(6/30) Action & 2 deadlines | Open bargaining | WERF videos| SCF phone bank

(6/30, 9:15am) Reminder: Join us for Tax the Billionaires Car Caravan in San Francisco.

We are meeting at the REI Parking Lot in San Francisco at 840 Brannan Street on Tuesday June 30th at 9:15 am. Please wear your AFT 2121 t-shirt!

We need to address California’s obscene racial and economic inequalities. We need to protect our public schools and community services. We need resources to do that.

While millions have been thrown of out work and many of us still working have been burdened with more demands, California billionaires have actually MADE money during the pandemic. Since the COVID-19 shelter-in-place in March, California’s 161 billionaires have increased their net worth by $141 billion. San Francisco’s Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg alone has seen his wealth increase $32 billion!

It is time for the Governor and the legislature to make taxing the billionaires a central part of California’s recovery.

(6/30 deadline) Reminder: Final chance to vote on AFT 2121 trustee endorsements

Thanks to all who have participated in our online endorsement process for the CCSF Board of Trustees. The deadline to cast a vote is July 1st, 2020 at 11:59pm! We are considering incumbents President Shanell Williams and Vice President Temprano. The challengers are Aliya Chisti and Han Zou.


To read the candidates questionnaires: https://www.aft2121.org/2020-2/ Password COPE.


To watch the video from the COPE meeting: In the COPE folder above, find the video, when asked for a password, type in #BOT2020

(Deadline, 6/30) Unclaimed checks!

Although the District has provided no explanation, they have confirmed to AFT that they have a list of many unclaimed paychecks that are still available. If your name appears on this list you can still claim your checks until June 30, 2020. Fill out the check request form and submit to Angelina Yau ayau@ccsf.edu (415-452-7787).

Bargaining update: Open bargaining and more

Our next budget meeting with the District will be July 1. We don’t know what the District will propose in light of the improved state financial picture. This is what AFT 2121 President Malaika Finkelstein told the Board of Trustees last week:

“State funding will be stabilized. We’ve already taken the giant gut-punch of 200 layoffs to save the college money. We would expect at this point that the District would not come to us with talk of more cuts or concessions. We would expect the conversation would be about how to build and start bringing back those 200 faculty members, their classes, and their students.”

And if administration does propose more cuts or concessions? We’ll listen, gather information we can use to protect our bottom line, and let our members know immediately.

If we do have to go back to the table, bargaining sessions will be open! We would still have to negotiate about the details. But so far:

  • We’ll use a zoom webinar format, like the Board of Trustees meetings.– Bargaining will be open to AFT 2121 members but not to the general public.
  • If you’re not sure if you’re an AFT 2121 member, you can become a member by filling out a membership form.
  • In addition to our open sessions, we will also have smaller budget meetings that will be closed. This is similar to what we did in our last contract negotiation, where we had open bargaining sessions and closed budget meetings.

(7/16) SF Schools & Communities First Kickoff and Phone Bank!

As our city, state, and nation stand up for equity, there has never been a better time to fight to bring resources back to our communities. That is why we are kicking off our efforts here in SF to ensure Schools and Communities First passes this November. Join us on July 16th from 5-7:30pm for our virtual kickoff rally and phone bank to ensure our city shows up!

Register here: https://bit.ly/sfscfphonebank

Call on Mayor Breed and SF Supes to establish the Workforce Education Recovery Fund for CCSF

Our ability to maintain our programs, including the vital training our City’s residents need to get back to work in the wake of COVID-19, is in serious jeopardy. And the scarcity brought on by COVID-19 means that now, more than ever, we need to fight to ensure that our City College has adequate funding to help with the economic recovery of San Francisco and to continue to serve the marginalized communities in our City.

AFT 2121, in collaboration with Supervisor Gordon Mar, the CCSF Chancellor, Board of Trustees, elected Student Leaders, and community allies are working to establish the Workforce Education & Recovery Fund (WERF). If established, the WERF would provide vital funding for CCSF to continue the essential job training it provides for San Francisco and the Bay Area, for social justice and equity classes, and to expand wraparound services for enrollment, counseling, academic support, and job placement for low income students and students of color.

But, in order to make WERF real we need the support of San Francisco Supervisors and Mayor Breed! Now is the time to push. Call on Mayor Breed and the SF Board of Supervisors to establish the Workforce Education Recovery Fund to protect essential services provided at City College.


WERF social media shorts

Check out the videos we’re sharing on social media below from speakers at our WERF townhall earlier this month talking about how CCSF helps people get jobs!

Posted in E-news Archives

(6/25) Public Comment at BOT | (6/30) Tax the Rich Car Caravan

(6/25) BOT meeting

It’s Board Meeting week once again! We’ll be there to tell the BOT that in light of the new state budget situation, CCSF should revise its own budget plan. We can keep classes open while still paying employees and sticking to the commitments in the third year of our contract. Don’t shrink our college!

