Mobilizations for our endorsed propositions and condidates

AFT 2121 guide for voting

Please view our AFT 2121 Print and Vote Guide for a list of CFT, AFT 2121, and Labor Council endorsements. Want to volunteer for an AFT 2121 endorsed campaign? Contact us at:


Ballot Measures:

The local Labor Movement’s priorities for this election are winning on several ballot measures critical to the future of public education and working people. We are asking every AFT 2121 member to take a phone or text bank shift to win State Propositions 1516 and defeat 22. We will also be getting out the word for progressive revenue measures on the local ballot.


  • Join the San Francisco Labor Council Phone Bank. This is an opportunity to work with our union siblings for a better California.

  • Join upcoming AFT 2121 phone banks calling union members and socially distant lit drops for Proposition 15 and 16 by emailing

  • We have been working with SF rising to hold big, successful, and fun virtual phone banks calling CA voters for Prop 15. Please sign up for Prop 15 events to help us win for our communities!




  • Socially distanced lit drop and mobilizations:
    Westmoor Park Sunday 9/20 11am Mariposa Ave and Del Prado Drive.
    Parkside Square Saturday 26th and Vicente 9/19 11AM.


  • Virtual phone bank:
    Wednesday September 30th, 6pm Please email to RSVP and get the zoom link.


  • Socially distant lit drop with labor siblings, IFTPE 21, SEIU 1021 and NUHW
    Sunday October 4th at 10 AM, at Balboa Park at Havelock and San Jose.
  • Virtual Phonebank
    M-F 4-8PM and Sat and Sun 12-4 PM. Here’s the zoom link to join!

Are you voting for Prop 15?

Add your name to our commitment card for Prop 15: Schools & Communities First!

Prop 15 will reclaim billions every year for our schools, community colleges, and essential local services in EVERY county by fixing broken tax laws that allow big corporations to skip on paying their fair share. This is why we want to know, will you be voting YES on Prop 15 this November?

And if you’re as excited for Prop 15 as we are, sign up to phone bank to let voters know it’s YES on 15 this November! Use this link:

Posted in E-news Archives

Bargaining update: Evaluations

Faculty have been telling us that they’re worried about this semester’s evaluation process. In this crisis environment, how can we do evaluations that are useful, fair, and supportive? How can we make sure evaluations are true professional development? We’ve taken input and ideas from many faculty already, and everyone is saying the same things: Evaluations should help us do our work. Evaluations should be compassionate to us and to our students.

Evaluations are driven by faculty, so it’s up to us to take the lead. AFT 2121, in consultation with the Academic Senate, negotiates our evaluation process. As part of COVID Impacts bargaining, our bargaining team is currently working on a formal proposal for evaluations during crisis distance learning. It will provide fair and appropriate criteria, and a process that doesn’t overburden our struggling departments.

Some evaluation committees have already been formed, but administration has given virtually no direction. Some people are trying to go ahead and get work done. Here are a few things we advise for now:

● If possible, hold off until we have appropriate criteria.

● Departments can create smaller committees. Article 9.B.2.1.2 allows tenured faculty to be evaluated by 2-person committees “based on departmental workload.”

● Many faculty have requested postponement of evaluation.

● Choosing self-evaluation can help your co-workers.

● TDE classes, created as an emergency measure with only 8 hours of canvas training, are NOT the same as fully-certified online education. We cannot use distance education criteria for TDE. Those criteria were not designed for a situation like this.

● Be flexible and work with evaluatees to provide meaningful but compassionate reviews while we all strive to adapt in this remote working environment.

If you missed out on giving us input in our recent listening session, please share your concerns or two cents here.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Take the pledge: COVID crisis learning and the virtual campuses our non credit students deserve!

AFT 2121 is excited to ask you to join us and San Francisco Supervisors Mar, Ronen, Peskin, and Walton in signing on to our vision for protecting access, community, and equity in crisis distance learning for our non-credit students during the COVID crisis. 

We are asking the CCSF Chancellor to create a framework for intentionally supporting the most marginalized students in our school community. We are focusing our lens on the needs of non-credit students who are facing huge challenges in completing their studies right now; complicated home/work schedules, lack of technology and internet, lack of multi-lingual support and lengthy registration processes continue to be barriers to enrollment. We believe that focus on attending to the needs of the most vulnerable will benefit all students at CCSF.

