An invitation to open bargaining tomorrow

Dear members,

Your bargaining team wants to express a huge THANK YOU  to the more than one hundred AFT2121 members who attended our first impacts bargaining session.

Please join us again tomorrow on Tuesday, March 16, from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Time allowing, we will hold the zoom open for discussion and questions after the session.

Your presence sends a strong message to the district that we are united and fighting in solidarity against the austerity budget they are proposing.

Please spread the word about open bargaining to your colleagues. There is power in numbers!

In Unity,

P.S. Please read and share the instructions for participating in open bargaining.


You are invited to the Open Bargaining Zoom meeting.
  • When: Mar 16, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
  • Register in advance for this meeting:
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
  • We will start admitting people from the zoom waiting room at 12:45 pm, and will continue admitting up to the start of the meeting. Note that if you arrive after 1 pm, you may need to wait until a break/caucus to be admitted. Thanks for your patience.
Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Rescind the layoff notices NOW

More than 500 participants joined AFT 2121 faculty and students at today’s virtual press conference (which broke Zoom capacity)! We heard from supervisors Hillary Ronen and Connie Chan, as well as speakers from Supervisor Mar and Supervisor Haney’s offices, students, faculty, and community allies. The extraordinary testimonials from students, alumni, and faculty is here

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Posted in E-news Archives, iamcitycollege, Negotiations

Defend our CCSF | GMM | New Deal for Higher Education

(3/12) Defend our City College: Pink Slip Action and Press Conference!

Join event sponsors AFT 2121, Supervisor Hillary Ronen, and other allies for a socially-distanced Defend our CCSF Action on the steps of City Hall and a virtual press conference.
11:30AM | Zoom Press Conference:

12:00PM | Socially Distant Action: Polk St. Steps of City Hall

Deliberate and chronic underfunding is hitting our City College hard.

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Posted in E-news Archives, iamcitycollege

Bargaining update: 3/5/21

Over one hundred AFT2121 members attended our initial impacts bargaining session with the district today!

In this first session at the zoom table, we pressed the administration for details pertaining to our initial information request. We asked for outstanding information regarding faculty salaries, and engaged them on the use of federal funding (HEERF funding) to stabilize the budget. We will continue to question their data, pin them down for clear numbers, and demand that they fulfill our request for crucial information before we make any bargaining decisions.

The District repeated what we’ve already heard- that they want to balance the budget by cutting faculty and students. Tom Boegel claims that the cuts maintain the existence of all certificate and degree programs. We know this is just false. He also states that he consulted with all department chairs before making cuts, but faculty and chairs in many departments have shown that is not the case.

One thing we did agree upon is to continue bargaining. Times and dates TBD. We hope you all will continue to join us. Your presence is powerful!

Please also  join us next Friday, March 12, 12pm
Defend our CCSF: Pink Slip Action & Press Conference
Socially Distant Action: Polk St. Steps of City Hall
Zoom Press Conference:

RSVP | Invite | Share the flyer

“I’m glad I attended today’s Open Bargaining meeting, as an AFT union member. Collectively, we ask good questions about momentous decisions happening right now. It’s important to have many witnesses, to see and hear the intentions and actions presented by our Administration — and to tell our own truth, our lived stories.”  Jean Elvin – AFT 2121 Member “I am so glad that I attended the impact bargaining session today because, otherwise, administration’s divergence from the questions asked by our union would be unbelievable. You’ve got to hear it for yourself – and they need to know that we are watching and clearly see the contradictions.” Kathe Burick – AFT 2121 Member
Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Invitation to open bargaining

Dear members,

Friday marks the beginning of impact bargaining over the administration’s plans to lay off faculty and cut classes for the fall 2021 semester. We have a right to a voice in the district’s plan for our college, our students, and our classes. This is separate from bargaining over our next contract.

We invite you to join your bargaining team and your colleagues to present a united front to the administration. The more of us who attend, the stronger our message of solidarity and unity in the face of austerity.

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Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

March 15 notices today

Dear Colleagues,

This message is to everyone who received a March 15 notice today and for everyone who wants to stand in solidarity with your colleagues in defending our CCSF.

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Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

A message from your Bargaining Team: March 2, 2021

Dear Colleagues,  

By now, you are aware of the cuts that the administration has proposed and that the board of trustees voted on last Thursday. We’re still trying to get answers from the administration about the details of these cuts. These cuts only appear to make sense as part of a plan to cut the college to the bone. These cuts are devastating and unacceptable.

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Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

Read about

Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595