We’re also going to ask the BOT to continue advocating for WERF funding to bring in resources that can help us recover and keep the community in community college.

Thursday 6/25, 4:00 pm
Zoom: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/91087687556
Phone: (669) 900-6833
ID: 910 8786 7556

Public comment will be near the beginning, after approval of the agenda. Here’s what they say about public comment:

Requests to make public comment must be submitted in advance, no later than 30 minutes before the start of the meeting via email to: publiccomment@ccsf.edu. At the appropriate time you will be unmuted and allowed to speak. Comments are limited to 2 minutes.

Please submit the following information:

1. Name
2. Meeting Name and Date
3. Agenda Item Number
4. Phone number if you are participating by phone.

See you there!

(6/30) Join us for Tax the Billionaires Car Caravan in San Francisco.

We are meeting at the REI Parking Lot in San Francisco at 840 Brannan Street on Tuesday June 30th at 9:15 am.

We need to address the obscene racial and economic inequalities that exist. We need to protect our public schools and community services. Resources are needed to do that. While millions have been thrown of out work and many of us still working have been burdened with more demands from work, California billionaires have actually MADE money during the pandemic.

Since the COVID-19 shelter-in-place in March California’s 161 billionaires have increased their net worth by $141 billion! San Francisco’s Facebook founder Mark Zuckerbeg alone has seen his wealth increase $32 billion!

It is time for the Governor and the legislature to make taxing the billionaires a central part of California’s recovery.


Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at aft@aft2121.org.

Please post, distribute, and otherwise share this information
with interested colleagues who may not be receiving emails.

Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from AFT 2121, please click here.

Posted in E-news Archives, News

Concession bargaining | Teach online training | Interim Chancellor | More…

Reminder: Training to teach online

Most of our classes will be online in Fall 2020. If you do not get trained, you may not be able to teach.

  • Faculty will be paid for this training.
  • It will be paid and reported on the August paycheck, as if it happened in August.
  • For details, see our June 15th article.

You should have received a letter in your ccsf.edu email from Cynthia Dewar, with a link to sign up for training. (Contact Cynthia Dewar, cdewar@ccsf.edu) If you have a teaching assignment for Fall 2020, sign up now. If you get an assignment later, sign up as soon as you get the assignment.

Help get the word out! If you know colleagues who might not see their ccsf.edu email, please let them know.

Governor and Legislature reach budget deal

By now many of you have probably seen news about the state budget deal reached between the Legislature and the Governor. Multiple articles and sources within CFT (the California Federation of Teachers, our state affiliate union) report that the deal mitigates the substantial cuts to education that the Governor had originally proposed in May.

More details on how the agreement will impact community colleges are available here. Basically, education funding is stabilized with relief stemming from “deferrals” which are effectively IOUs from the state. That presents a challenge for districts struggling with cash flow, but this plan still represents a real improvement over cuts. We are cautiously optimistic and look forward to seeing the details of the final agreement which is scheduled for release Thursday or Friday of this week.

Once final details are available, our AFT 2121 budget team and the CFT research department will be looking closely at the state budget agreement and its implications for CCSF’s budget. In the meantime, as AFT works to analyze and apply this new information, any potential concessions bargaining is on hold.

Stayed tuned!

Concessions/wage freeze update: Stay tuned for open bargaining

Our AFT Bargaining team and the District were scheduled to meet and discuss budget information Monday afternoon. The District instead postponed that meeting until July 1st.

Without additional information, the AFT Bargaining team cannot engage with the District in any conversation about concessions. Therefore, potential concessions bargaining is on hold until further notice. As such, the District must continue to operate under the terms of the contract unless/until something else is negotiated.

We will update you regularly as this continues to unfold.

In the meantime please fill out the most recent bargaining survey.

Interim Chancellor appointed

Yesterday the Board announced the appointment of interim Chancellor, Rajen Vurdien. Trustee Williams stated in the District’s announcement that Dr. Vurdien has “more than 30 years in higher education, predominantly in California community colleges. His progression to the presidency began with more than a decade as a full-time university and community college faculty member (including reading faculty at Long Beach City College) and culminated as superintendent-president at Pasadena City College, where he retired February 2019.” Yes, you read that correctly, this will be the second time he succeeds Mark Rocha as the head of a major CA community college.

Our AFT representative on the hiring committee, Adele Failes-Carpenter, offered the following about Dr. Vurdien, “the recent search indicated that those with accomplished records and lifelong commitments to public higher education believe in the importance and capacity of our college, just as we do. Dr. Vurdien stands out as someone with a high regard for transparency and a strong record of having worked meaningfully with campus constituencies to navigate challenging circumstances–skills and experience that will benefit CCSF during this period.”

