Reminder: Delegate Assembly tomorrow | More upcoming meetings

(CORRECTED DATE) 2/16, 3:00: AFT 2121 Delegate Assembly

Join us for strategic campaign planning:
Agenda and more info:

2/17, 1:30-3: AFT 2121 COPE

Get political:

2/17, 4-5: Evans Campus Forum

This an ongoing forum sponsored by administration:

2/24, 2:30-5 and ongoing: Academic Senate

Meets twice each month:
Agendas, dates, how to make public comments, and more info:

2/263:30-5:30: Hearing on Aircraft Maintenance Program

Supervisor Walton and the San Francisco Labor Council are calling a hearing on keeping CCSF’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program at the airport.
(Zoom info forthcoming).

Ongoing: Associated Students

All students welcome!
AS Exec Council meets Fridays, 1:00-3:00:
Ocean Campus AS meets Wednesdays, 3:10 – 5:00:
More info:

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DA & COPE | Hearing on AMT at SFO| UESF wins TA on safety | Memorial for CTU’s Karen Lewis

(2/16) Delegate Assembly

All AFT 2121 members are  invited to participate in our February 16th Delegate Assembly from 3-5pm.
At this Delegate Assembly, we’re going to be discussing strategic campaign planning as a group. Join us!
RSVP here:

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #810 1671 8065 and password: 783119.

(2/17) COPE meeting 2/17

Our next COPE meeting will be Wednesday, 2/17 from 1:30-3pm.

To attend please go to the zoom link from you computer or smartphone  or dial the number 669-900-6833 and enter the passcode 566388.


(Save the date, 2/26) Supervisor Walton and the San Francisco Labor Council call hearing to keep Aircraft Maintenance Program at SFO


Supervisor Walton and the San Francisco Labor Council are calling a hearing on keeping CCSF’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program at the airport: Friday, February 26 3:30-5:30pm (Zoom info forthcoming).

Co-hosted by SF BOS President Shamann Walton, San Francisco Labor Council, and CCSF Associated Students, this information-finding forum brings together decision makers from San Francisco Airport (SFO) and City College along with student leaders and labor allies to discuss the revitalization of the Aeronautics Maintenance Technology (AMT) program at SFO.

How you can help:

K-12 Unions win Tentative Agreement on school safety

Congratulations to our allies at the San Francisco Unified School District! Unions representing all school workers – United Educators of San Francisco, SEIU 1021, and others – joined forces and won a deal late on Saturday night. They now have a tentative agreement on health and safety protocols for in-person instruction. Negotiations continue around classroom instruction, schedules, and remote learning.

CFT President Jeff Freitas says that “School communities throughout the state should look to this agreement as a road map for in-person education. San Francisco has shown that the key to in-person instruction is the combination of reducing community spread, implementing multi-layered safety protocols, and offering vaccines to teachers and school staff. The health and safety of students, teachers, and school staff must always be our number one priority.”

(2/10) Memorial Service for CTU’s Karen Lewis

‘Karen did not just lead our movement. Karen was our movement.’
Karen taught us how to fight, and she taught us how to love. She bowed to no one, and gave strength to tens of thousands of Chicago Teachers Union educators who followed her lead, and who live by her principles to this day. Karen had three questions that guided her leadership: ‘Does it unite us, does it build our power and does it make us stronger?’

The Chicago Teachers’ Union will be holding a public shiva for Karen Lewis on Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 5:00-7:00 pm. A shiva is observed in the Jewish faith as an opportunity to offer condolences and share stories about Karen.

A religious service will be conducted at 6:30 pm central time for those who wish to participate.

Wednesday, Feb. 10, and Thursday, Feb. 11
Zoom shiva, 5 pm – 7 pm central time

The shiva will feature a video tribute to Karen produced by the Illinois Federation of Teachers; a reading of CTU member Erik Young’s poem about Karen entitled “Cerebral, Regal & for the People”; and remembrances by other speakers as well as those in attendance.

To attend the event, go to between 5 pm and 7 pm on Wednesday and/or Thursday.

Donations in memory of Karen can be made to the Chicago Teachers Union Foundation and Congregation Rodfei Zedek.

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What will you do? | We stand with SF Pre K-12 educators

What will you do? Defending our college and winning the contract we need

We’ve been moving from crisis to crisis for so long – at work, at home, in the country, in the world – that it’s hard to imagine a time when it will slow down so that we can address any individual crisis effectively. On top of this pandemic, on top of new work realities, on top of attempted coups, we now must negotiate our Collective Bargaining Agreement (contract) with a broke District and try to squeeze out some dignity from Administrators with humanity-blinders on to anything but the bottom budget line in front of them. Wage cuts? Class cuts? Layoffs? It’s so bleak, what could any of us do in the face of it?

