March 15 “pink slip” in-person action & virtual press conference | AFT 2121 Election updates


​Without a budget mandate, CCSF Board of Trustees voted to approve a plan to lay off 50 tenure and tenure-track faculty, a move that would necessitate laying off hundreds of part-time faculty as well. These layoffs would close hundreds of fully enrolled courses, impacting thousands of students and perpetuating CCSF’s ongoing crisis. Cuts are a downward spiral that ultimately mean failing to meet community demand. The real long term solution to the under-funding of CCSF is more support, not downsizing. It’s time CCSF moves in a new direction, but to do that, you need to take action!

RSVP now (, and encourage your colleagues, students, & community to do the same to the CCSF Tuesday, March 15, Day of Action

1. 11-12am In-Person Action in front of Conlan Hall, Ocean Campus

2. 12-1pm Virtual Press Conference on Zoom:



It’s time to participate in your union elections.

  • The election will be held April 18-29. The votes will be tallied electronically. Please be sure that our union has your current email address.

  • Nominate yourself or a colleague. Serving as a precinct rep or officer is a tremendous way to help build the voice and power of our union. Deadline for nomination forms is Friday March 18. Nominations may also be made at the General Membership Meeting on March 22, 3-5pm, held remotely. To make a nomination:

  • This election cycle we also elect delegates for the San Francisco Labor Council and for the AFT National Convention (to be held July 14-17 in Boston). AFT 2121 usually is able to pay the travel costs of some delegates but not all. Nominations are accepted either through this nomination form or from the floor during the General Membership Meeting on March 22, held remotely from 3-5pm.

  • Friday, March 4th was the deadline for submission of 75 signature petitions to add a proposed change to the AFT 2121 Constitution and By-Laws to the 2022-24 ballot. No petitions were received. The next opportunity to vote on adding proposed change to the 2022-24 ballot will be from the floor at the March General Membership Meeting, held remotely from 3-5pm.

  • The Election Commission has proposed a discussion and vote on an amendment to our AFT 2121 Constitution at the March General Membership Meeting, held remotely from 3-5pm. If the General Assembly passes it, it would then move on to consideration by our whole membership on our Spring election ballot. The proposal reads as follows:

    Article XV: Nominations and Elections for Executive Board and Officers

    Section 6. Regular biennial elections shall be by ballots 
    mailed first class (replace bolded language with “distributed to”) to the membership within six weeks following the March membership meeting. For special elections, a three-week time limit shall apply.

You will find full election information, including additional election forms and an election calendar at:

Posted in E-news Archives, Events

David Campos’s Message to Trustees & Join a Campos Campaign Event!

Your endorsed candidate for State Assembly District 17, David Campos, is in a tight race. Your union endorsed David because he’s been a long-time ally of City College, and he’s still speaking up for our students and our college.

See his recent Instagram video message urging the Trustees to avoid layoffs here, and then sign up to help David Campos win! Join a campaign event this weekend and urgent phone banking next week. The campaign expects that vast amounts of corporate money will be spent attacking David in the coming weeks, so it’s essential you counter that with people power ASAP.

RSVP for all events here, and here is the Zoom link for phone banking at 5pm-8pm all next week.

Weekend Events/Canvassing
Saturday at 10am we’ll be at Glen Park Rec Center (70 Elk St)

Sunday at 10am we’ll be at Excelsior Playground (571 Madrid St) with former D11 Supervisor John Avalos!

Urgent Voter Education Phone Banking
March 7-11, Monday-Friday, 5-8pm

If you have any questions about these events or how you can contribute to David’s campaign, contact Otto Pippenger at 415 971-9559. There’s less than two weeks until early voting begins, and this is an absolutely critical moment for David’s campaign–after March 15th, many voters will be out of reach so the time to plug in is now.

Posted in E-news Archives

Emergency General Membership Meeting Wednesday, March 2nd @ 2pm

Despite lacking budgetary justification, CCSF’s elected Board of Trustees voted last Thursday to approve a plan to lay off 50 tenured and tenure-track faculty. This is a move that will necessitate denying assignments for all part-time faculty in targeted departments, and a further erosion of educational opportunity for our majority student of color population.

