Urgent CCSF Press Conf to Protest Cuts Tues 5/3 12pm

​The budget news keeps improving. The Associated Press reported on 4/28 that according to Senate Democrats, “California’s budget surplus has more than doubled since January to a staggering $68 billion.” Previous estimates put the 22-23 COLA at an extremely healthy 5.33%, and as of this week, CFT estimates it will be as high as 6.56%. Our community understands that there is no budgetary need for layoffs. More than 1,700 people (and counting!) have sent a letter to the CCSF Board​, telling our elected Board of Trustees to rescind the layoffs. 

With a final vote taking place as early as this week, CCSF’s elected Board of Trustees appear prepared to authorize faculty layoffs that will close hundreds of fully enrolled classes, impact 20,544 students at minimum next semester alone, and plunge CCSF even further into a downward cycle of cuts, decline, & crisis. 

It is time for the Board to change course, rescind the layoffs, and direct administration to fund CCSF departments at least at 21-22 levels to prevent further cuts. 

More info on this struggle: 

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(5/3, 12pm) Demand Trustees commit to No Layoffs! No Cuts! New Revenue!

​Dear CCSF Community,

With a final vote taking place as early as next week, CCSF Trustees seem prepared to neglect their obligation to defend public education by closing classroom doors to at least 20,566 of the students they were elected to serve.

Despite budget surpluses through fiscal year 2023​ and anticipated surpluses for the next 5 years, CCSF Trustees unanimously took a position at an initial vote in February to cut hundreds of fully enrolled classes and layoff 218 full- and part-time faculty, including 58 tenured/tenure-track faculty. If they choose to affirm the downsizing plan at their final vote at the beginning of May this will perpetuate CCSF’s era of cuts, decline, & crisis, and harm the thousands of black, brown, working-class, disabled, and immigrant residents whom CCSF serves.​

Instead, Trustees should recommit to working with a historic coalition of CCSF labor, student, & community groups planning to bring a revenue measure to San Francisco voters in November to address the long-term problem of the State’s underfunding, improve the college’s fiscal stability and ensure CCSF meets the educational demands of the City. CCSF is the largest provider of workforce & skills training and pivotal in social and economic prosperity for its majority student of color population. Growth of City College is the path forward. ​See more on the CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition’s recent meetings with Mayor Breed office here.

That’s why CCSF students, faculty, and community members are holding a Press Conference (RSVP now) to Demand Trustees commit to No Layoffs! No Cuts! New Revenue! on Tuesday 5/3 at 12pm in front of Conlan Hall, Ocean Campus. RSVP now  & share this invite with students, colleagues, and community members.

In Solidarity,

AFT 2121

P.S. The SF Democratic Party has spoken, leaders of SEIU 1021 & the SF Building Trades have spoken, CCSF’s students have spoken, and you, our beloved CCSF community have spoken. But, now in the crucial final weeks of this campaign, you need to keep speaking up for CCSF.  RSVP for the Press conference now. 

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Join the Heartbeat of CCSF May day March!

RSVP: https://bit.ly/MayDayCCSF

Thank you for joining AFT 2121, the faculty union at City College this Sunday, May 1 @ 9:30am at the Embarcadero Plaza (see attached map). We will walk up Market Street to the Civic Center for a rally in front of City Hall. We are marching in solidarity with all SF workers and to defend public education so every person has the opportunity to pursue their dreams at CCSF.

WHAT: May Day Parade & Rally
WHEN TO MEET: Sunday, May 1 @ 9:30am
WHERE TO MEET: Embarcadero Plaza at south end of bocce courts (see attached map)
END TIME & LOCATION: City Hall after 1

Wear your green, black, red, or grey AFT t-shirts/hoodies. Faculty, let us know if you need one. Bring water and sunscreen. 

Call or text Alan @ 415.203.5698 if you cannot find the group.


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Vote in your Union elections | Poor People’s March on Washington | More…

Time to vote in your Union Elections

Don’t forget to vote in your union’s elections! Elections are open until Monday, May 2nd at 5pm. This is your chance to have a say in the union’s leadership at all levels, for the 2022-2024 period. There is also a measure on the ballot to update the AFT 2121 constitution & by-laws regarding how ballots are distributed. Your voice counts and your vote matters!

