Having tech issues? Tell the Chancellor | Let’s win Prop 15

Are Canvas and Zoom working very well for you? Let Chancellor Vurdien know.

Chancellor Vurdien told PGC Thursday that his understanding is that after the initial problems, Canvas and Zoom are now working “very well.” He explained that this information came to him from the Vice-Chancellors.
Are Canvas and Zoom working very well for you? If not, let Chancellor Vurdien know on this form. The form automatically reports directly to him and to AFT.

Advocating for Schools and Communities First (Prop 15)

Schools and Communities First (Prop 15) is a statewide restoration of property taxes for huge companies that, if passed in November, will bring around $11 billion every year for local communities, nearly 1 billion to SF, around $20 million each year to CCSF.
Over the summer we have been working with SF rising to hold big, successful, and fun virtual phone banks for Schools and Communities and we’re excited to continue the momentum!
Please sign up for Prop 15 events to help us win for our communities!

(9/7) Labor Day Actions for Prop 15!

San Francisco

Labor Day is time to FIGHT BACK against some of our city’s worst COVID-19 corporate villains: Marriott’s St. Regis hotel, Lyft corporate headquarters, and the SF Giants’ Oracle Park. Cosponsored by SEIU, SF Labor Council, and Local 2.

MARCH: Assemble at Yerba Buena Park at 3:45pm
CAR CARAVAN: Meet at Yerba Buena Park in front of St. Patrick Church at 3:45pm

RSVP and more info.


Co-sponsored by East Bay DSA, the Oakland Education Association, and UAW Local 2865, the event will begin at Oakland Tech High School at 10 am, where we will briefly hear from Trent Willis (ILWU Local 10) and Keith Brown (OEA) and organize the car/bike caravan.

We will proceed down Broadway around 10:45, with the radio broadcast explaining Prop 15 and its relationship to properties you are passing on either side. We will circle the block at 12th and Broadway to shame the Oakland Chamber of Commerce for its opposition to Prop 15, with speakers Liz Ortega-Toro of the Alameda Labor Council and Carroll Fife, candidate for Oakland City Council, in front of the 1333 Broadway building, and then head out 14th to Lake Merritt. Turning left, we will then head along the lake, continuing right on Grand, where we will split into smaller car groups and go to “human billboard” with Prop 15 signs and banners for 90 minutes on freeway overpasses. We will end by 1 pm.  
If you have questions give AFT 2121 member Fred Glass a call (510-579-3343). Please RSVP for the event here. We look forward to seeing you on September 7.
Posted in E-news Archives


At the September 2, 2020 COPE meeting we met with the four candidates for the Board of Education (Kevine Boggess, Commissioner Jenny Lam, Board President Mark Sanchez and Matt Alexander.) All four have earned the endorsement of our sibling union UESF.

We also debated a resolution brought to us by member Harry Bernstein to rescind an endorsement of a CCSF candidate.

All AFT 2121 members may cast a vote on these two decisions by visiting: https://surveyhero.com/c/70a4b042. Polls will be open until 5pm, September 3, 2020.

All COPE related materials including resolutions and candidate statements can always be found by navigating to the AFT 2121 COPE page:

Posted in News

Faculty VM disconnected | COPE & DA | Prop 15

Faculty voice-mail disconnected

Some faculty who don’t have offices use what the college calls “virtual” phone numbers – voice-mail only lines. We have just learned that some of these lines were housed at Gough St., and have been disconnected in the move. We’re not sure exactly when this happened, but it seems to have been shortly before Fall semester began. Faculty were not notified. Students were left with no way to reach us at the worst possible time.

If you have a virtual phone number, call it and check to make sure it’s working.

IT is aware of this problem and can create new virtual numbers to replace the old ones. They ask that anyone affected contact the helpdesk. And as always, you can fill out AFT’s tech reporting form. It automatically sends a report directly to the chancellor, so he can see what’s going on in our college.

Upcoming COPE and DA meetings, D11 Endorsement

Last week, AFT 2121 members attending our COPE meeting heard from the two candidates running for District 11 Supervisor: Supervisor Asha Safai and John Avalos and voted to endorse John Avalos for District 11 Supervisor.

Please plan to attend our upcoming DA and COPE meetings.