Your union is calling an Emergency General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd @ 2pm (Zoom info below) to check in, discuss the ramifications of the Trustees’ decision, and your plan for fighting back.

We encourage everyone to join this meeting tomorrow. Your union is working to fight these layoffs and move CCSF out of its cycle of crises, but it’s going to take all hands on deck, and that means you.

Topic: Emergency Member Meeting
Time: Mar 2, 2022 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 856 9453 3559
Passcode: 171641

Posted in E-news Archives

Emergency General Membership Meeting Wednesday, March 2nd @ 2pm

Despite lacking budgetary justification, CCSF’s elected Board of Trustees voted last Thursday to approve a plan to lay off 50 tenured and tenure-track faculty. This is a move that will necessitate denying assignments for all part-time faculty in targeted departments, and a further erosion of educational opportunity for our majority student of color population.

Your union is calling an Emergency General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd @ 2pm (Zoom info below) to check in, discuss the ramifications of the Trustees’ decision, and your plan for fighting back.

We encourage everyone to join this meeting tomorrow. Your union is working to fight these layoffs and move CCSF out of its cycle of crises, but it’s going to take all hands on deck, and that means you.

Topic: Emergency Member Meeting
Time: Mar 2, 2022 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 856 9453 3559
Passcode: 171641

Posted in E-news Archives

Union Elections kick off: Be a part of your union’s Democratic Process!

Dear AFT 2121 Colleagues,

It’s time to participate in your union elections. It’s a great way to get involved and get your voice heard. The election will be held April 18-29. The votes will be tallied electronically. Please be sure that our union has your current email address.

Now is the time to nominate yourself or a colleague. Serving as a precinct rep or officer is a tremendous way to help build the voice and power of our union.

To make a nomination:

  1. Consult the list of eligible members by last name or the list of eligible members by precinct number and find out who is eligible to run for leadership. Dues-paying union members in good standing are eligible for nomination (with the exception of department chairs/managers for any positions other than Labor Council Delegate).

  2. There is a separate list of members who are eligible to be nominated for Labor Council Delegate, which includes Department Chairs.

  3. If you believe that your name has been omitted from any of these lists in error, please contact Wendy Leung at

  4. Complete the Nomination Form for Officers, Executive Board & Labor Council
    Complete the Precinct Rep Nomination Form

Nominations may also be made at the General Membership Meeting on March 22, 3-5pm, held remotely.

Below you will find additional election forms and an election calendar.

While there is a lot happening at the college that we don’t get to vote on, our union election is one way we can all participate. Together, we can make our voices heard. Get involved! And don’t forget to vote.

In Unity,

Your Election Commission
Janey Skinner (chair), Mitra Sapienza, Melissa Peters, & Chad Stevenson (alternate)

Other AFT 2121 election forms:

2022-2024 AFT 2121 Election Timeline
(Affirmed by Election Commission 2/17/22)

Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022

  • Election of AFT 2121 Election Commission by Delegate Assembly

  • Review and adoption of Election Timeline by Delegate Assembly

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

  • Send out by email:

    • Nomination forms

    • Guidelines for collecting signatures for ballot measures

    • Precinct list of eligible members

    • Reminder of G.M. meeting

Friday-Tuesday, March 4-7, 2022

  • Mar. 4: Proposed amendments to the Const./Bylaws due in the AFT office

  • Mar. 7: Send out by email proposed amendments to the Const./Bylaws w/ G.M. minutes/agenda

Friday, March 18, 2022

  • Nomination forms due by 5:00 pm

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

  • Nominations from the floor of the G.M. meeting

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

  • Start notifying nominees of their nominations

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

  • Deadline for nomination acceptance

  • Deadline for “member in good standing” $5/mo dues for members with rehire rights

  • Deadline for Retiree Chapter member in good standing list

  • Candidate statements due by 5:00 pm                                                      

Monday-Friday, April 11-15, 2022

  • Preparation of election materials

Monday, April 18, 2022

  • Election Launch

Friday, April 29, 2022

  • Conclusion of election

Posted in E-news Archives, Elections

Emergency Member Mting this Wed 3/2 at 2pm | Report on Meeting w/ Mayor last Friday

Trustees & Admin Want Downsizing–Join the Fight Back!