You should have already received an electronic ballot via email for anonymous voting from Election Buddy. If you have not yet received a ballot or you have lost it, please contact aft2121@electionbuddy.com. For general questions about the election, you can contact the Election Commission at elections@aft2121.org.

Thank you!

Your election commission: Janey Skinner, Mitra Sapienza, Melissa McPeters, Chad Stephenson (alternate)

Read more ›

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Thurs 4/28 12:30-1:30pm Rally at Mission Campus to Defend CCSF ESL

Thursday 4/28 12:30-1:30 Rally at Mission Campus to Defend CCSF ESL: No Layoffs! No Cuts!

Chancellor Martin’s plan to downsize CCSF would result in the firing of 47 ESL faculty members, the closure of at least 40 full ESL courses, and the denial of educational opportunities next year for at least 1,600 students in the ESL department alone.

San Francisco’s immigrant community has depended on CCSF ESL for generations. Cuts of this magnitude (37% of ESL courses) would be devastating.

That’s why CCSF ESL students, faculty, and community members are rallying Thursday 12:30-1:30pm at Mission Campus (1125 Valencia St). See press advisory for event here & RSVP now & share this invite with your students, colleagues, and community members.

RSVP Thurs 4/28 12:30-1:30 pm Mission Campus: https://bit.ly/Rally4ESL

And if you cannot be there, see the event live on Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/s/rally-at-ccsf-mission-campus-s/2626949534116089

CCSF’s Trustees have until May 15 to stop the layoffs and cuts. Join this rally and help get the message out: CCSF has budget surpluses until fiscal year 2023, and the CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition plans to bring a revenue measure to San Francisco voters in November to address the long-term problem of the State’s underfunding.

Put simply, the Trustees have a choice: continue the downward spiral of cuts that will harm thousands of San Francisco’s most vulnerable residents, or, stand up, lead, and join the fight for quality public education in our city.

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Strike Authorization Commitment Card Deadline Extended–Sign Now!

The deadline for your Strike Authorization Commitment cards is being extended in order to ensure you have a powerful majority of faculty committed to authorizing a strike when a strike vote occurs. These Strike Authorization Commitment cards are part of a process of developing a credible strike threat, which is central to your union’s long-term plan to fight downsizing and win full funding for your college. 

Hundreds of currently assigned faculty have already committed to vote to authorize a 1-day Unfair Practice Labor strike. There is clearly an appetite for authorizing a strike, but you need to keep talking to your colleagues. Your new goal is to ensure a powerful majority of faculty have signed on by next week.

The Trustees will  be voting sometime in the first two weeks of May on whether to finalize layoffs and cuts. That means right now is an essential moment for you to show them that faculty stand absolutely united in defense of our working conditions, our students, and our college.

Last May, CCSF administrators committed to negotiate with you over restoring your salary this year should the college receive new money. The District has received new revenue, but it has refused to bargain in good faith over increasing your salary.

The District has failed to act in good faith over restoring your salary (see strike card FAQ), supporting your revenue efforts, or defending your college. Now is the time to come together and fight back.

Take Action

  1. Sign your Strike Authorization Commitment Cards now to send a message of unity & resolve to CCSF’s Trustees. The District needs to begin acting in good faith. Talk to your precinct rep or email adsouza@aft2121.org for more information on signing your card. And see an FAQ on this action here.

  2. RSVP now to be part of the ‘CCSF is the Heartbeat of San Francisco’ contingent at SF Labor Council’s May Day March down Market St Sunday, May 1st: https://bit.ly/MayDayCCSF

Share with your students and friends this Petition to the Trustees calling on them to reject layoffs & cuts before May 15: https://bit.ly/CCSFCommunity

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Open letter on layoffs from 2121 Prez to Trustees | Return to Campus | More…

​Open Letter to the CCSF Board of Trustees

Last week the Board of Trustees sent an unconvincing letter to the college community attempting to justify their position on the layoffs. Yesterday, your President, Malaika Finkelstein, sent this measured and persuasive counter letter to Trustees.  

