Reminder: COPE today | May day | Save our CCSF: 5/3 Press Conf, 5/8 CARE-A-VAN

(4/28) COPE meeting today

All AFT 2121 members are invited to come and shape our political endorsement decisions at today’s COPE meeting, Wednesday April 27th 2021 from 2:00-3:30 pm at this LINK.

Agenda items:

(5/1) May Day Parade & Rally for Workers’ Rights & Racial Justice

Look for the AFT 2121 banner near Embarcadero and Stuart.

In 2021, Bay Area Labor is fighting back! Join AFT 2121’s contingent in the May Day Parade & Rally for Workers’ Rights & Racial Justice. We know that our struggle against cuts at CCSF are connected to critical organizing drives in our City led by janitors, chocolate workers, bakers and others on the frontline. On May Day, we march together in solidarity.

We will honor labor history by recreating the famous 1934 May Day march up Market Street from the Embarcadero to Civic Center for a rally. Speakers include the legendary Angela Davis and activist Eddie Zheng. Wear your AFT 2121 shirts and hoodies!

RSVP here. You can also download the FLIER and check out our Facebook Event Page.

Celebrations of International Workers’ Day, also called May Day, date back over 100 years to the fight for an eight hour work day. In San Francisco, May 1 has also played host to a rich history of collective action by workers—and this year will be no different.

The triple-threat of rising income inequality, racial injustice, and COVID-19 has hit working families hard. In order for our communities to emerge from this crisis healthy and prosperous, we need a just and equitable recovery for all. That means building support for key legislation like the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which will empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and negotiate for better wages and working conditions. It also means uniting together—no matter who we are or where we come from—to #StopAsianHate, proclaim that #BlackLivesMatter, ensure immigrants are safe and welcome in our communities, and fight to ensure that workers everywhere can live and work with the dignity and respect we all deserve.


(5/3) Fund our CCSF Virtual Press Conference

When City College is under attack, what do we do? STAND UP! FIGHT BACK! Corporate-led, chronic underfunding of our California community colleges has left our CCSF facing a cut of at least 50%, and we need to take action.

Join the May 3rd “Fund our CCSF Virtual Press Conference” from 12-1pm
Let’s tell City Supervisors and the Mayor: Fund our CCSF!

City College is a majority student of color institution. It is essential to San Franciscans, especially those most at risk. So tell your co-workers, friends, and families: SHOW UP FOR CITY COLLEGE.

(5/8) Mass Save our CCSF CARE-A-VAN

Bring your car, your bike, or your feet, and get ready to make some noise for City College. Decorate your ride with CCSF-AFT strong imagery, get your puppets, chants, and songs ready, and let’s make sure everyone at City Hall hears our message loud and clear: CCSF is San Francisco, and it needs your emergency support. This is our major action before May 15 so we need everyone–faculty, students, and community allies–standing strong.

Mass Save our CCSF CARE-A-VAN
Saturday, May 8, 11am

Our whole community is gathering to send one simple message: CCSF is San Francisco, and it needs to be saved.
Posted in E-news Archives

Layoff appeals & action steps | Faculty Empowerment Fair

Layoff appeals & action steps

We’ve had an entire week of testimony, but the layoff appeal hearing is not quite done. Closing arguments will be on Tuesday, 4/27, at 9:00 am. Everyone is welcome to observe on YouTube: .

Faculty made powerful presentations this week. The judge will make her recommendation to the BOT by May 7th, maybe earlier. She’s probably not going to look at the larger picture of what’s good or right, but only whether the District followed the rules for individual layoff cases.

We learned something: The disturbing rumors are true. Administration is planning to lay off full-time faculty and back-fill with part-timers. This would be a violation of Education Code, legal precedent, and basic reason. When pressed, they responded that they would re-employ full-timers as part-timers – which would still be a violation of the Education Code – and then continued to defend layoffs of FT faculty by saying classes could be taught by part-timers.

All that is about future plans and not about the notices themselves, so the judge might not rule on it. No matter what the judge decides, the BOT is free to make their own decisions when they meet on May 10th. They do not have to issue final layoff notices. They do not have to violate the law. 

