We call on elected leaders: Stop the destruction of our CCSF

We call on our elected leaders: Stop the destruction of our CCSF

At his forum on Wednesday, Interim Chancellor Vurdien said that “the state sees the school as a school that can serve no more than 18-20 thousand students” and that “the state sees the school as a school that should not have more than about 180 full-time faculty.” CCSF currently has 60,000 students. He made these comments in answer to a question that begins about 54:00 of the forum.
It is clear what we are facing. After years of our college administration claiming they are not trying to shrink CCSF, we now have a direct clarification that not only do our top administrators plan to cut the college, they claim to have the support of state leaders for this devastation.
AFT 2121 stands in solidarity with our communities. Any CCSF trustee and City leader who opposes the destruction of educational opportunities in San Francisco must speak out immediately and defend the community in our community College.

In solidarity and with determination,

AFT 2121

In the media

Posted in Board of Trustees, E-news Archives, News

Open bargaining | CCSF in the media | Stand with local 87 siblings on strike!

(Fri. 3/26 at 10:30am) Support your bargaining team at open bargaining

​Thank you to all of the AFT2121 members who are participating in impacts bargaining with the district. Please keep coming and spread the word! We’ll kick off Spring break with our third bargaining session, scheduled for Friday, March 26, moved at the District’s request to 10:30am. Be sure to register in advance with the link below!

In Unity,

Your AFT 2121 Bargaining Team

P.S. Please read and share the instructions for participating in open bargaining.

You are invited to the next Open Bargaining Zoom meeting.

  • When: Mar 26, 2021, 10:30 AM
  • Register in advance for this meeting:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodeirpzstE9JqfFMrD8yyDzWhmbc_cJL9
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
  • We will start admitting people from the zoom waiting room at 10:15 AM, and will continue admitting up to the start of the meeting. Note that if you arrive after 10:30 AM, you may need to wait until a break/caucus to be admitted. Thanks for your patience.

(Fri. 3/26 at 12:30pm) Rally & March in Support of SEIU 87 Janitors​

The janitors of SEIU 87 are in the contract fight of their lives — and are out on strike through Friday. We need to join them in the streets tomorrow to show our solidarity and support in this struggle! They are fighting for safety on the job, work environments free of sexual harassment and exploitation, fair wages, healthcare, and more! Come out to rally and show what labor solidarity looks like on Friday!
WHAT: Rally March in Support of SEIU 87 Janitors
WHEN: Friday, March 25th at 12:30 PM
WHERE: 101 California Street, SF
Show your union’s colors — bring your flags and banners and wear your garb! Please wear a mask (or two!) and respect social distancing as we show #SFLabor rallies & marches in solidarity with our siblings at SEIU 87.

In the media

City College Students, Teacher Warn Cuts Would Have Equity Impacts – San Francisco Public Press

AFT 2121 Twitter

Share your CCSF story: https://hope.xyz/ccsf

Learn more

Budget Presentation on Funding our CCSF

Plan to win presentation from the 3/23 General Membership Meeting

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations






Budget Presentation: Funding our CCSF






Plan to win presentation: 3/23 General Membership Meeting


Posted in Budget, Events, Negotiations, News

Reminder: COPE at 2pm today

All AFT 2121 members are invited to COPE today at 2pm.

Read more ›

Posted in Events

Vaccine info | Solidarity with AAPI communities| Share your story | Hearing to Save our CCSF | More…

(click the above flyer image to go to a .pdf page where the flyer has live links)

Meetings this week for AFT 2121 members

More meeting info

CFT leaders decry hate, stand in solidarity with Asian American and Pacific Islander communities

CFT President Jeff Freitas and CFT Vice President Arlene Inouye released a statement in response to the ongoing violence and racism against Asian Americans, including the killings of eight people this week, six of whom were Asian women, in Northern Georgia.

Included in the statement, Jeff Freitas said: “As educators and classified professionals we have an obligation to use our voice to take a stand against the escalation of racist violence against our communities. We commit ourselves to fighting hate through education and to working with AAPI advocates in our state and local communities to address the crisis.”

Please take a moment to review APALA’s Resource Guide on Anti-Asian Violence, to learn more about actions you can take to address the escalating crisis.

Read more ›

Posted in E-news Archives, Events

Bargaining update and next open bargaining meeting!

