RTC planning | Unemployment help | Financial planning day

Return to Campus Planning

CCSF administration is rolling out plans for a limited return to campus. A few classes and services have already been held in-person, and we expect a few more to begin in-person during Spring 2021. While we are hopeful about returning to in-person education, we need to protect the health and safety of employees and students. We also have to make sure that safety protocol does not create extra work for faculty.

If the safety plan isn’t sufficient, or if something goes wrong with implementation of the plan, DO NOT PUT YOURSELF AT RISK. Tell your chair immediately and also report to your precinct rep. AFT 2121 can represent you.

Some faculty cannot return to campus because of your personal circumstances. We’ve negotiated expanded leave options for faculty who need them.

AFT posts all plans and revisions as we receive them. Your precinct rep and your chair also have copies.

As we review these plans, we’ve seen a wide range of conditions. Some plans are excellent and the faculty feel safe and protected. Some have been problematic. In a few cases, the plans are good but implementation is faulty. Meet with your precinct rep to discuss the plans.

We’ve developed a rubric to help evaluate safety. It can be used on reading the plan, during a walkthrough, or later as you’re working. The rubric is a google form, and you can use it to report conditions to AFT 2121. This is separate from feedback you might want to give to your chair, dean, or administrator.

For more details, see our Return to Campus page.

Unemployment Benefits for Winter

Part-timers who don’t have sufficient income from other work are entitled to unemployment benefits over winter break.

  • Even if you’re pretty sure you have an assignment for Spring, you are still eligible. You are considered unemployed until that assignment actually starts, since the assignment isn’t guaranteed.
  • Apply as soon as possible on or after the semester ends (December 18th). Your application is retroactive only to the Sunday of the week in which you apply.
  • When you apply for benefits, you must report your earnings. Remember that all assignments except subbing are now PBL (pay by workload). myRAM paystubs still list hours and hourly rates, but unless you were subbing, those rates are misleading. You were not paid hourly.If your CCSF assignment ends but you still have some work (either from another employer, or a reduced CCSF assignment) you may still be eligible for unemployment. If you’re not sure they’ll consider you unemployed, the best way to find out is to apply.

For detailed information about how to calculate your earnings and apply for unemployment, see the AFT’s unemployment page.

Unemployment & Underemployment During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This webinar is open to all CFT members, and will include updates on unemployment benefits and applications for anyone facing loss of work at the end of 2020.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
(click on a time slot below to register)
Are you losing your job (or losing hours) as a result of the current pandemic? Is someone in your household unemployed or underemployed? In many cases, you may be eligible for benefits you’re not aware of. The expansion of unemployment benefits under the CARES Actand other recent laws are set to expire at the end of 2020. We’ll explain the benefits that have been available this year, and the changes coming in 2021 once current enhancements expire.
This workshop will also demystify the process of applying for unemployment benefits. Learn about requirements of the Employment Development Department (EDD) and the step-by-step process when applying for benefits. This workshop will benefit anyone facing reduced, canceled, or unscheduled work in the present and near future, and those whose households include people experiencing loss of work.
About Our Webinars
When you register to attend this CFT Zoom training, you will receive email confirmation of your registration directly from Zoom. The email will contain the link to join the videoconference from your PC, Mac, iOS or Android device, as well as the phone number if you choose to call in for your audio.  
All upcoming trainings and recordings of past trainings are also available on our website at


Register now for January 2021 Financial Planning Day

The Retiree Chapter of AFT 2121 will be hosting its 12th annual Financial Planning Day virtually this year!

Save the date Jan 14, 2021 8am-2pm, You must register in advance for this meeting.

The event is open to all CCSF union members. Newer AFT 2121 members are encouraged to attend. There will be a variety of morning and afternoon workshops.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Participants needing disability accommodations must contact anvanderslice@gmail.com by January 9.

If you are CCSF faculty but not yet an AFT 2121 member and would like to attend you can fill out the AFT 2121 membership form.  
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COVID impacts bargaining update | 12/15 DA info

(12/15) December Delegate Assembly

All AFT 2121 members are  invited to participate in the last Delegate Assembly of the semester on Tuesday 12/15 from from 3-5pm. Our COPE meeting at 1:30 has been cancelled. Agenda and relevant documents:

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81375305265?pwd=TEJXUFlnd2ZqdUQ4MmE5S3h4N2o0dz09 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #813 7530 5265 and password: 440558.

COVID impacts bargaining update

On Monday in bargaining, we heard a great presentation from AFT 2121 members about the importance of keeping the class size minimum at 15 for Spring. We submitted a proposal to the District to extend the agreement on enrollment from Fall 2020 into Spring 2021. The District was unprepared, but they committed to responding to our proposal by the end of the week.

Our next open bargaining session will be scheduled ASAP. Hope to see you there!

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Join the Bargaining Team | Holiday Party | Financial Planning Day | More…

(Deadline, 12/11/20) Your colleagues need you on the Bargaining Team!

Our Delegate Assembly will elect our bargaining team on Tuesday, 12/15. Your colleagues need you to step up if you’re able! Our team must represent everyone: credit, non-credit, part-time, full-time, counselors, librarians, and instructors!

To be nominated as a candidate collect 20 virtual signatures from your fellow members by Friday, 12/11. Get started here: https://forms.gle/kME2iEy2xQFpzS1k9.

(Save the date, 12/18) AFT 2121 Virtual Holiday Party!

Please save the date and plan to join your colleagues to unwind at the AFT 2121 Holiday Party on Friday 12/18 from 3-5pm. Zoom info and more fun details about activities coming soon!

