the Board of Trustees meeting to send a very loud and clear message to CCSF leaders: the era of locking San Francisco’s students out of City College’s essential classes and services is over. City College is the largest and most accessible source for workforce training and higher ed degrees in San Francisco. And last night, the faculty (AFT 2121) and staff (SEIU 1021) unions of City College made clear that we are ready to strike to defend our mission: to change lives. See initial coverage of the event in Mission Local and Sing Tao.

Thank you to all of the students and community leaders who stood with City College last night: Cassondra Curiel of UESF, CCSF Student Chancellor Malinalli Villalobos, President of CFT Jeff Freitas, Honey Mahogany and Peter Gallotta of the DCCC, Kim Tavaglione of SF Labor Council, Jobs with Justice, Supervisor Candidate Jackie Fielder, and Supervisors Myrna Melgar and Dean Preston.

In public comment last night at the Board’s meeting, we heard from CCSF Nursing faculty who reported that they’ve had to cut their enrollment by over 20% due to short staffing. We learned of an EMT program that should be expanded, of a Construction Management program that needs greater support, and of a Chemistry Department so devastated by cuts that it was unable to provide the prerequisite courses students need to become the Radiologists, Nurses, and healthcare professionals of tomorrow.

The good news is that you, our community, elected new Trustees, and that City College has the budget necessary to settle its contracts with faculty and staff. Now is the moment to stabilize and grow our college in order to expand opportunity for all those San Franciscans who need it.

CCSF Faculty: last night your colleagues launched strike commitment cards. It has been three years since you’ve had a raise, and this is putting vital programs at risk. San Francisco students deserve the best in their educators, and City College faculty deserve to be treated fairly for their work. Sign your AFT 2121 Strike Commitment Card today, and do not lose hope:

This is a turning point, and we will not go backwards.


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Rally for City College Tomorrow Thursday 5-7pm–Defend Public Ed in SF!

CCSF Faculty & Staff Readying to Strike in Defense of Our College

City College is the largest source of degrees and workforce training in San Francisco. We are a beacon of hope for our city, & tomorrow from 5-7pm that mission needs your support.

City College’s faculty (AFT 2121) and staff (SEIU 1021) are the teachers, custodians, tutors, counselors, and dedicated workers who make this college run. Tomorrow, as unions, we’re jointly hosting a rally for fair contracts and a stronger City College.

Severe understaffing and stagnant wages are hurting our students. Our award-winning student newspaper the Guardsman reported on this today–see ‘An Understaffed College.’ City College Nursing should not be cutting its enrollment by over 25% due to short staffing. Nearly 4,000 students should not be sitting on the waitlist for classes in August. With your support, and with our unity, we can change that. Spread the word & join us. RSVP:

WHAT: Rally for a Fair Contract with SEIU 1021 & AFT 2121
TIME: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
DATE: Thursday, October 26, 2023
WHERE: MUB parking lot outside the Board of Trustees meeting, Ocean Campus (55 Frida Kahlo Way)

Posted in E-news Archives

Bargaining Update on Yesterday’s Session from Jimmy Collins

Voices from the Bargaining Table: Jimmy Collins On Yesterday’s Session

I am a full-time faculty member in the PE & Dance Department, Head Football Coach, and member of our AFT Bargaining Team.

Being new to this role on the bargaining team, I have had the opportunity to form my own opinion. I am a true believer that there are two sides to every story, but it is very evident that the District is not interested in negotiating salaries. We had a session on Monday (10/23) and below are my impressions of where things stand.

What happened at Monday’s session?

About half of the session focused on the college’s budget–however, the District’s bargaining team was unwilling to provide the information needed to begin salary negotiations.

To my disappointment, the District did not make a counter to AFT’s last salary proposal and instead proposed that the parties enter ‘voluntary mediation.’ I wish the District proposed mediation months ago. AFT agreed to mediation on the condition that a deadline for an agreement be set, and if the deadline is not met, AFT will declare impasse (see what that is here).

What’s Next?

With impending mediation, our presence as faculty at the October 26th Board of Trustees meeting is more important than before. We need the District to see and know that our faculty is a unified group willing to fight for our common cause–HIGHER AND FAIR WAGES.

In the spring, faculty voiced to our union that our top overall priority is an increase in pay. We made it clear that we feel disrespected by our salaries. And now, with the college in the process of a leadership transition, it is time for us to stand together and make it clear to the District that we are united to fight together for the pay that we deserve.

