Updated Link for Trustees Meeting Right Now

Dear Members,

The link for the Trustees’s meeting on the College’s website was wrong. The updated link for the meeting is here: https://ccsf-edu.zoom.us/j/93167138535

The meeting opened with public comment, and the Trustees are now in closed session, but there will be another opportunity for comment afterwards. The closed session hopefully will end by 5:30, and the additional public comment will happen before the Trustees vote.

Given these issues, we’re abandoning the Facebook live–please everyone just enter the session and be ready for comment when the Trustees return.

In Solidarity,


Posted in News

82% of those voting say YES: Save classes, save jobs

Dear Members,

The results from voting on our agreement to save CCSF jobs and courses are in, and they speak volumes.

82% of members who voted said YES to accepting salary reductions ranging from 4% to 11% to save City College from devastating cuts and protect access for students. Members had less than three days to vote, and the turnout for this concessionary agreement was still 79%.

The takeaway: We are willing to stand together as one to protect our jobs and our courses. The stakes of this decision were high. Our Trustees voted in March to layoff nearly 65% of the faculty, over 700 people, a move that would have closed doors to over 30,00 students a semester and fundamentally undermined CCSF’s mission, namely, to serve the essential needs of our City. From Disability Programs and Services, to ESL, to Registered Nursing, CCSF has been a bedrock of for generations of San Francisco’s immigrant, low-income, and POC residents.

This decision was not easy, and we made it as a collective with the expectation that this is only the beginning of our fight to ensure a long term solution to the chronic under-funding of our college. The CCSF Board of Trustees meets this afternoon at 4pm to make their final decision on proposed layoffs and cuts.

AFT 2121 urges our Trustees to demonstrate the same commitment to CCSF that its educators have just shown. CCSF has been long under-funded by the state: The needs of San Francisco have always far surpassed support from Sacramento.

San Francisco’s students need our trustees to step up and work with political leaders on the local, state, and federal level to bridge the gap and defend the CCSF San Franciscans deserve.

The solution to this problem cannot be the elimination of the public community college that San Franciscans depend on to access quality higher education.

We encourage everyone to attend and make public comments in support of CCSF at the virtual Trustees Meeting at 4pm today (via Zoom under ‘May 10’ on this link). When not making public comment, we also invite everyone to join us on a live stream of the Trustees meeting on AFT 2121’s Facebook page (FB event link is here).

In Solidarity,

Malaika Finkelstein
President, AFT 2121
Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

4pm today: Tell CCSF trustees to defend our CCSF

Dear Members,

CCSF’s Trustees meet at 4pm today to make the final decision on layoffs and cuts. We urge you all to join the meeting and to make public comment (see talking points here) at the opening to ensure that our Trustees continue to hear from us.

Right now, we’re considering a Tentative Agreement that demonstrates our steadfast commitment to CCSF: we’re considering a painful one-year salary concession to save jobs and classes for the sake of our fellow members, our students, and our city.

It’s high time we see this same commitment to CCSF from our Trustees. Please join the meeting at 4pm today via Zoom under May 10 on this link. When not making public comment, please also join your fellow members for a live stream of the session on AFT 2121’s Facebook page. Our FB event link is here and our live stream is working 🙂

Our message is clear: CCSF’s Trustees cannot again cave to state pressure and vote for mass layoffs. We cannot have our Trustees as reluctant partners in the fight to restore our college.

Those days must be over: we need our Trustees to start demonstrating the leadership, imagination, and courage necessary to fight for public education in the 21st Century.

CCSF is the college for San Francisco’s immigrants, students of color, and low-income residents. We need Trustees who recognize that purpose and are willing to fight for it.

In Solidarity,



  • Talking Points for your Public Comments: https://tinyurl.com/3ctp68az
  • AFT 2121 Livestream: https://fb.me/e/2n5onuLBm
  • Trustees Meeting: https://tinyurl.com/rt6v6a5p
    You must submit a request to make a public comment in writing to no later than 30 minutes before the start of the meeting, via email to: publiccomment@ccsf.edu or via phone to: 669.444.1266.

    Please submit the following information:
    1. Name
    2. Meeting Name and Date
    3. Agenda Item Number
    4. Phone number if participating by phone
Posted in E-news Archives

Reminder to vote now: TA reached!

Dear Members,

We wanted to give you a very quick reminder to vote today on our tentative agreement, and to be sure to check your clutter box on your ccsf email for your ballot from election buddy. See below for further details on voting and addressing any issues.

It was great to see so many of you yesterday at our rally and at our member meeting. As many of you eloquently stated, we all need to remember that we’re engaged in a larger fight to restore and expand our college so grateful to have so many engaged fellow union members/faculty ready for this challenge. Definitely, check out on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram for an amazing video made by Anjali Sundaram, Shella Cervantes, and Alexi Lacey–it’s promoting our Open Letter to the Trustees. Sharing this video is a great way to ensure Trustees get a new surge of emails in the lead up to their meeting tomorrow at 4pm.