Non-credit does not mean non-essential, as many of our students need these classes to make gains in their lives. Non-credit courses include English as Second Language, Adult Basic Education (Literacy, remedial Math, Credit Recovery, U.S. Constitution) and many job certification programs. Many non-credit students are also essential workers in senior care, childcare, janitorial, construction, food service, grocery and delivery. Classes also prepare them for entering credit programs.

Let’s face it—these are challenging times. This crisis moment has laid bare all of the places where institutions are weak in their support for their most vulnerable constituents.

Non-credit programs have always been designed from an equity stance to support student success by “meeting the students where they are” in free classes with flexible schedules in neighborhood campuses. When the COVID crisis first hit, our school’s teachers recognized the lack of institutional support for non-credit students in remote learning, and came together to provide remote instruction with the needs of students in mind: flexibility and ease of access.

We are excited to build on the successes we’ve had in reaching hard to reach students—despite the obstacles, but we still have a long way to go to bridge the digital divide. It’s time to take stock of how far we’ve come and what work we still need to do. We’re ready and we need you with us.

Our students deserve inclusive resources and ease of access, whether in face-to-face, or online learning. With thoughtful planning for consistent support structures and routines, we will support all students, from all walks of life, without disruption in their educational pathways—even during these challenging times of crisis distance learning.

Stand with us and support our vision! It will only take 2 minutes of your time.

Add your voice in support of students with the most needs during this pandemic and economic crisis:

Posted in E-news Archives

COPE & DA | Voter guide | Student forum for BOT candidates | Pledge yes on Prop 15

AFT 2121 guide for voting

Please view our AFT 2121 Print and Vote Guide for a list of CFT, AFT 2121, and Labor Council endorsements. Want to volunteer for an AFT 2121 endorsed campaign? Contact us at:


Upcoming COPE and DA meetings

Please plan to attend our upcoming DA and COPE meetings.

AFT 2121 COPE MEETING, TUESDAY, 9/22, 1:30pm


  1. Proposition C, Removing Citizenship Requirements for Members of City Bodies
  2. Proposition D, Sheriff Oversight
  3. Proposition J, SFUSD Parcel Tax
  4. Jobs WIth Justice Green New Deal Campaign
  5. Contributions to endorsed candidates measures and coalitions.

To attend go to OR call 1-669-900-6833 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 875 0346 6273 and Password: 080340

To ensure that all members can cast a vote, we will send out an online ballot after each meeting. The ballots will be open for 24 hours following the COPE meetings. All COPE related materials including resolutions and candidate statements can always be found by navigating to the AFT 2121 COPE page:


To attend go to

OR call 1-669-900-6833 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 875 0346 6273 and Password: 080340

Student organized forum for BOT candidates

Students from the Black Student Union, CCSF Interdisciplinary Dept, Facilities Committee, CCSF Collective, the student trustee, and others have joined together to host:

BOT Candidates Forum
9/23 6 – 8pm
Meeting ID: 836 8718 6524

Are you voting for Prop 15?

Add your name to our commitment card for Prop 15: Schools & Communities First!

Prop 15 will reclaim billions every year for our schools, community colleges, and essential local services in EVERY county by fixing broken tax laws that allow big corporations to skip on paying their fair share. This is why we want to know, will you be voting YES on Prop 15 this November?

And if you’re as excited for Prop 15 as we are, sign up to phone bank to let voters know it’s YES on 15 this November! Use this link:
Posted in E-news Archives

Bargaining Update: Non-Credit Reprieve | WERF update

Bargaining Update: Non-Credit Reprieve

We have good news we’d like to share. Please read on or check out our new bargaining video.

  • Non-credit classes will continue while administration is considering a proposal to allow attendance reporting outside of canvas. This is a temporary reprieve, and we don’t know how long it’ll last. But no cuts for now!
  • Faculty working in-person will earn sick leave at 1 ½ x their normal rate for the in-person assignment.
  • Administration will call for Voluntary Sick Leave Bank contributions. This is your chance to join VSLB, so look for the notice in your email, coming up soon.
  • Back in August, we won a major breakthrough on medical insurance. Faculty are now able to keep their insurance for Fall 2020, even if they’ve lost load. If you’re working right now, your benefits should just continue. You don’t have to do anything. If you’re eligible, but you’re not working right now, you should have received a letter from HR with information about how to sign up. If you haven’t received it, contact HR immediately.