While we hope this appointment indicates a positive step for our college, we also cannot relax. We invite Dr. Vurdien to work with us in good faith. We look forward to forging a transparent and collaborative relationship that can begin to repair years of damage by rogue administrations, face current difficulties, and restore the keep the community in community college values of our mission.

Dr. Vurdien reports for duty July 1st.


Support undocumented CCSF students!

In collaboration with Project Dream and Students Making a Change and in honor of the Supreme Court victory blocking Trump’s ability to end DACA, we want to AGAIN lift up this local fund to support our undocumented students. We have ONLY RAISED $3000 FOR OUR UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS. This is our second appeal for your support – please make a donation today!

These funds will be used to assist undocumented students through gift cards to address food insecurity.

Posted in E-news Archives

CCSF needs your help: Call on Mayor Breed and SF Supes to establish the Workforce Education Recovery Fund for CCSF

As the COVID-19 outbreak drives us further into a public health and economic crisis, CCSF faculty, students, and staff continue working to provide what is needed to serve San Francisco during this difficult time. The scarcity brought on by COVID-19 means that now, more than ever, we will need to fight to ensure that our City College has adequate funding to help with the economic recovery of San Francisco and to continue to serve the marginalized communities in our City.

Our ability to maintain our programs, including the vital training our City’s residents need to get back to work in the wake of COVID-19, is in serious jeopardy. Along with chronic underfunding and the current pandemic, re-structuring at the college catalyzed by enrollment loss during the accreditation crisis, the new State “Student Centered Funding Formula” has caused the loss of over 600 City College classes since 2017. Without more funding, CCSF will lose at least 1,000 more classes in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 alone. Programs affected include whole workforce training programs and departments, social justice and equity programs and vital student support services.

AFT 2121, in collaboration with Supervisor Gordon Mar, the CCSF Chancellor, Board of Trustees, elected Student Leaders, and community allies, have introduced legislation at City Hall to establish the Workforce Education & Recovery Fund (WERF). If established, the WERF would provide vital funding for CCSF to continue the essential job training it provides for San Francisco and the Bay Area, for social justice and equity classes, and to expand wraparound services for enrollment, counseling, academic support, and job placement for low income students and students of color.

But, in order to make WERF real we need the support of San Francisco Supervisors and Mayor Breed! Now is the time to push. Please sign and share this petition.

Call on Mayor Breed and the SF Board of Supervisors to establish the Workforce Education Recovery Fund to protect essential services provided at City College.

Sign the petition.


Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at weareallccsf@gmail.com.

You’re on our list because you’ve expressed concern and care for CCSF.
Click the link below if you’d like to unsubscribe.

Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from AFT 2121, please click here.
Posted in E-news Archives

Unclaimed checks | Return to instruction | Training to teach online | Juneteenth Actions

(Deadline, 6/30) Unclaimed checks!

Although the District has provided no explanation, they have confirmed to AFT that they have a list of many unclaimed paychecks that are still available. If your name appears on this list you can still claim your checks until June 30, 2020. Fill out the check request form and submit to Angelina Yau ayau@ccsf.edu (415-452-7787).

Return to instruction

We’re getting a lot of questions and concerns about fall in-person instruction. AFT has been attending the college’s “return to instruction task force”, so we thought we could help clarify.

In spite of the message administration sent out last Wednesday, the task force is not planning or restricting which classes might be in-person based only on department. Instead, chairs have identified individual classes that need to be in-person or partly in-person. The office of instruction is compiling that list of classes. The draft list we’ve seen so far is almost entirely credit classes; it looks that most non-credit information hasn’t yet been processed. The task force asked for the draft list to be made public by the end of last week, with non-credit included. Clearly that has not happened. But eventually administration will update this list and publicize it. When you see it, please keep in mind that decisions are being made by individual class, not simply by department. And what we see will be only a draft. If you need to teach in person and your class isn’t listed, talk to your chair ASAP.

How much we can do in-person depends on health conditions; the college may not be able to provide in-person instruction for every class on the list.

Training to teach online

According to state rules, faculty need formal training to teach online. This was suspended in the Spring 2020 emergency shut-down, but the rules are back in force for Fall 2020. Most of our classes will be online in Fall 2020. In order to teach, we will need training.

The trainers, like all of us, are trying their best to cope in a crisis. We’re all trying to figure this out together.

Training has already begun for instructors who have Fall assignments. But those who don’t yet have assignments have been denied access to the training. Faculty have been angry and worried – what if I get an assignment later? What if I have a late-start class?

Thursday, we met with administration about the impact of the pandemic on our members. Administration made a commitment to provide training for instructors who get assignments. So if you get an assignment later, training will be available. We don’t know exactly when that training will be scheduled, or how the sign-up process will work. But we do know that your concerns and voices helped make this happen.