You can help. We need to make sure every City Supervisor commits to Voting Yes on new funding for CCSF by expanding the Workforce Education Recovery Fund (WERF). Take three actions right now to help this happen:

  1. Send a letter of support for WERF expansion to your district supervisor. We especially need the support and leadership of District 6 and District 10 Supervisors: Budget Chair Haney and President Walton.

  2. RSVP for our Save Older Adult and Disability Programs Teach-In Monday at 4pm co sponsored by AFT 2121 and Senior and Disability Action.

  3. RSVP for our Save CCSF Registered Nursing Virtual Press Conference on Tuesday, April 27, 12-1pm on Zoom. We need a huge show of force so come out and support our Registered Nurses!

Make the calls, send the emails, and show up for City College. This is a decisive week for us and we must remember that our power is in numbers: so let’s stick together and fight.​

(Sat. 4/24) Faculty Empowerment Fair

​Please consider attending this Saturday’s Faculty Empowerment Fair from 1-4pm, presented by the Rebuild City College campaign

CCSF faculty and our allies from around the state will offer careerwellnesseducational, and action-oriented sessions to help us to come together in community in order to recharge

Students and classified staff are also invited to benefit from the sessions and to stand in solidarity with their faculty colleagues.​

Posted in E-news Archives

Take action to Defend our CCSF!

Posted in News

Night school | Save Registered Nursing Press Conference| New DA & COPE date | May Day

(4/22) Defend our CCSF Night School Action

Attend our Thursday, April 22, 6pm-7:30pm Night School.

AFT 2121 and Associated Students are hosting an Ocean Campus Night School right by the Chancellor’s Office (Conlan Hall) to show him and the rest of CCSF leadership what our classes are all about. From dance to budget analysis, we’re going to live stream our learning and speak directly to the Trustees and CCSF Admin team: alternatives exist, & cuts are not the answer.

(4/27) Save CCSF’s Registered Nursing Program

Attend our Tuesday, April 27, 12-1pm Save CCSF Nursing Virtual Press Conference

CCSF’s Nursing Program has been a cornerstone of San Francisco’s public health for generations. It’s one of the largest local sources of nurses, and the most accessible for students. It also services an absolutely vital community need, a need the COVID-19 pandemic has made painfully clear. But right now, City College is threatening to cut Nursing’s enrollment in half, which means half the number of students every year entering the nursing profession in our City. See the interim chair’s message on these cuts here.

CCSF is also refusing to address the existing staffing crisis in nursing (see the faculty’s earlier petition on this issue). The City College Registered Nursing Program is excellent, but it is also sadly at risk of coming apart. That’s why we’re speaking out: for the sake of our students, our college, and our city. The CCSF RN is essential for educating and preparing Registered Nurses for the future workforce of our City, which is why we are asking local leaders for their immediate and long term support. San Francisco needs CCSF Nursing.

RSVP here now:

(now 4/27 & 4/28) Delegate Assembly and COPE reschedule due to layoff hearings

All AFT 2121 members are  invited to participate in our next Delegate Assembly and COPE meetings. Both meetings have been rescheduled due to layoff appeal hearings happening this week.


  • DA, Tuesday, 4/27 from 3-5pm
    To attend follow this link from your computer or smartphone OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #810 1671 8065 and password: 783119.
  • COPE, Wednesday, 4/28 from 2-3pm
    To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #875 5134 1568 and password: 566388.

(beginning 4/19) Reminder: Layoff appeal hearings this week

Appeal hearings began today. The judge will not rule on whether these layoffs are reasonable or ethical or in the interest of the community, but only on whether they are legal.

The hearings will take place on Zoom. Faculty who received layoff notices will get a link to the Zoom webinar. The public is welcome to observe via YouTube livestream. Please do not record the hearings.

The hearings are scheduled all week, 9-5 each day. Come support your colleagues as we fight for our jobs and our college!

Monday 4/19:
Tuesday 4/20:
Wednesday 4/21:
Thursday 4/22:
Friday 4/23:

More information on our FAQ

(5/1) Save the date: May Day with San Francisco Labor Council

The SFLC is organizing a march and rally for May Day on May 1, 2021 and AFT 2121 will proudly be marching with our union siblings. The event will celebrate the past, present, and future of Labor. We’ll be commemorating those we’ve lost this past year as well as rallying for the PRO Act to secure a better future. You can find more information about the event HERE.