Bargaining update: Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Thank you to all of the AFT2121 members who participated in the union’s second impact’s bargaining with the district on Tuesday. Please keep coming and spread the word! We’ll kick off Spring break with our third bargaining session, scheduled for Friday, March 26, from 11-1. Be sure to register in advance with the link below!

During the session on Tuesday, we pressed the administration further regarding the use of HEERF​​ funding​ . John Al-Amin presented very narrow guidelines for the use of funds that we do not find credible. After his presentation, in which he didn’t budge from the administration’s stance that HEERF I and HEERF II (Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, or CARES act) funds cannot be used to help with the budget deficit, Mr Al-Amin left early. We will continue to challenge the district on the use of these funds, while awaiting more guidelines regarding the use and amount of funds from the third stimulus package (HEERF III) that the Federal government passed last week.

Tom Boegel also left the session an hour early. Dianna Gonzales represented the administration for the last hour of the session. Alayna Fredericks, our fearless chief negotiator, expressed the team’s concerns with the MYBEP (multi-year budget enrollment plan). AFT2121 rejects this plan. It is not credible. It does not reflect AFT2121’s values. It leaves no room for growth. It diminishes enrollment and thus increased funding, slashes programs, and fails to serve our community or uphold our mission.

Alayna acknowledged that we are having high stakes discussions, and that we expect the district to regain credibility at the bargaining table. We asked that the administration begin to communicate and work with us in a transparent, collaborative, and respectful way. Dianna Gonzales committed her team to moving forward with that tone.

We hope to see you at the next session on Friday, 3/26!

In Unity,

Your AFT 2121 Bargaining Team

P.S. Please read and share the instructions for participating in open bargaining.

You are invited to the next Open Bargaining Zoom meeting.

  • When: Mar 26, 2021, 11:00 AM (join at 10:45 AM)
  • Register in advance for this meeting:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodeirpzstE9JqfFMrD8yyDzWhmbc_cJL9
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
  • We will start admitting people from the zoom waiting room at 10:45 AM, and will continue admitting up to the start of the meeting. Note that if you arrive after 11 AM, you may need to wait until a break/caucus to be admitted. Thanks for your patience.

Testimonials from members at open bargaining

In this safe unified space with my faculty family, I was once again reminded of the students I have been called to teach. The ones we often call “hard to serve”, “marginalized”, “under-represented”; these students often look, act, and sound like me. I learned they are cutting the “Body Classes” that are found in physical education department and focus on the intelligence known as bodily kinesthetics. Until recently I narrowly viewed these classes as preparation for professional performance. These classes create a special space for new students like the ones I love. In these spaces, they get to “dip their toe” in academia, to find their grounding in a college setting, and from that space learn that they too can, “do the college thing”.   These same students also disproportionately experience trauma and are often called ‘resilient”. Trauma lives in the body. I stand in unity with my Body Class Physical Education Faculty Family who not learning spaces for these students but also active their vagus nerve and create opportunities for much needed stress release. During the meeting I did not hear Admin talking about students and how we serve them in multiple ways including stress relief. I only heard we must cut. They did not say we must cut in order to grow or how this plan benefits students. I only heard classes are being cuts for all students, those who want to go to a 4-Year college and those who want to discover if college is for them. Both types of students belong at CCSF. Both types of class belong here. Those that focus on the body and those that focus on academics. I am coming back again and hope this time I hear a plan and not simply a cut.

—Patricia Nunley, AFT 2121 Member

Reasons I’m happy I attended the Open Bargaining session: 1. It gave me a strong sense of community and shared purpose during a very challenging time. 2.   Alayna and Malaika are excellent leaders and spokespeople. We are well-represented. 3.   The session gave us the chance to see and hear the opposition. I got what I needed.

—Lenny Carlson, AFT 2121 Member

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Union meetings | COVID relief $ research help | Get reimbursed | More…

(3/23 & 3/24) Upcoming meetings for AFT 2121 members

(3/23, 3-5pm) General Membership Meeting
All AFT 2121 members are  invited to participate in our General Membership Meeting Tuesday, March 23rd from 3-5pm.
Please join your colleagues for a group discussion on building power and strategic campaign planning to fight the cuts and layoffs!
RSVP here:


To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81016718065?pwd=UFk0SzdUY2FLdXdLL2RLZW1wdnhRZz09 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #810 1671 8065 and password: 783119.

