Check your June Check | Bargaining Update | New Employee Record System| Vaccine Questions

Check Your June Check

If you had a summer assignment, remember to check your June check. We’ve seen a few problems with missing pay. While it’s likely the problems are just a few isolated cases, don’t wait to find out!

  • June pay should be at the Spring 2021 pay rates
  • CCSF paychecks can be hard to interpret. You can ask your precinct rep for help, or see AFT’s check-your-check page.
    • If you spot a problem, tell your chair immediately. If your chair is gone for the summer, tell your dean. Also report on this form, which reports automatically to both AFT 2121 and to the CCSF payroll department.

Bargaining Update: COVID Impacts & Class Cancellations

In a week of bargaining, we’ve made some progress. We’ve won agreements to extend last year’s COVID leaves for Fall 2021, and flexibility on sabbaticals. (More detail about those agreements coming soon.) We still have a lot of work to do, especially regarding class size and class cancellations.

AFT proposed maintaining a 15-student minimum and letting classes run for two weeks in credit and four weeks in noncredit before cancellation, as we did this past year. We’re still facing the increased workload and chaos of remote work. We’re still dealing with COVID risk. Students still have trouble registering and finding classes. We can’t simply pretend COVID is over. 

Administration, on the other hand, wants to bring the minimum back up to 20, and only allow two weeks in both credit and noncredit . Given how hard we’ve worked and how much we’ve sacrificed to keep classes open, it’s infuriating that they want the power to make even more cuts. 

Come to open bargaining next week to support your bargaining team and show the administration that faculty are united!

Open bargaining:
    Tuesday 7/6, 12:00
    Register in advance for this meeting

New Employee Records System

CCSF has just launched a new platform to access employee records, called PeopleAdmin. Confusingly, the login page looks exactly like the myCCSF login page. But don’t panic, myCCSF and Web4 and all the rest are still there.
This link opens the familiar myCCSF page, where you can access Web4, Curricunet, etc.
This link, which came in our email, will open the new system. Log in with your RAM ID. Once you log in, click the three blue dots in the upper left corner to get to “Employee Records”

For now, it looks like we’ll only need to use it if we want to make a change in our records such as a name change, or to file a form such as an intent to retire. However, CCSF administration made this change with no warning, and as far as we know, no input. We do not know how they intend to use this system or what else they will add to it.

San Francisco and COVID Vaccines

Many of us received notice that San Francisco City employees are required to prove COVID vaccination. AFT 2121 has received many questions about this. CCSF faculty are not City employees, so the requirement does not apply to us. City College currently has no plans to require vaccination.

Anyone wanting vaccination can use the City’s vaccination site to make an appointment. It lists ongoing vaccination sites and short-term vaccination events in San Francisco.

Posted in News

John al-Amin’s no-budget budget

At last Thursday’s board of trustees meeting, John al-Amin presented a document that he called a tentative budget for the coming year. And the board approved it.

But it wasn’t a real budget document. In reality, the college has entered into a legally binding agreement with AFT 2121 to provide 520 instructional FTEF for Fall and Spring. But the document al-Amin brought to the board doesn’t provide any money for part-time faculty. That would indicate massive cuts. Cuts at that level would be a violation of our agreement and will not be permitted. Nothing that John al-Amin writes can change that.

This looks like an attempt to drive a wedge between faculty and our classified colleagues. The implication is that upcoming SEIU negotiations would impact faculty jobs. This is false. Faculty jobs are protected under AFT 2121’s agreement to the level of 520 FTEF.

The leadership of our two unions, AFT and SEIU, have been talking about this, and we reject administration’s attempt to divide us. It’s not right. 

We are a community college, and we need administrators like John al-Amin to start acting like it. We are here to serve our students and our city, so let’s stop acting irresponsibly and start talking about how we can restore and grow our college. 

For more about this so-called budget, see our latest video.

In Solidarity,

Malaika Finkelstein

AFT 2121 President

Posted in News

Bargaining Update: Covid impacts

On June 28 and 29, your bargaining team met with the district to continue to renegotiate the impacts provisions we won last year. We successfully got the administration to agree to keep our COVID-related leaves in place for Fall 2021, as well as our agreement regarding sabbaticals. For specific language on these two provisions see the link above.

Thursday July 1, we will hear responses from the district on a number of proposals: FT load balances, class size, extending PT benefits through Fall 2021, sick leave accrual for those returning to campus in Fall 2021, and more.

As always, all members are welcome to attend our open bargaining sessions and we hope to see many of you Thursday!