In solidarity,

Team AFT 2121

How to Vote!

  1. Open Your Ballot: Check your CCSF email (@ccsf.edu) account to open your ballot email. The email will be from “AFT Local 2121 <invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com>”

  2. Either click on the link in the email or copy the link and paste it into your browser’s address bar. Both methods will automatically take you to the ballot for the election.

  3. Vote: You will see instructions to vote Yes or No on the agreement.

  4. Verifying your ballot takes you to a second page, where you must click “submit” for your vote to be counted.

— You can only vote once and your ballot link cannot be shared with anyone else.
— Voting will close on Monday, 5/10, at 2:00.
— For questions and support, please contact aft2121@electionbuddy.com

Posted in E-news Archives

TA reached: Vote now!

Dear Members,

Early this morning, after two days of 12-hour plus sessions, we finally reached a tentative agreement with the district. Your bargaining team worked incredibly hard to accomplish what we as a union set out collectively as our number one priority: to save jobs and classes.

We’ve reached an agreement that does that. The administration has agreed to rescind all 163 pink slips issued to full-time faculty and to preserve part-time jobs as well. However, this is possible only if we all collectively agree to one-year progressive concessions on salaries. The concessions range from 4% to 11% depending on your salary–this is the sacrifice we have to make right now to save our jobs.

See your bargaining team’s FAQ on the agreement, and join your bargaining team at 4pm today for an Emergency Member Meeting to review the details of this agreement.

This is far from a perfect agreement–it’s a painful one, but it’s also far better than what we were facing just days ago. This is a short-term solution that protects jobs and courses while giving us the space we need to continue advocating for a long-term budget solution to our college. I encourage everyone to take a moment to digest this news and to vote yes for this agreement to send a resounding message to the Trustees who meet Monday, May 10, at 4pm. See details on how to vote below.

Absent a tentative agreement, the Trustees would have been voting on layoffs, and many have indicated a troubling willingness to shrink our college and the opportunities it offers. We can’t let that happen. We need to give them something else to consider, and to make sure they know our members stand as one in the fight to preserve and expand our college.

So please vote, and know that this is a first step in a much larger fight. We are committed to working with political and community allies to win the long-term funding necessary not simply to preserve CCSF, but indeed to restore and expand it. San Francisco deserves no less.

In Solidarity,

Malaika Finkelstein

President, AFT 2121

1. Emergency membership meeting 4pm Saturday May 8


Meeting ID: 816 6547 8981

Passcode: 356371

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,81665478981#,,,,*356371# US (San Jose)

2. How to Vote!

Open Your Ballot: Check your CCSF email (@ccsf.edu) account to open your ballot email. The email will be from “AFT Local 2121 ”

Either click on the link in the email or copy the link and paste it into your browser’s address bar. Both methods will automatically take you to the ballot for the election.

Vote: Once at the ballot, you will see instructions to vote Yes or No on the agreement.

Verify the ballot and submit: Verifying your ballot takes you to a second page to review and confirm your vote.

Important Note: You can only vote once and your ballot cannot be shared with anyone else.

For questions and support, please contact aft2121@electionbuddy.com

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URGENT: 9am member meeting postponed, emergency bargaining added

Dear Members,

Due to the addition of an emergency bargaining session tomorrow, we are postponing our member meeting until after bargaining tomorrow. Our member meeting will be after bargaining ends tomorrow, likely in the evening.

We encourage every member to come to bargaining, support your team, and stay tuned for a link to our member meeting and an update on exact time. These are extraordinary circumstances. Register for bargaining here.

Your bargaining team met with the district from 11am until 2am Thursday and remains hopeful they can reach an agreement, but have encountered an employer unwilling to bargain in good faith this week. We have filed an Unfair Labor Practice with the Public Employment Relations Board.

At our member meeting tomorrow, we will either be reviewing any tentative agreement your bargaining team has reached with the district, or we will have some big decisions to make collectively about what to do next.

If you can, join the emergency member meeting after bargaining to make these decisions together with your fellow members. Whatever happens, we will not back down in the fight to protect our college and our jobs.

In Solidarity,

AFT 2121

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Union Files Unfair Labor Practice| Misleading HEERF survey | Save CCSF Calendar | More…

AFT 2121 charges CCSF with unfair labor practice

On May 5, 2021, AFT 2121 filed an unfair labor practice charge with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) over the District’s failure to bargain in good faith.

We’re engaged in impacts bargaining over layoffs that the District claims are a budgetary necessity. Yet the District has failed to provide the budget information we need, and has provided false information. In addition, VC of Finance John al-Amin has been absent from negotiations, and the District team has been unable to work on budgetary issues without him. We hope that filing this ULP will encourage the District to join us at the table in good faith.

RSVP now for essential updates from your bargaining team this Friday May 7 at 9am.

Read more ›

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595