(3/24, 1-2pm) Solidarity Discussion Forum

So much going on, so much to talk about! But many of us are having a hard time connecting through our little computer boxes. AFT 2121 members have been saying we need more time and space to discuss important issues and just be together. We’re going to try a new venue: a discussion forum. All AFT 2121 members are invited to a Solidarity Discussion Forum Wednesday 3/24 from 1-2pm.

This is not a business meeting and we will not vote. We want to expand creativity and develop new ideas. We need to hear from you! Please send suggested agenda items to Malaika: mfinkels@aft2121.org. This first forum will be short, so we may not get to everything. We’ll prioritize new ideas and topics that have not yet been aired at our other meetings. We hope this forum will spark new energy and dialogue that will continue over a series of such meetings.

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://aft.zoom.us/j/95943387771?pwd=b3N3YUtTY1RHTjhUc2tWNnpOYjczZz09 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #959 4338 7771 and password: 134119.

(3/24, 2pm) COPE: Come be a part of your union’s political process
All AFT 2121 members are invited to our upcoming COPE meeting on Wednesday, 3/24 at 2pm.


  1. Considering endorsement of Homes for Families and Corporate Monopoly Transparency Excise Tax (AB 1199)
  2. Considering endorsement of David Campos for State Democratic Party Chair
  3. Transfer of funds from COPE issues to candidate account to cover 2020 campaign expenditures
  4. Approving expenditure with updated name for “SF Tenants and Families” on behalf of endorsed candidates in Nov 2020
  5. Community Centered Response to Violence against Asian Americans
  6. Update on Rebuild CCSF research effort & Ways to Pitch-In
  7. Preparing for bargaining community listening sessions with Jobs with Justice

Learn more:

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://aft.zoom.us/j/95943387771?pwd=b3N3YUtTY1RHTjhUc2tWNnpOYjczZz09 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #959 4338 7771 and password: 134119.

Help Needed! Join the COVID Impact Fund Research Project

Please join our colleagues with Rebuild City College in an effort to research how other institutions have made use of the federal COVID impact funds (HEERF). This information can help us demonstrate ways in which this funding can be used to support the urgent needs of our students, staff, and faculty while also helping avoid lay-offs. We need to combat the misinformation around these funds and put pressure on the administration to use this money to address the most critical needs of the college at this time.

This is a big undertaking and we hope more people can lend a hand. Time is working against us as the administration develops their own plan for spending the money. Here is more information from Stephanie with Rebuild City College about how members can help, immediately:

  • To sign up for the HEERF research project, please sign up through our OutreachCircle and look for the action “Participate in the HEERF Research Project.” Click the “Sign up” button to enter your name and email into a form (so we can contact you with the info you need), and then please consider sharing this with others, using the “Spread the word” option you’ll see after you complete the form.
  • Here’s the link, again, to our OutreachCircle, for your convenience: OutreachCircle app

(4/9) Save the Date: City Hall hearing on saving our CCSF

Save our CCSF City Hall Virtual Hearing
Sponsored by Supervisor Ronen
Friday, 4/9 at 10am
Sign up to attend

On the heels of more than 600 participants coming out to defend CCSF on March 12th, Supervisor Ronen has called a hearing of the San Francisco Joint Education Committee to address these questions:

  • Is the city providing CCSF with enough support for the college to be able adequately help SF residents recover from the COVID crisis?
  • Short term, how can the city leverage state & federal COVID aid to support CCSF?
  • Long term, what opportunities exist for the City to help address the chronic underfunding of CCSF by making greater, ongoing investments into CCSF?

City and State leaders must take action now to protect our College in the immediate and long term— the future of our students and our City depend on it.

Make a request for Tech Reimbursement

Last month, our Impacts Bargaining team won reimbursements for faculty who have spent money on technology to work at home. If you’re not sure whether they will cover what you need, the best way to find out is to make a request. We look forward to the District creating a form. But for now, the way to request reimbursement is to email your chair, dean, and helpdesk@ccsf.edu. Include them all in one email message, and provide receipts to show what you’ve spent.

You can read the whole agreement here, and our write up and explanation here.

Email accounts will remain active

Earlier this semester, the District threatened to cancel “inactive” ccsf.edu email accounts. They sent two contradictory messages to college employees, with slightly different versions of which accounts would be terminated.

Our grievance team pushed back, and so did teams from other employee groups. Today, Chancellor Vurdien confirmed that he has directed IT to keep accounts open. They will hold off on cancellations for now, and revisit the issue next calendar year.

Posted in E-news Archives, Events

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595