Impacts bargaining will continue. We’re also getting ready for the November election.

Please join our efforts to advocate for Prop 15, which could bring in $20 million per year in stable funding for our college. You can support our joint efforts with SF Rising by signing up here.

WERF update

Over the past two years, AFT 2121 has been organizing to win the Workforce Education Recovery Fund. When finally created, WERF will help bring City money to support City College of San Francisco’s fund the restoration of classes and provide direct student support.

We have made strides towards establishing a small WERF pilot project and we will keep organizing to expand the fund. Check out our WERF update video to learn more.

Posted in E-news Archives

Evals listening session | Macy workers on strike | Free legal assistance | Prop 15: Take the pledge

(9/10, 10am) Reminder: Evaluations listening session

The District is moving forward with faculty evaluations as if times are normal — there is no pandemic, we are meeting in-person and everyone – students and faculty – smoothly transitioned into the current educational paradigm. But, in fact, nothing is normal.

Join us for our next listening session on Thursday, September 10th @ 10am where we will be discussing the realities of delivering instruction, counseling, and library services and developing our collective vision of faculty evaluations during a global public health crisis.

To attend go to OR call 1-669-900-6833 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 883 5984 5876 and Password: 868017

Support Macy’s workers on strike now!

Thank you to all who came out to various Labor Day Actions! It was a great success with 500 folks out on the street calling out bad corporate actors. Check out some of the coverage here.

Now we are joining the SF labor council in putting out the call for volunteers to attend a shift on the picket line at Macy’s in support of Stationary Engineers 39. They are on an open-ended strike and need our support. While the CEO of Macy’s received a $9 million bonus, the Stationary Engineers at Macy’s are being paid 20% below market rate and being asked to pay more for their healthcare costs. Join them on the picket line from 11 AM to 7 PM at Macy’s in Union Square every day until the strike is over.

Free legal assistance for Union Workers

The Justice and Diversity Center (JDC) of the Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF), is providing opportunities for union members to receive free legal aid in the fight against COVID-19. They are offering essential planning assistance to front-line workers free of charge during the COVID-19 pandemic, including (1) Incapacity Planning and (2) Estate Planning.

Incapacity planning involves preparation of a financial power of attorney and an advance healthcare directive, and ensures that should one of your members be incapacitated, their financial, medical, and personal matters will be handled in accordance with their wishes.

Estate planning involves assistance with a will and/or trust to bring much-needed clarity on what should be done in the event of one’s passing away.

Sign up:

Are you voting for Prop 15?

Add your name to our commitment card for Prop 15: Schools & Communities First!

Prop 15 will reclaim billions every year for our schools, community colleges, and essential local services in EVERY county by fixing broken tax laws that allow big corporations to skip on paying their fair share. This is why we want to know, will you be voting YES on Prop 15 this November?

And if you’re as excited for Prop 15 as we are, sign up to phone bank to let voters know it’s YES on 15 this November! Use this link:
Posted in E-news Archives

Evaluations: No Business as Usual

The District is moving forward with faculty evaluations as if times are normal — there is no pandemic, we are meeting in-person and everyone – students and faculty – smoothly transitioned into the current educational paradigm. But, in fact, nothing is normal, our students and faculty are experiencing extraordinary challenges and faculty are spending inordinate hours trying to counter registration errors, resolve course connectivity problems, and meet the needs of students, while everyone adjusts to the remote delivery of instruction, counseling, and library services.

To mitigate the burden of new, increased, and shifting duties, AFT 2121 proposed postponing some evaluations, but the District rejected this recommendation and, this week, initiated the evaluation cycle as if it was business as usual. 
Faculty evaluations are a peer-led process, that means we lead the process on behalf of our students. Our faculty are managing delivery of remote crisis education and our students are navigating remote crisis learning. It is up to us to reimagine what evaluations ought to look like during times that couldn’t be farther from “business as usual.” We owe it to our students and to each other.

Join us for our next listening session on Thursday, September 10th @ 10am where we will be discussing the realities of delivering instruction, counseling, and library services and developing our collective vision of faculty evaluations during a global public health crisis.

To attend go to OR call 1-669-900-6833 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 883 5984 5876 and Password: 868017

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

Read about

Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595