DA, COPE, Open Bargaining

(Tues. 12/14) Committee on Political Education (COPE) and Delegate Assembly

All AFT 2121 members are invited to participate in your Committee on Political Education (COPE) and Delegate Assembly (DA) meetings Tuesday, December 14, from 1:30-3pm (COPE) and 3-5pm (DA).

To attend either of these meetings, follow this link from your computer or smartphone OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #810 1671 8065 and password: 783119.

(Thurs. 12/9) Open Bargaining for AFT 2121 members

COVID Impacts Bargaining
Thursday 12/9, 10-11:30 am

Your unique registration link can be used for all bargaining sessions this semester – no need to re-register each time.
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Bargaining Update | Phonebank for the Chancellor Petition

Vaccine Mandate & Bargaining Update

Beginning Spring 2022, all faculty members with assignments must submit proof of vaccination or request an exemption.

• Applies to all assignments, remote and in-person
• Faculty who fail to submit proof of vaccination / exemption at least ten working days before the start of their assignment will be placed on unpaid leave.
• Unpaid leave may extend until the end of Spring semester or until they meet the requirement.
• During the unpaid leave, the District will assist faculty members to meet the requirement.
• Faculty members who willfully fail to comply by the end of Spring 2022 semester may be terminated.

Your bargaining team made the following video to tell you more about this agreement: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EfWVDt3cbJIWlBZ6sSryczlthVd6K3qA/view?usp=sharing. We recommend uploading your information now to avoid problems with Spring assignments.

We hope to open up more classrooms, more offices, and more services. Many of us are looking forward to the time when CCSF is a fully-vaccinated school. Reporting your information will move us closer to that time.

Here’s a reminder from the SF Gay Men’s Chorus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-Bk7JP7kUY

Your bargaining team was hard at work the day before Thanksgiving. In addition to the agreement on vaccine enforcement, we also moved closer to an agreement with administration to provide more COVID testing on campus. For more about COVID Impacts Bargaining, see your team’s summary of agreements.

Next sessions:

COVID Impacts Bargaining
Thursday, 12/9, 10 am – 12 pm

AFT 2121 members may register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkcOGvrzguH900u9qgCU9fG1SjWJc7eEUi

Your unique registration link can be used for all bargaining sessions this semester – no need to re-register each time.

Yes, I’m ready to make calls to my colleagues about joining the petition to Chancellor Martin!

Just over 120 faculty members have signed your Photo Petition to the Chancellor, which is great, but we need 700 to successfully influence him. We need the Chancellor to show he believes in City College, commit to greater administrative accountability, and write an Op-Ed in the SF Chronicle on the value of City College. But to do that, we need to show our full power, and that means you.

Talking to your colleagues in 1 on 1 conversations is essential to building your power so that all of us, together, can fight pay cuts and layoffs and grow back our college. RSVP here for this Tues (11/30) 3-5pm, Weds (12/1) 10am-4pm, or Thurs (12/2) 5-7pm: https://bit.ly/AFT2121Petition

Once you sign up, we’ll send you a link, and on the day of, you’ll join your colleagues on Zoom to review the goal of your conversations, answer any questions, and then get calling, while using the Zoom chat to support each other and answer any further questions.

Posted in E-news Archives

Phonebank for the Chancellor Petition | Important Return to Campus Updates

Yes, I’m ready to make calls to my colleagues about joining the petition to Chancellor Martin!

You can take action to fight the pay cuts and layoffs. Sign up to make calls to your colleagues about joining the petition to Chancellor Martin to publicly show he believes in City College, commit to greater administrative accountability, and to write an Op-Ed in the SF Chronicle on the value of City College. To successfully influence him we need to show our full power and that means you.

RSVP here: https://bit.ly/AFT2121Petition

Tuesday, Nov 30, 3-5pm

Wednesday, Dec 1, 10am-4pm

Thursday, Dec 2, 5-7pm

Return to Campus Updates from Your Team

Your Return to Campus Team has a summary of recent developments in the college’s vaccine mandate enforcement, the streamlining of the RTC plan process, building monitors, and more. Please see the Return to Campus update doc (here) and homepage (here) for more information.

Posted in E-news Archives

Your COPE makes initial endorsements | Enroll in California Labor History

Getting ready for February 2022 election–and for a very political year!

We are gearing up for a very political 2022 with up to four elections, the first of which will be taking place February 15, 2022. AFT 2121 has already weighed in on two items for this upcoming election. In October, your COPE voted to join our siblings in UESF opposing the effort to recall members of the board of education, a position which was based not in our unquestioning support of the commissioners who are already up for re-election in November 2022, but in your commitment to safeguarding the democratic elections of governing boards for our public educational institutions. And last week, your COPE voted to endorse long-time ally, David Campos, for state assembly member in District 17. These are important and high-stakes questions for you, your union, and for our communities being decided during off-cycle and likely low-turnout elections. Let’s remind our communities of the importance of voting in the upcoming February election.

Contact AFT 2121 Political Director Adele Failes-Carpenter (afailes@aft2121.org) to get involved.

Enroll in California Labor History

California Labor History (LBCS 88) will be offered (online) spring semester Thursday evenings at 7 pm beginning January 18 after a two year hiatus. Many AFT 2121 members have taken this unique class over the years.

REGISTRATION BEGINS NOVEMBER 29TH. TO REGISTER VISIT THE CCSF CLASS SCHEDULE PAGE. Free for San Francisco residents. Students receive three units college credit, transferable to CSU and UC.