None of us can do it alone, which is why unions were formed in the first place. When you are feeling powerless and demoralized, your union is the place to build that power back up and resist these indignities — together with your colleagues. Fortunately, AFT 2121 has a history of making the change we all envision for our college: Beating back the ACCJC! Prop A! Free City! Saving classes and securing health care for laid off part timers during a pandemic! We have a track record of showing our collective strength and moving a behemoth bureaucracy in a more sensible and community-driven direction. And it’s time for us to gather our strength and step up again.

We need all of you to take the following actions right now:

  1. Talk to your precint rep to fill out your Bargaining Surveythis is step 1 of getting plugged into our campaign for a new contract. Don’t have a bargaining survey? Your precinct rep has a copy for you. If you don’t have a rep write our new organizer Spencer (
  2. RSVP to attend a Bargaining Listening Session. Your bargaining team needs to hear from you: your concerns, questions, and priorities. So join members of your team at one of our sessions next week: Mon 2/8, from 12-1pm, Tues 2/9 from 9-10am, Weds 2/10 from 10-11am & 6-7pm, and Thurs 2/11 from 12-1pm. Particular departments are coming as a group to particular sessions, but we want everyone to have a chance to participate, so all sessions are open. Reps are working to add more sessions so you can also talk to your precint rep about helping organize a listening session for your precinct.

  3. Do your Union Photo Booth! Make a sign and take a picture of yourself, in an AFT t-shirt if you have one, to post to social media. Let Admin and our community know: “SF’s COVID recovery depends on educators. Underfunding is the enemy. #SaveOurCCSF” Then send it to and we’ll make a huge virtual wall of solidarity and pride!

A fair contract isn’t given to us, we must fight for it! We can ask for fair pay, for equity amongst faculty, for reasonable workloads and class sizes – but that’s not enough to get it. We can ask really really hard and have serious faces on, and that’s still not enough.

We get there by pitching in and sticking together. What will you do this month, this semester, over the summer, to help secure the contract you need? To build the college our students deserve?

The Bargaining Team represents us at the table, but the responsibility for winning the contract we need is shared by ALL OF US. We all need to step up and fight for it TOGETHER.

We stand with the unions of SFUSD and the San Francisco Labor Council

Wednesday’s headlines proclaimed that the City of San Francisco has taken the unprecedented step of suing its own K-12 school district to force schools to open up for in-person learning. Instead of working with labor and community to ensure real safety, the City has chosen grandstanding.

We all want schools to re-open. But pushing past what is safe helps no one. As a union, we stand in solidarity with our colleagues in the K-12 schools who are organizing literally to save lives. The United Educators of San Francisco, the union representing K-12 educators, is currently at the bargaining table negotiating to ensure safety for students and workers. Along with the SF Labor Council, they released this statement explaining the situation.

At CCSF, we have less pressure to return without safety measures. Our administration is moving to bring back some classes and programs face-to-face, but there’s a planning process and most programs are still remote. Many could still be remote in Fall, although that’s not definite yet. Talk to your chair about what makes sense for your classes and programs.

  • Please see AFT 2121’s return-to-campus page for updates.
  • You can also review this recent Return to Campus presentation by Robin Pugh, our newest grievance officer.
  • We’ve developed a rubric to help evaluate safety. It can be used on reading the plan, during a walkthrough, or later as you’re working. The rubric is a google form, and you can use it to report conditions to AFT 2121. This is separate from feedback you might want to give to your chair, dean, or administrator.

If the safety plan isn’t sufficient, or if something goes wrong with implementation of the plan, DO NOT PUT YOURSELF AT RISK. Tell your chair immediately and also report to your precinct rep. AFT 2121 can represent you.

As we review these plans, we’ve seen a wide range of conditions. Some plans are excellent and the faculty feel safe and protected. Some have been problematic. In a few cases, the plans are good but implementation is faulty. To get involved meet with your precinct rep to discuss the plans or contact Tehmina Kahn ( to help.

Posted in News

Incorrect W2s | Call for CFT delegates

Incorrect W2s sent to CCSF employees

According to CCSF payroll, the W2s that most of us received were incorrect. Pay and withholding amounts should have been fine, but there was a problem with boxes 12DD and 14B. Payroll asks us to disregard the W2 that were postmarked 1/25/2021, and ONLY use the corrected W2s ones postmarked 1/29/2021.

You should have received email explaining this situation in your mail on 1/28. Please refer questions to CCSF payroll at Please remember that the payroll staff who receives your message did not create this problem and are doing their best to help.