  • AFT 2121 COPE MEETING, WEDNESDAY, 9/2, 5pm
    1. Call to order and welcome
    2. SFUSD Board of Education endorsements (30 mins)
    3. Motion to reconsider endorsement of an endorsed candidate proposed by member Harry Bernstein
    4. Contributions to endorsed candidates, 5 minutes

    To attend go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83549777239?pwd=OGVyaThOcExiZHZ5VWYramdSYkNmdz09 OR call 1-669-900-6833 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 835 4977 7239 and Password: 006109

You can read questionnaires and issue summaries we’ve received in 2020 by entering the password COPE on the COPE page of our AFT 2121 website. To ensure that all members can cast a vote, we will send out an online ballot after each meeting. The ballots will be open for 24 hours following the COPE meetings.

Advocating for Schools and Communities First (Prop 15)

Schools and Communities First (Prop 15) is a statewide restoration of property taxes for huge companies that, if passed in November, will bring around $11 billion every year for local communities, nearly 1 billion to SF, around $20 million each year to CCSF.

On Thurs. 7/16 we had a huge, successful and fun first virtual phone bank for Schools and Communities and we’re excited to continue the momentum! We are working with SF Rising to hold more advocacy events.

Please sign up for events to help us win for our communities!
Posted in E-news Archives

Affirmative Action Task Force Video | CFT statement on Police Shooting of Jacob Blake

The AFT 2121 Affirmative Action Task Force (AATF) has been working in support of the African American (AFAM) Studies Department and our African-American students. At this particular moment in our historical context the need is more urgent than ever for City College of San Francisco to demonstrate a commitment to African American students. Learn more by watching the AATF’s 9-minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9C4hf-aYHs

CFT President Jeff Freitas Statement on  Police Shooting of Jacob Blake and the Harassment of California Teacher Supporting Black Lives Matter at School

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today CFT issued the following statement from President Jeff Freitas:

“Educators and classified professionals will not be silent in the face of racism, brutality, and the murder of Black lives by the police who are supposed to protect them.

“We will not tolerate a justice system so unbalanced that the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor or paralyzed Jacob Blake still have not been arrested. We will actively work to defeat anti-Black racism because our country is better than what we, once again, witnessed this week, as a 17 year old white youth took to the streets and murdered those engaged in our most sacred right — civil and peaceful protest.

“Here in California, one of our fellow educators who was working to create anti-racist curricula for the classroom had to flee her home under threat of death for her role in supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. Whether we teach math or social studies, educators and classified professionals need to be able to teach about racial and social justice without threats, harassment, bullying, or scare-tactics and have the support and protection of their administration.  

“Today we mourn the loss of innocent life, and we support each and every school employee who continues to do the important work of teaching about racial and social justice while shouldering a heavy burden in the wake of these events.  

“CFT unequivocally stands with educators and classified professionals who are fully dedicated to our students inside and outside the classroom. We call for systemic and sweeping changes to a criminal justice system that truly fulfills the promise of innocent until proven guilty — regardless of the color of our skin. And we stand behind educators doing the critical work of teaching anti-racist curriculum in their classrooms because BLACK LIVES MATTER.”

The California Federation of Teachers represents 120,000 teachers, faculty, and school employees in public and private schools and colleges, from early childhood through higher education. It is the statewide affiliate of the AFT. More information at www.cft.org.

Posted in E-news Archives

Vote now: Who will AFT 2121 endorse for District 11 Supervisor?

Today, the Committee on Public Education of the American Federation of Teachers heard from the two candidates running for District 11 Supervisor: Supervisor Asha Safai and John Avalos. It was an engaging conversation that demonstrated the good work both have done to support CCSF.

The polls are open until 12 Noon on Friday 8/28.

Posted in E-news Archives

(8/27) BOT Meeting: SOS! Save Our School! | (8/26) Bargaining listening session: Noncredit & Canvas

(8/27) BOT meeting: SOS! Save Our School!

It’s Back to School, and Back to the Board of Trustees Meeting we go! Students and faculty were eager for the semester to start, only to find so many tech complications and barriers that students were “locked out” of their online classrooms.