Things have been tough for faculty, and we all have a variety of opinions as to why we are in the position we are currently in. However, we can all agree that now is the time to stand for a change that will impact this contract and all of the other contracts to follow. We are the gold standard of California Community Colleges, and as faculty, we deserve to be treated that way.

Let’s all join together on Thursday and make it clear that we need to be paid, and that we will fight until we receive a just and fair contract. See you all Thursday!

RSVP for Oct 26 here:

The Details:
Date: Thursday, October 26th
Time: 5-7pm
Location: In front of East entrance of MUB building, Ocean Campus
Note: We will have audio broadcasting the Board of Trustees meeting to our Rally outside MUB. Supervisors, Press, students, community, & our classified staff allies SEIU 1021 will be on hand.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

What’s Happening in Bargaining? | Invite to Today’s Hybrid Session

Open Bargaining Today Monday, 1:30-4:30 PM, Join in MUB 261 or on Zoom

Join us as your AFT 2121 Bargaining Team returns to the bargaining table with the District Monday, October 23, from 1:30pm-4:30 pm, in MUB 261. A Zoom option is also available–registration is required.

Your bargaining team continues to fight for more competitive salaries and a fair contract for all faculty. We urge Chancellor Martin and his administrative team to adopt the same goal since a fair contract for faculty is essential to improving morale and attracting and retaining the educational excellence that has long distinguished our school.

Use this link to register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You can use the same link for other bargaining sessions this fall.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Bargaining Update & Invite to Monday’s Hybrid Session

Faculty are asking…

Q: What is happening at the bargaining table?
A: Sadly, not enough! Despite a commitment from Chancellor Martin and his team to wrap up bargaining last summer, there have been too few sessions, and too few answers to our proposals. At the last session, we were supposed to discuss the college’s budget, but the person–V.C. John Al-Amin–who developed the budget and has the knowledge necessary to meaningfully discuss it, chose not even to attend our session.

Eyewitness views from your AFT bargaining team:

But come and see for yourself! More eyes and more transparency will let your AFT 2121 bargaining team know that faculty are standing behind them. Join Open Bargaining this Monday, October 16, from 1:30pm-4:30 pm, in MUB 261. A Zoom option is also available–you must register in advance here.

Q: What if the District continues with these kinds of tactics?
A: Your union has already filed yet another “Unfair Labor Practice” with the Public Employee Relations Board (after winning one last semester). Even a legal finding does not seem to have changed their approach. Faculty speaking in unison for a fair process and a fair contract–not just at the bargaining table, but at the Board of Trustees, together–will increase the pressure.

Q: What’s the point of this rally on Oct. 26th?
A: You need to show college leaders that faculty are ready to strike for a fair contract, competitive salaries, and respect. It’s been three years since you had a raise. This can’t go on. RSVP for the Rally this Thursday at 5pm at MUB:

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

City College Teachers Need Your Support–Rally Thurs 10/26 at 5pm for a Stronger CCSF

Stand Up for City College 10/26 5-7pm: Tell Chancellor Martin to Invest in Our Programs & Classes

City College is the heartbeat of working families in San Francisco. We are the largest source of higher ed degrees and workforce training in this city. From Custodians, to Nurses, to EMTS, to Biotech researchers, our grads make San Francisco run.

But the teachers, counselors, and librarians of City College have now gone 3 years without a raise, and are getting ready to strike in defense of our college. CCSF faculty are paid far less than faculty at other Bay Area colleges, putting vital programs at risk. The students of San Francisco deserve better.

The good news is we can act–our beautiful community elected 3 new Trustees to govern the college, and now we need to urge those Trustees to take urgent action to ensure the college starts to negotiate in good faith with faculty. We also need to show Chancellor Martin that any strike by City College teachers is going to have the full support of our community.

But to do that, we need you. Join City College faculty, students, & community at a Rally for a Fair Contract Thursday 10/26 from 5-7pm at Ocean Campus. RSVP now & share widely:

And thank you–we stand in total solidarity with each and everyone of you. We know the real heartbeat of San Francisco, and we will not stop fighting for it.

City College Rising
Rally for a Fair Contract
Thursday, October 26, 5-7pm
CCSF Ocean Campus Multi-Use Building (55 Frida Kahlo Way)


Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595