Call for CFT Convention delegates

Calling for the nomination of delegates to the CFT (virtual) convention! This year’s California Federation of Teachers Convention is Thursday-Saturday, March 25th-27th. CFT is the highest policy-making body of our state-level Union! Delegates will elect the CFT President, Secretary-Treasurer, and 24 Vice Presidents. Delegates will also vote on important resolutions and constitutional amendments. If you would like to attend or would like to nominate a colleague please complete this form.

Members can write resolutions to be considered at the Convention, but they must be submitted to the Convention by the local, approved by the Executive Board. If you would like to submit a resolution for consideration, please do so by Friday, Feb 5, 5:00 pm, so that the Exec Board has time to review and vote. You can submit proposed resolutions to Vice President Mary Bravewoman (

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Statement on White Supremacist Attack on the U.S. Capitol

Statements condemning January 6th’s white supremacist insurrection at the U.S. Capitol abound. Along with vehement disapproval of the violence, we hear that “this is not who America is,” that “we can and must do better,” and that, suddenly, “democracy is hanging by a thread.” But we see it differently. For many in the United States–even those whose ancestors built this nation, literally, by hand–life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have always been empty promises.

Read full AATF Statement on Capitol Mob Violence…

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March 15 notices: How to fight them and FAQs

​Chancellor Vurdien’s announcement last Friday of his intent to submit “March 15th” notices was a punch in the gut. Many of us are angry and suffering, but we must remember that we have power and hope when we act together. We are a union that has demonstrated over and over again that when we fight back as a unified front, we win. We saved our college from collapse in the 2012 accreditation crisis. We won Free City in 2016, and more recently, in our COVID-19 Impacts Bargaining Sessions, we won a significant extension of medical benefits to Part-Time faculty (see our earlier blast for details). We are committed to making CCSF a high-quality and accessible college for our entire community, and we urge you to become an active part of this fight. 

Members have been asking important questions. We’ve answered many of them below.​ But answers to some of the questions will come down to the work we do together. The administration would like you to feel hopeless and afraid: that was their strategy with Friday’s email. We have the power when we work together to put public pressure on key decision makers —at the college, city, state, and national level— to bring the revenue, humanity, and common sense our community and our college deserve. Whether you’re part-time or full-time, at the beginning of your career or near the end of it, now is the time to get engaged and to start by taking the following actions:

  • Fill out your bargaining survey. If you can’t find yours, ask your precinct rep for one.

  • Take a picture of yourself wearing an AFT 2121 t-shirt (if you have one) and holding a sign with this message: “SF’s COVID recovery depends on educators. Underfunding is the enemy. #SaveOurCCSF” Post it on your social media, and send us your picture and we’ll also post it on our social media:
  • Come to our next Delegate Assembly on Tuesday, February 16th, from 3-5pm on Zoom to discuss the next steps in our campaign to protect our college. 

FAQS: Read more ›

Posted in E-news Archives

Medical benefits victory | Call for CFT delegates

Impacts bargaining: Medical benefits victory

As we announced back in December, we won significant victories in impacts bargaining for Spring 2021. Faculty working part-time will retain medical benefits for Spring and Summer 2021 if any of the any of the following are true:

  • You have at least a 50% load in Spring 2021 (the normal requirement)
  • You have at least a 50% load for Spring as of January 1, but that load is subsequently reduced. The normal requirement that you must keep at least 20% is eliminated.
  • You had benefits AND you had an assignment in Fall 2020. That means if you had both an assignment and benefits in Fall 2020, you retain benefits with or without a Spring 2021 assignment.

As of this writing, 1/26/21, CCSF administration has not told faculty how they intend to implement this agreement. They told AFT today that they would send a letter to eligible faculty by the end of this week.

Our expectation is that if you have a CCSF paycheck, they will take deductions from it as they normally do. If you do not have a paycheck, you will have to make some arrangements with HR. If you owe a premium, you will have to pay the employee portion to HR. If you’re enrolled in Kaiser member only, you owe nothing. You may still have to tell HR to keep you enrolled. The lateness of the notice does not change CCSF’s responsibility to uphold the agreement. If you meet any of the conditions above, you are eligible.

Call for CFT Convention delegates

Calling for the nomination of delegates to the CFT (virtual) convention! This year’s California Federation of Teachers Convention is Thursday-Saturday, March 25th-27th. CFT is the highest policy-making body of our state-level Union! Delegates will elect the CFT President, Secretary-Treasurer, and 24 Vice Presidents. Delegates will also vote on important resolutions and constitutional amendments. If you would like to attend or would like to nominate a colleague please complete this form.

Members can write resolutions to be considered at the Convention, but they must be submitted to the Convention by the local, approved by the Executive Board. If you would like to submit a resolution for consideration, please do so by Friday, Feb 5, 5:00 pm, so that the Exec Board has time to review and vote. You can submit proposed resolutions to Vice President Mary Bravewoman (

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595