CCSF Board of Trustees meeting
Thursday 8/27, 4:00 pm
Zoom: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/96314558242
Phone: 415 762 9988
ID: 963 1455 8242

What are we demanding and what should I say?
You can direct your comments to items not on the agenda and/or to agenda item number 6E “Update on California Community College Chancellor’s Office Call for Action on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”  

A stated goal in the draft Accreditation Midterm Report is to close achievement gaps in basic skills. The report admits that students’ economic situations are the most formidable barrier preventing transition to credit, followed by a need for more information more frequently (pgs 25-28). Yet, at this moment our most vulnerable students are blocked from registering for the college, signing up for classes, and attending their online classes even when they are signed up. This is an equity issue for both credit and noncredit students. 

We’re calling on the BOT and Administration to stand up for our loyal, hard-working and dedicated students who just need more time and support to become oriented and acclimated to online/remote education. SOS! Save Our School!

To do this we need:

  • Multilingual support staff to be able to guide students new to remote and online learning, in a timely manner.
  • More time for classes to run. Don’t cut classes that enrolled students have struggled to attend because of tech issues!
  • A lower class size minimum.
  • Printed schedules, paper mailings and multilingual posters and signs on all campuses with information about how to register.
  • Classes and programs to be “held harmless” in terms of enrollment management.
  • Communication! Tell us where to refer our students and where to report problems.

See you there!

How to format your public comment:
Public comment will be near the beginning, after approval of the agenda. Here’s what the BOT website says about public comment:


Requests to make public comment must be submitted in advance, no later than 30 minutes before the start of the meeting via email to: publiccomment@ccsf.edu or by phone to: 669.444.1266. At the appropriate time you will be unmuted and allowed to speak. Comments are limited to 2 minutes.

Please submit the following information:

1. Name
2. Meeting Name and Date
3. Agenda Item Number
4. Phone number if you are participating by phone.

(8/26) Impacts bargaining listening session: Noncredit & canvass

Our COVID impacts bargaining continues. This Friday we and plan to bargain over impacts on noncredit and the Canvas meltdown. Please join our listening session to help us shape our proposals to the District.

Tell us about how this transition to online/remote teaching has been going so far. We want to know your thoughts and observations. What’s working? What’s not working? What are your students saying?

COVID impacts bargaining listening session: Noncredit & Canvas 

Wednesday, 8/26, 3pm
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85420865085?pwd=eUhOU0NDc3o0RVJDUnArM1IwT1IyZz09
Phone: 669 900 6833
ID: 854 2086 5085
Password: 860217

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

(8/25, 8/27, 9/2) All AFT 2121 members invited to our upcoming DA and COPE meetings

Please plan to attend our upcoming DA and COPE meetings.

  • AFT 2121 COPE MEETING, TUESDAY, 8/25, 1:30pm
    1. Call to order and welcome
    2. Schools and Community First Action Plan
    3. Public Banking (California), 20 minutes
    4. Revised Social Housing proposal, 20 minutes
    5. Introduction of resolution for 9/2, 5 minutes
    6. Contributions to endorsed candidates, 5 minutes

    To attend go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85472694916?pwd=VzVpTUFNOTR3NWltUHVOeGxkNjJyZz09 OR call 1-669-900-6833 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 854 7269 4916 and Password: 324993

  • AFT 2121 COPE MEETING, THURSDAY, 8/27, 11am
    1. Call to order and welcome
    2. District 11 (Supervisor Ahsha Safai and John Avalos) endorsements 45 minutes
    3. Contributions to endorsed candidates, 5 minutes

    To attend go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89692207084?pwd=ZzkyaHk1Y0V6TC85bkNDYkxHNVNvUT09  OR call 1-669-900-6833 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 896 9220 7084 and Password: 576080

  • AFT 2121 COPE MEETING, WEDNESDAY, 9/2, 5pm
    1. Call to order and welcome
    2. SFUSD Board of Education endorsements (30 mins)
    3. Motion to reconsider previous endorsement proposed by member Harry Bernstein
    4. Contributions to endorsed candidates, 5 minutes

    To attend go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83549777239?pwd=OGVyaThOcExiZHZ5VWYramdSYkNmdz09 OR call 1-669-900-6833 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 835 4977 7239 and Password: 006109

You can read questionnaires and issue summaries we’ve received in 2020 by entering the password COPE on the COPE page of our AFT 2121 website. To ensure that all members can cast a vote, we will send out an online ballot after each meeting. The ballots will be open for 48 hours following the COPE meetings.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595