COPE/Delegate Assembly Tues 9/21 | In-Person Faculty Feedback Needed

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Return to Campus Feedback Needed Now! | Support UC Student Researchers Union | NO Recall


Good or bad, we need to hear about your experiences being on campus.

Are there signs up outside your room notifying students, staff, and faculty what the COVID protocols are? Is social distancing clearly marked in your workspace? Is the ventilation adequate? Are masks being worn? Do you know who your building monitor is and are you satisfied with their oversight? Is the District ensuring that your room is being regularly sanitized? What concerns or positive experiences should other union members know about?

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Return to Campus Clarification | Giants Concession Worker Strike Vote | NO Recall

Return-to-Campus Clarification

Our Tuesday morning began with a flood of questions, worry, and outright panic about return-to-campus plans. We received a confusing message from Interim Chancellor Dianna Gonzales, which left many with the impression that we would be required to return to campus this semester.

AFT 2121 inquired with the chancellor to get a clarification. We were told that classes will continue as currently scheduled, and nothing currently planned to be remote or online will be moved to in-person in Fall 2021. Typical of CCSF communication, the chancellor’s message basically boiled down to: Administration is working on return-to-campus plans, stay tuned to find out more later. There was no new information or any change in policy. Fall 2021 will remain as currently scheduled. Administration hopes to bring more classes and programs back in person in Spring 2021, but much of the college will still remain remote.

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Evans Update | Join an AFT Team! | NO Recall Phone Banking

College appears ready to move AMT program to Evans

Last year, CCSF lost the lease on the Airport Campus and did not find an alternative site. Plans to move the program to the Evans Campus were wholly inadequate. The District failed to consult with the community around the Evans Campus. They failed to address noise, air quality, pollution from aircraft fuel, and the needs of other programs at the Evans Campus.

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Your paycheck | DA/COPE | AMT/Evans Campus | NO recall

Your paycheck this week

In May, you and the majority of your colleagues came together to support a one-year agreement, accepting temporary salary concessions in order to save our students and our college from devastating cuts. And even though we all knew a pay reduction was coming, it’s painful to see.

Why did we make this sacrifice? Over 60% of CCSF’s faculty were facing layoff: 163 FT faculty received pink slips notices, and over 500 PT faculty were at risk of losing their jobs. This included more than 40% of Black faculty members. The cuts would have robbed tens of thousands of students of education. These cuts are temporary and progressive, and we’ve accepted them to save courses, jobs, and our bargaining power.

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Draft budget unacceptable | No recall | PERS settlement

Draft budget unacceptable

At Thursday’s BOT meeting, administration came forward with a draft budget for 2021-2022. Following the same script as in previous years, administration told the BOT that the way to close that deficit is to cut classes.

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No recall | DA

(8/24, 8/26, more) NO recall

The Recall Race for the Governor is close.  


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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595