Thursday 7/1, 11:30-2:00

Please register here:–grjguHtT14-PMwqaO772IaAMJFmmx

In unity,

Your AFT2121 bargaining team

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Attend open bargaining | Chancellor Gonzales

Bargaining update: COVID Impacts

It’s summer, but we have more work to do at the table. COVID isn’t over. This week we’re meeting with the District to renegotiate the impacts provisions we won last year. COVID impacts bargaining is a separate process from bargaining over our next contract. We’ll handle COVID impacts first.

We had an initial discussion with the District on Monday. All members are welcome to attend our next open bargaining sessions:

Tuesday 6/29, 12:30-2:30

Thursday 7/1, 11:30-2:00

Use the same zoom link to register for both meetings:–grjguHtT14-PMwqaO772IaAMJFmmx

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Chancellor Gonzales and the work to fund our CCSF

At last Thursday’s Board of Trustees’ meeting, the Trustees announced the appointment of Deputy Chancellor Dianna Gonzales to the Interim Chancellor position. 

We fought for Anita Martinez to assume this position because she has a decades-long record of fighting to expand public higher education. CCSF faculty live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, and they took a salary cut to save courses and jobs. While we congratulate Dianna Gonzales on her new position, we also need to see her and the rest of her administrative team demonstrate the same commitment to restoring and growing our college. Our city deserves nothing less. 

In open bargaining, she demonstrated an ability and willingness to understand and be responsive to the issues that matter to faculty. We urge her to continue this trend and become the Interim Chancellor that our college and our community needs. We have seen 25% of our courses cut in the past two years–we need a Chancellor who will reject downsizing and work with us to aggressively advocate for our college. 

San Francisco deserves a community college that meets the needs of its residents. But to do that, CCSF needs local support. Just as the city fills in the gap for our K-12 system, which is also under-funded by the state, we need the Board of Supervisors and Mayor to step up and fund City College. 

During her brief tenure as Interim Chancellor previously, Dianna Gonzales advocated with us to establish the Workforce Education Recovery Act. We look forward to working with her again on WERF and this time hope the college will remain active in work needed to make WERF the sustainable revenue source our college needs. 

How you can help:

  • CONTACT the Mayor & Your Supervisor: Tell Them to Stand Up for City College:
  • You all did an excellent job making your voices heard at the City Budget Hearing on Friday! If you haven’t already shared your City College story and want us to have it for the campaign please do so at this link: 
Posted in E-news Archives

Speak up for City funding for CCSF today! | Cast COPE vote now

Make your voice heard by City leaders at their budget hearing tomorrow Friday 6/25. We took paycuts to protect classes, save jobs & give City leaders time to find the solutions CCSF needs. Tell City Leaders to step up & find short & long-term solutions to CCSF’s budget crisis.
  • You can join public comment or make a video to submit TODAY/Thursday by 4pm here:
  • We will send your video to the City Clerk to be played into the public record during the hearing on Friday
Vote by 9am tomorrow 6/25, on whether AFT 2121 should oppose the efforts to recall our previously endorsed candidate for District Attorney, Chesa Boudin.
Posted in E-news Archives

Speak up for City funding for CCSF today! | Cast COPE vote now

Make your voice heard by City leaders at their budget hearing tomorrow Friday 6/25. We took paycuts to protect classes, save jobs & give City leaders time to find the solutions CCSF needs. Tell City Leaders to step up & find short & long-term solutions to CCSF’s budget crisis.
  • You can join public comment or make a video to submit TODAY/Thursday by 4pm here:
  • We will send your video to the City Clerk to be played into the public record during the hearing on Friday
Vote by 9am tomorrow 6/25, on whether AFT 2121 should oppose the efforts to recall our previously endorsed candidate for District Attorney, Chesa Boudin.
Posted in E-news Archives

(by 6/25) Help enrollment |Rally for postal workers

What’s your favorite CCSF landmark? Share to help enrollment!

Your union is launching an enrollment campaign, and we need your help by Friday, 6/25 to shape the art project at the center of it! Fill out this form and share your favorite City College landmark and/or hidden gem for a CCSF Map of San Francisco being made by students and faculty in the Art Department!

These double sided posters will be both beautiful and informative, with a map of the city on one side highlighting City College’s historic legacy in our communities, and information on CCSF classes, programs, and registration on the other side.

The goal with them is simple: to let your City know about everything your college has to offer, and to build CCSF’s enrollment in the process.

Save the Post Office at SFO!​

Join the American Postal Workers Union on June 28th for a car caravan to stop the closure of the San Francisco International Airport Post Office. Meet at 1:30 pm at the Tanforan Shopping Center. The caravan will be from 2:00 – 3:00 pm.

Please see the FLIER for all the details and phone numbers to urge your Representatives’ support.  

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595