— If you’ve completed IOTL training in Spring 2019 or later, you are exempt.
— Everyone else will need this training in order to teach online in Fall.
— The training will be counted as load and pay on the August paycheck.
— The training is asynchronous, meaning you can log in at any time within the scheduled window.
— You should have received a letter in your ccsf.edu email from Cynthia Dewar, with a link to sign up for training. (Contact Cynthia Dewar, cdewar@ccsf.edu)

If you have a teaching assignment for Fall 2020, and you’re not already approved through IOTL, sign up now! If you get an assignment later, sign up later!

(Friday, 6/19) Juneteenth: March & Oakland Port Shutdown

Friday, June 19th
10am: Rally @ the Port of Oakland
1pm: Rally @ Oscar Grant Plaza

END systemic racism, STOP police terror, and STOP the privatization of the Port of Oakland!

Join ILWU Locals 10, 34, 75, and 91 for a day of solidarity and resistance in Oakland as they close 29 West Coast ports and march from the Port of Oakland to Oakland City Hall.

The people of this country demand an end to the racist violence that claimed the lives of Brother George Floyd and so many others!

RSVP & share on Facebook!

(Friday, 6/19) Juneteenth: Rally for Black Lives

Friday, June 19th
SF City Hall

Join Coleman Advocates & the Movement 4 Black Lives in takeing action to #defendblacklives, #defundpolice from city and school budgets and invest in our Black and most underserved communities!

Check Coleman’s FB for updates.

Posted in E-news Archives

Concessions bargaining update

Our AFT 2121 Bargaining team had an initial meeting with administration on Tuesday to begin sharing information about the finances. No proposals were made.

The District had originally asked us to settle everything by 6/11. But the state Legislature has indicated a desire to protect education from the massive cuts proposed by the Governor in May, meaning that the Legislature’s June 15th budget could result in an improvement to CCSF’s current budget projections. So the District agreed to create new budget projections after the state budget comes out. Our next session with them will be on 6/22, and nothing will be decided before that.

The District is asking that all labor groups including AFT 2121 make a collective sacrifice to prevent further program cuts and layoffs in the face of this crisis. We are fighting to ensure that any such sacrifice protects our members and our college. So with many difficult decisions ahead, we have been working with our members (you) to identify our collective negotiations priorities.

You saw an earlier survey about potential priorities. But since then, the District has dramatically changed their proposal, and members have come forward with more ideas. Even if you already filled out the previous one, please take a moment to fill out this new survey.

Members have also been asking about the process.

  • We are not reopening the whole contract. We’re only negotiating about this one proposal.

  • Our team is a combination of new leadership with members of the previously elected team: Alayna Fredricks, David Pieper, Dayna Holz, Doug Orr, John Carrese, Malaika Finkelstein, Mary Bravewoman, and Wendy Owens.

  • We will propose open negotiations so that union members can observe.

  • If we’re able to come to a tentative agreement, we’ll take it first to our AFT 2121 Executive Board. If the Executive Board recommends it to membership, we’ll hold an online vote of all members to make a final decision.

  • If we cannot reach an agreement, administration could impose program cuts and layoffs.






Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from AFT 2121, please click here.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

(6/10, 11am) CCSF Town Hall: Path to Jobs and Recovery | Support Project Dream, Students Making a change


As the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect our economy, and the outcry for racial justice grows stronger, CCSF is fighting for resources to help with the economic recovery of San Francisco and to continue to serve the marginalized communities in our City. AFT 2121, in collaboration with Supervisor Gordon Mar, the CCSF Chancellor, Board of Trustees, students, and community, is moving forward with the Workforce Education & Recovery Fund. The WERF will provide vital funding for CCSF to continue the essential job training it provides for San Francisco and the Bay Area, for social justice and equity classes, and to expand wraparound services for enrollment, counseling, academic support, and job placement for low income students and students of color.

Join us tomorrow at 11am for a virtual Town Hall about WERF featuring CCSF Trustees, faculty, employers, alumni, and students who will talk about the opportunities CCSF has given to them–from career technical education to English as a second language classes, and why in this moment of crisis we must properly fund our CCSF!

Information to join:

Topic: Town Hall: City College–Path to Jobs & Recovery
Time: Jun 10, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/95789717812
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +16699006833,95789717812#  or +12532158782,95789717812#


The CCSF undocumented student community faces obstacles to education on a daily basis, such as financial barriers, food and housing insecurity, lack of resources and opportunities, and stress and anxiety due to fear of deportation and uncertainty of the future of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified these obstacles, with many facing unemployment and unable to receive federal funding due to their immigration status.
In collaboration with Project Dream and Students Making a Change, we would like to ask for your help in supporting these students in their time of need. These funds will be used to assist undocumented students through gift cards to address food insecurity.
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595