(Save the date & register, 1/14/21) Financial Planning Day

The Retiree Chapter of AFT 2121 will be hosting its 12th annual Financial Planning Day virtually this year!

Save the date Jan 14, 2021 8:30am-2pm, You must register in advance for this meeting

The event is open to all CCSF AFT members, and newer members are encouraged to attend. There will be a variety of morning and afternoon workshops and information tables. All AFT members (full-time, part-time, active and retired) are invited. If you are not yet a member and would like to attend you can fill out the AFT 2121 membership form.  

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

(LINK UPDATED) Reminder: Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

You should have received a link to mandated Sexual Harassment Training in your ccsf.edu email. College employees are required by state law to complete a one-hour training. AFT 2121 has negotiated that we will be eligible for flex credit for that hour. We need to complete this training by December 31, 2020. We urge you to complete it as soon as you can. If you need help or tech support over winter break, no one will be available at the college to help.
If you have completed the training with another employer, you may be able to submit proof of completion to Stephanie Duncan in HR, sduncan@ccsf.edu. Please see the FAQ from Human Resources for details. (LINK UPDATED)
Like the required TB test, this training serves to protect our college community. As with the TB test, an employee who does not complete the training by the due date is in violation of law, and could be considered insubordinate and subject to discipline.
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Open Bargaining: COVID Impacts | Reminder: Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

Open Bargaining: COVID Impacts

Since March, we’ve been in impact bargaining over the District’s handling of the pandemic. We can’t control the disease itself, but we have a right to a voice in how the District’s decisions affect our pay, hours, and working conditions. This is separate from bargaining over our next contract.

Come support your colleagues at our next open bargaining session: This coming Monday, 12/7 at 3:00. Topics may include the cost of technology to work remotely, benefits for faculty working part-time, and enrollment management.

Reminder: Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

You should have received a link to mandated Sexual Harassment Training in your ccsf.edu email. College employees are required by state law to complete a one-hour training. AFT 2121 has negotiated that we will be eligible for flex credit for that hour. We need to complete this training by December 31, 2020. We urge you to complete it as soon as you can. If you need help or tech support over winter break, no one will be available at the college to help.

If you have completed the training with another employer, you may be able to submit proof of completion to Stephanie Duncan in HR, sduncan@ccsf.edu. Please see the FAQ from Human Resources for details.

Like the required TB test, this training serves to protect our college community. As with the TB test, an employee who does not complete the training by the due date is in violation of law, and could be considered insubordinate and subject to discipline.

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CCSF students participate in fundraiser for typhoon relief efforts in the Philippines3

Anakbayan San Francisco, a youth & CCSF student organization fighting for National Democracy in the Philippines, is hosting an open mic fundraiser to raise funds for typhoon relief efforts in the Philippines. Join them this this Thursday, 12/3 at 7 PM PST for performances by ITM, Amihan, Jibril Alvarez and jxtheo at the open mic and the AFT 2121 Executive Board has endorsed the event! The fundraising goal is $300, and you can help by:

  • Donating $10-20 to @anakbayansf on Venmo
  • Sharing the flier to your networks
  • Attending our open mic fundraiser on 12/3 at 7pm!
If you’d like to donate by other means, you can contact Anakbayan SF at: anakbayansf@gmail.com
Sign up:
To perform: bit.ly/absfopenmic
Anakbayan San Francisco thanks you for your support!
Posted in E-news Archives

Standing up for Evans and Aeronautics faculty | Step up to be on your Bargaining Team

Next steps: Standing up for Aeronautics and Evans faculty

Step up to be on your Bargaining Team

At the last Delegate Assembly reps voted to expand our Contract Bargaining Team! Bargaining team members do more than show up at meetings. Team members research, write, and above all, organize faculty to build the power to win. Bargaining team members are not just important as individuals; oif you’re on the team you are helping to represent yourself and your colleagues. Our union needs a bargaining team that represents the many facets of our bargaining unit – credit, non-credit, part-time, full-time, counselors, librarians, and instructors.

You can make a difference in this work! You can find more details and let us know you’re interested. You will be sent a link to an online petition. To be nominated, collect 20 virtual signatures from your colleagues. All signatures must be in by Friday, 12/11.

Posted in E-news Archives

(11/24) Post election celebration | (12/2) Standing up for Evans and Aeronautics faculty | More…

Post-election celebration and info session


Join us for a post-election mobilization celebration Happy Hour on Tuesday, November 24, 4-6 PM. Although some uncertainty still lingers, it’s important to toast all of our volunteers who worked on phone and text banks, literature distribution, sign posting, and other volunteer work to get out the vote around the city, state and nation!

Please RSVP!

We will:
—Celebrate you and your many hours of work!
—Discuss wins and losses.
—Learn about what the budget climate means for us, and next steps in organizing.
—Find out about ways to plug into the Georgia Senate vote mobilizations.
—Announce raffle prize winners!

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://aft.zoom.us/j/3145027798 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID 314 502 7798.

Next steps: Standing up for Aeronautics and Evans faculty

If you have not done so, please sign the petition urging the CCSF administration to work with officials at SFO to find a location for the program at the airport. 

You can also attend the next community forums to give input directly to the Chancellor, VC Boegel, and Dean Bynum. The next forum is scheduled to be on Wednesday, 12/2, time TBA. This link to the meeting will be: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/91417320080​ and more info will also be posted on the Evans Campus page.



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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

Read about

Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595