California has always been ground zero in the battle for workers’ rights. Find out about the personalities, the events, the culture and the organizing strategies devised by workers and their organizations across a century and a half of struggles for a better world. See how AFT Local 2121 fits into the broader labor movement; how organized labor relates to movements for social justice of all kinds; and how these things remain relevant right here and now.  

Instructor Fred Glass, former communications director for the California Federation of Teachers, wrote From Mission to MicrochipA History of the California Labor Movement (UC Press, 2016) and directed the ten-part documentary video series Golden Lands, Working Hands. For more information: fglasscft@gmail.com.

Says ESL instructor and former 2121 officer Jessica Buchsbaum, “Taking the class was a great introduction to labor history in California. It’s given me a better understanding and appreciation of AFT 2121’s achievements over the last 30+ years. I had the opportunity to interview and videotape Lauri Fried-Lee for our final project in the class. It was a privilege and an education to hear Lauri describe the early days of our Union, and the strides that it has made to improve our pay, benefits, and working conditions. I showed the video at Lauri’s retirement party. It was really meaningful for me to feel connected to the labor leaders and faculty members who’ve paved the way for us, and to honor Lauri with a tribute that was created in the California Labor History class.”

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The Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

We are outraged, grieving, and unsurprised that Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty. He claimed self-defense after killing two men and wounding a third during a protest against the police shooting of Jacob Blake. The so-called criminal justice system has upheld white supremacy.

As a union, we fight for racial justice within our workplace and in the world. Here is a statement by the Affirmative Action Task Force, a committee of AFT 2121.

Posted in E-news Archives

Bargaining today, Wednesday, next week

Return-to-Campus bargaining continues! You can see a summary of agreements so far here.

Last week, the District told us they intend to discipline faculty who fail to submit proof of COVID vaccination or apply for exemptions. In the District’s initial proposal, faculty who don’t submit their information would be put on unpaid leave starting on November 30 – even if our work is completely remote.

Yourbargaining team pushed back, and enforcement will not start before January. Bargaining continues, and we have not yet settled an exact start date or what discipline the District will pursue.

We recommend that all faculty upload your vaccine information or apply for exemptions. The District is making COVID vaccination/exemption a condition of employment, in the way that TB testing is a condition of employment. It can take a long time for your information to be verified. The official story is that it’s supposed to clear within ten days, but faculty report that it can take much longer. Get your information in now to avoid problems with Spring assignments. Even if you’re not sure whether you’ll have a Spring assignment, you can still upload now to make the process easier.

Even faculty who are assigned remotely may come to campus occasionally. We hope to open up more classrooms, more offices, and more services. Many of us are looking forward to the time when CCSF is a fully-vaccinated school. Reporting your information will move us closer to that time.

Upcoming Return-to-Campus/COVID Impacts Bargaining:

In Unity,

You AFT 2121 Bargaining Team

P.S. Also coming up are these restoration bargaining sessions: 

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Join Striking Workers at Kaiser!

Calling all AFT 2121 Members- Put on your union t-shirt and join your labor siblings on the picket line in solidarity with striking Stationary Engineers Local 39 at Kaiser!

For over 8 weeks the essential workers of Stationary Engineers Local 39 have been on strike at Kaiser’s Northern California locations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kaiser Permanente has made $13 billion in profits. However, rather than spend that money on increased core staffing,

Kaiser has proposed to float engineers between facilities. This model would institutionalize the staffing shortages that have already hurt patients and workers. Rather than accept this takeaway, engineers have been on strike for nearly two months, and we must support them in their fight for better working conditions.

An injury to one is an injury to all. That’s why Thursday and Friday of this week several unions of essential health care workers will be holding strikes in solidarity with Local 39. SEIU UHW, OPEIU Local 29 and IFPTE Local 20 were ON STRIKE in solidarity today. Tomorrow, CNA and NUHW will join their fellow workers in Local 39 in a one-day sympathy strike.

Come join a picket and show Kaiser that the California labor movement stands with the essential workers of Local 39.

Friday, Nov 19th, 7am-10am and 2pm-5pm: Use this link to confirm the picket time you can join.

  • Antioch Medical Center, 4501 Sand Creek Rd, Antioch, CA 94531

  • Fremont Medical Center, 39400 Paseo Padre Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538

  • Oakland Medical Center, 3600 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94611

  • Redwood City Medical Center, 1100 Veterans Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94063

  • Richmond Medical Center, 901 Nevin Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801

  • San Francisco Medical Center, 2425 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94115

  • San Leandro Medical Center, 2500 Merced Street, San Leandro, CA 94577

  • San Rafael Medical Center, 99 Montecillo Road, San Rafael, CA 94903

  • Santa Clara Medical Center, 700 Lawrence Expy, Santa Clara, CA 95051

  • Santa Rosa Medical Center, 401 Bicentennial Way, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

  • San Jose Medical Center, 250 Hospital Parkway, San Jose, CA 95119

  • South San Francisco Medical Center, 1200 El Camino Real, South San Francisco, CA 94080

  • Vacaville Medical Center, 1 Quality Drive, Vacaville, CA 95688

  • Vallejo Medical Center, 975 Sereno Drive, Vallejo, CA 94589

  • Walnut Creek Medical Center, 1425 S Main Street, Walnut Creek, CA 94596

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595