If you would like to commemorate any members who have passed away this year by a reading of their name at the event, please submit the information to Emily Nelson at  

Posted in E-news Archives

Bargaining update for Friday, April 16, 2021

More than 75 members joined our session on Friday, April 16. Please continue to come and support us, ask questions, and engage in the post-bargaining discussions. Invite a colleague along to the next session; we can double our presence!

The session began with forceful and passionate testimonials from faculty members on the team who talked through the reality of the impacts on different programs, all highlighting the fact that we need to come up with long term solutions to our budget issues and keep the community in our community college! The deliberate downsizing of CCSF is unacceptable and we will continue to fight the drastic cuts!

A budget discussion followed, however fruitless. The bargaining team is still unable to have productive or robust discussions with the administration who are unable to provide details to support their budget projections. The district did signal that they are engaging with City Hall and the Board of Supervisors and publicly acknowledged that they will accept funds from the city – a step in the right direction.

Instead of taking the lead on creative problem solving at the bargaining table the District has focused instead on the layoff hearings occurring this week. So your AFT bargaining team is working this week to take the lead in shaping proposals that avoid these cuts.

AFT2121 is hosting two important events this week;

Phone banking: Monday, April 19 and Tuesday, April 20

In person night school with students and faculty: Thursday, April 22.

Stay tuned for information regarding the date and time of our next bargaining session.

In Unity,

Your bargaining team

I attended bargaining to learn more about the negotiation process.  I found it really illuminating to hear the arguments on both sides.  Our team showed exceptional organization and patience, even when the administration did not.  It was also concerning to see the administration present numbers that didn’t add up, and be so resistant to some funding options.

I am really looking forward to the next meeting. I know my attendance will be valued by the team, and critical to our success. A large faculty presence shows the administration that this negotiation is personal. Our presence builds strength in the process, and helps push administrators to take us seriously. I feel really proud to be a part of the process, and I can’t wait to see what will happen next.

–Naomi Vanderkindren, AFT 2121 Member

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Layoff appeals | New DA date | 2121 leaders speak on layoffs | March for AAPI solidarity| May Day

(beginning 4/19) Layoff appeal hearings

Appeal hearings begin Monday 4/19. The judge will not rule on whether these layoffs are reasonable or ethical or in the interest of the community, but only on whether they are legal.

Read more ›

Posted in E-news Archives

ESL Press Conference success: Next Steps to Defend Our CCSF!

Dear CCSF community,

We had over 460 City College students, faculty, and San Francisco community members attend our Defend CCSF ESL Virtual Press Conference yesterday. Thank you Supervisor Gordon Mar for co-sponsoring the event! Thank you to our amazing community allies Tania Estrada (Women’s Center), Amos Lim & Yuee Zhou (CAA), Flora Luo (CPA), and Malinalli Villalobos (PODER) for underlining the value of City College ESL classes to San Francisco! And especially, thank you to our powerful and eloquent student and faculty speakers for exemplifying why City College ESL courses are so essential. Whether it’s finding your first community in a new country, learning to speak to your neighbors, finding a job, starting a business, or attending a 4-year university, City College’s ESL Programs change lives.

We cannot let CCSF administrators take that away (see Mission local article). CCSF is a majority student of color pillar of San Francisco–it’s essential to our POC and immigrant communities, and it needs to be funded, not cut in half. See Supervisor Mar’s statement on that in more press from our event here (CBS KPIX 5).

However, to win this campaign to defend CCSF, we need you, our community, fully engaged. Join us in taking the following steps right now:

  1. Sign AFT 2121’s petition calling on elected leaders to Fund our CCSF

  2. Attend our Thursday, April 22, 6pm-7:30pm Night School. AFT 2121, Associated Students, and CCSF Collective are hosting an Ocean Campus Night School right by the Chancellor’s Office (Conlan Hall) to show him and the rest of CCSF leadership what our classes are all about. From dance to budget analysis, we’re going to live stream our learning and speak directly to the Trustees and CCSF Admin team: alternatives exist, & cuts are not the answer.
    RSVP here now:

  3. RSVP for AFT 2121’s Month of Action Now.

Thank you all for making yesterday such a fantastic event and for continuing to speak up for the value of public education in San Francisco.

In Solidarity,
AFT 2121

Posted in E-news Archives, Events

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

Read about

Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595