You can see AFT 2121’s Alternative Budget for CCSF here and a full recording of our Budget Forum, where our budget team clearly explains why there is no budgetary justification for layoffs and cuts this year. 

Chancellor Martin & V.C. al-Amin are refusing to engage in transparent and consistent dialogue around the budget because this would force them to show their work and justify why education is being sacrificed without a budgetary need. CCSF’s Trustees need to step up and start asking some hard questions. The ACCJC is a discredited institution–the last time it threatened CCSF, AFT 2121 sued and won. 

It is high time CCSF’s Trustees start fighting for the fully funded community college San Franciscans need and deserve. 

Take action:

  1. Sign & share a Petition to the Trustees calling on them to reject layoffs & cuts before May 15: https://bit.ly/CCSFCommunity

  2. RSVP now to be part of the ‘CCSF is the Heartbeat of San Francisco’ contingent at SF Labor Council’s May Day March down Market St Sunday, May 1st: https://bit.ly/MayDayCCSF


​Return to Campus updates

Last year, faculty overwhelmingly supported requiring COVID vaccination for everyone on campus. The District developed a multi-pronged approach: verify vaccination of all employees, verify for students who register for in-person classes, and check vaccination status at the doors when people come in.

The verification system is incredibly work-intensive. It’s not automated – humans have to check each bit of uploaded paperwork, follow up with the people who need to re-submit, help with tech problems, troubleshoot, and track everything. Rather than assign adequate staff, the District has been counting on a few individuals to go above and beyond. One worker we spoke to this week has been working nights and weekends and getting up at 4am so that all the student records get verified. This can’t continue. 

If the college doesn’t have the capacity to verify the students who are on campus now, there will be no way to scale this up for the increased numbers we expect to schedule in-person in Fall. And even if the system worked, it wouldn’t reach non-credit students who arrive in class before they register, or the many people on campus who are not registered for in-person classes. At the same time, there is no one to check vaccination status at the doors.

Given this new situation, and the progress of the pandemic itself, it is time to check with faculty to see how you feel about working on campus and what you need for safety. Your voice matters! Are faculty comfortable on campus without a functional vaccine mandate? Or should we treat it as a health and safety hazard? If there were a gas leak, we would all understand that no one should be working in the building until it was addressed. Faculty have power through collective action and union strength — if members are united. 

Please fill out this survey (https://bit.ly/AprilR2C) by 5pm next Thursday, April 28, to help your AFT 2121 Return-to-Campus team plan our next steps.

More information from your Return-to-Campus team here. Reported COVID cases on campus are here.​

Layoff hearing links – blocked by Outlook email

If you have clicked on a link to watch the layoff appeal hearings and got a message that reads “The page that you are trying to access cannot be loaded.” – despair not! The link to YouTube is valid, but clicking on it through Outlook (college email) is causing an error.

Workaround: try copying the text of the link and pasting into a new window, or type the link address in manually. The problem seems to be happening when loading the link through Outlook.

Here are the links for this week’s hearings:

→ April 18-21 and April 26, 9am to 5pm each day

Stand with your union siblings for Chesa Boudin

Get Out the Vote for Chesa Boudin
Saturday, April 23rd at 9 AM
329 Noe Street, San Francisco

This event is organized by SEIU 2015 and will feature special guest speakers on why this election is so important. Download the FLIER for more info and to spread the word!​

Petition pushing back on AB1705, AB705 on steroids

AB 7605 would eliminate student agency and undermine the mission of the California Community Colleges. AB 1705 would:

  • Eliminate access to pre-transfer courses for most students.

  • Require transfer-level English for every program, even where they are not currently required.

  • Prohibit colleges from requiring students to enroll in pre-transfer level math coursework except under very limited circumstances.

  • Lead to the elimination of remedial courses.

If you are interested in expressing your views in opposition of Assembly bill 1705 to this action alert put out by FACCC (Faculty Association of California Community Colleges). It will only take you a minute.

This bill has quite a bit of very well-monied support so it’s really important if you want the bill to be changed significantly or better yet paused or stopped entirely, that you make our voices heard very clearly. 

Posted in News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595