At last Thursday’s Board of Trustees meeting, David Martin finally admitted something AFT and CFT have been saying for a long time: It would be illegal for the District to assign part-time faculty to replace laid-off full-time faculty. He specifically said that the District will not assign part-timers as replacements.

His words clearly show the meaning of these layoffs: Downsizing. David is not planning to replace expensive workers with cheaper workers. He plans to remove faculty, and therefore to remove classes and services.

AFT 2121 will hold an Emergency General Membership Meeting this Wednesday, 3/2, at 2pm to discuss and plan next steps in your campaign to fight these layoffs and grow back your college. This meeting is in addition to our regularly scheduled general membership meeting on March 22. Your union will also be opening a space for informal discussion on Flex Day, March 1st.

→ Informal Flex Day Discussion w/Alan D’Souza & Dayna Holz
March 1, 8am-9am
Zoom link

→ Emergency General Membership Meeting
March 2, 2pm
Zoom link

The CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition Met w/ Mayor Breed Last Friday

Last Friday afternoon, members of the CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition–including AFT 2121, SEIU 1021, the San Francisco Building Trades, & Local 39–met with Mayor Breed and members of her staff.  

In this historic meeting we presented the coalition’s Executive Summary and plan to bring tens of millions in sustainable and dedicated funding to the college. As we made our presentation, the mayor listened intently to what we shared, asked relevant questions, and suggested other constituents she’d like to see brought into the conversation, specifically SFUSD. And while she was not without critiques or concerns about City College, many of her comments touched on the same issues we are trying to address with our revenue efforts.  

Overall, this was an encouraging first meeting, and the start of a long overdue open dialogue between the mayor’s office and the stakeholders of City College. We are already in the process of providing her office with supporting documents and setting up our next meeting.      

As you know from experience, the fight for City College is only going to work if all hands are on deck, so come to your Emergency General Membership Meeting this Wednesday, March 2, from 2-3pm, to hear about your next steps in the campaign to protect and grow back our college. Use the link below to join and encourage your colleagues to join you:

Topic: Emergency Member Meeting
Time: Mar 2, 2022 02:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 9453 3559 Passcode: 171641
One tap mobile +16699006833,,85694533559#,,,,*171641# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,85694533559#,,,,*171641# US (Houston)

Posted in E-news Archives

Take action now! CCSF Board of Trustees authorize potential Pink Slips

The Board of Trustees have voted to authorize issuing pink slips to 50 tenured and tenure-track faculty (press release here), despite millions in federal and state relief, and work underway for long-term local support. These layoffs will also necessitate denying assignments for all part-time faculty in targeted departments and a further erosion of educational opportunity for CCSF’s majority student of color population.

As educators, we know what is at stake. The administration’s proposed layoffs will close classroom doors to hundreds of fully-enrolled courses, impacting thousands of students and perpetuating an era of crisis at CCSF.

Take Action!
It’s clear trustees listen more when elected and community leaders are paying attention.

Your union is launching a Faculty, Student, and Community CCSF Story Campaign to engage and expand our community and place public political pressure on the Trustees to rescind these layoff notices and stand up for your college. Participants will record their City College story and share how layoffs and downsizing erodes public education. Your union will ask Supervisors, community/labor leaders, and other public figures to publicly challenge Trustees to respond to your video story. This campaign will culminate with a mass Heartbeat of San Francisco March down Market St. in early May. We need to continue building our power and educating each other, while also broadcasting this message loud and clear to all of San Francisco.

Trustees have until May 15 to rescind these layoff notices, so take action now:

  1. Record a 60 second video & answer this question:
    City College serves the most underserved in our community, and because of the pandemic and all of the changes in our city, they are suffering now more than ever. Why does SF need CCSF now more than ever?

  2. End your video with this statement:
    I’m Marching in May because I am the heartbeat of City College/We are all the heartbeat of City College.

  3. If you’re a faculty member upload your video HERE

  4. If you’re a student or community member upload your video HERE
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595