David Martin chooses the nuclear option

​CCSF administration has just reaffirmed their intentions: the dismantling of our college. In an email sent today, David Martin explains to chairs that he is going to cut their department budgets to finalize the layoffs of most of the 38 FT faculty who received pink slips and the 136 part-timers in their departments. From Computer Networking, ESL, & English, to Floristry, Counseling & so much more, essential CCSF programs are under attack. 

The planned budget, the one the Board of Trustees voted for, was given to departments back in February. It included awful cuts. But still included enough FTEF to re-assign most of the pink-slipped full-timers and many of the part-timers. Administration could honor that. But now they have stated their intention to cut the budget even beyond what the BOT approved. AFT 2121 President Malaika Finkelstein sent an open letter to the Board of Trustees today to challenge this latest action to slash City College. 

Normally, there’s a budget and the departments assign faculty within that budget to serve our students. But David Martin has turned it upside down. He’s defined how many faculty he wants and he’s shrinking the budget to meet it. This demonstrates no thought for our students at all and is unconscionable. 

It’s hugely problematic that they would wait until after students have begun enrolling to announce this. It has been clearly established that they can not reappoint full-timers as part-timers. However, the BOT was assured that these cuts would not eliminate programs, since faculty would be reassigned. And this is one of the justifications given by the BOT for why they voted for layoffs, claiming they had been told no departments or programs would be destroyed. 

It’s time for honesty. These layoffs will throw students out of school and close entire departments. Board members, if you want City College to continue to serve students, you can push back against this. You can still demand that the budget you approved be implemented. You can show up for public education. If you can’t find a way to do that, you are welcome to step aside. 

​What comes next? 

Sign up & share with your students: Win revenue for our College:

The current layoffs & cuts are unnecessary and short-sighted. A stable and thriving CCSF needs local investment to meet the long-term educational demands of San Franciscans. Discredited agencies on the State level–the ACCJC and FCMAT–clearly want to shrink City College, and CCSF’s current leaders seem content to follow along. Now is the time to amplify your fight to combat this trend and bring more revenue to CCSF to support faculty, students, and staff.

Your union has been working with the CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition, a historic coalition of CCSF labor, student, & community groups, to launch a campaign to ask voters to pass the San Francisco Workforce Education Reinvestment in Community Success Act (SF WERCS), a progressively applied parcel tax, this November.

  •  See a summary of the measure here.

  • Sign up now to start talking to voters about City College, & encourage all of your colleagues, friends, families, & peers to join you!


    Signature gathering shifts will be 10am-1pm & 1-4pm weekends and 4-8pm weekdays beginning June 2. Each shift will begin with a short training, and focus on a strategic location from parks to groceries stores to Sunday streets. 

  • Come out to the SF WERC Launch Party at Dolores Park from 11-2pm, Saturday, June 11. 

To get this measure on the ballot, you need 14,000 SF voters to sign a petition endorsing it by July 11. Join us in taking action to make this real

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Sign Up & Share Widely: Win Revenue & Better Leadership for Your College

What the trustees and David Martin are trying to do is unconscionable. From Computer Networking, ESL, & English, to Floristry, Counseling & so much more, essential CCSF programs are under attack. Discredited agencies on the State level–the ACCJC and FCMAT–clearly want to shrink your college, and CCSF’s current leaders seem content to follow along.

Now is the time to amplify your fight for better leadership and more revenueSign up now to talk to SF voters about City College & share this email with your students.

While the current layoffs & cuts were unnecessary and short-sighted, a stable and thriving CCSF needs local investment to meet the educational demands of San Franciscans. That’s why a historic coalition of CCSF labor, student, & community groups are bringing a progressively applied parcel tax to San Francisco voters in November. See a summary of the measure here & the measure itself here.

To get this measure on the ballot, you need 14,000 SF voters to sign a petition endorsing it by July 11. That means you need to take action!

  • Sign up now to start talking to voters about City College, & encourage all of your colleagues, friends, families, & peers to join you! RSVP: https://bit.ly/ccsfREVENUE

  • Your 11am-2pm Dolores Park launch party is now Saturday, June 11. Signature gathering shifts start June 2 & run to July 10. Shifts are 4pm-8pm on the weekdays and 10am-1pm & 1-4pm on the weekends. Each shift will begin with a short training, and focus on a strategic location from parks to groceries stores to Sunday streets.

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Unemployment insurance help | Medical benefits for summer

Upcoming Unemployment Insurance Workshop

Tuesday, May 24, 2:00-3:30 pm
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87472184212?pwd=Sks2ZzF1Vmd3M0doek9nZGdqN24wZz09

Whether it’s your first time or fiftieth time applying for unemployment benefits, the process can be confusing, frustrating and intimidating. But your union is here to help you understand your rights and demystify the application process!

Join us for a step-by-step overview of the application, the benefits you’ve earned, and how to answer some of the obtuse questions on the form. Special bonus: Valarie Bachelor from CFT will be with us to share her knowledge and experience. Not to be missed!

And for the first time ever (sadly) we will have a breakout room specifically for Full Time Faculty who have received layoff notices and want to learn more about how this all works.

Remember, ALL Part-Time Faculty can file for unemployment when you experience a reduction in work. So PT Librarian, Counselors, Coaches, etc can file and should file for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits.

We have many resources available to you any time at our Unemployment page.

Medical Insurance for Summer

Part-time faculty who have medical insurance through CCSF in spring semester keep those benefits for the summer. Benefits continue through the end of August even if we don’t have summer or fall assignments. This isn’t an extra or a gift – we paid for it. Since many part-timers don’t have summer work, deductions for summer are taken out of spring paychecks.

For full-time faculty who received pink slips, benefits continue through the end of June. If you are reassigned, we want to make sure there is no gap in coverage. Please let Malaika know ASAP what your assignment will be, and the load. (mfinkels@aft2121.org)

You can find more information on our benefits page. For anyone who needs to look for medical insurance outside of CCSF, here is an overview of some useful resources.

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Vote now – COPE | Signature gathering for revenue measure | More…

It’s time to take a COPE vote and here also are updates from today’s COPE meeting about our revenue unity efforts, opposing Prop H the right-wing backed recall of Chesa Boudin on June 7th and upcoming work with the SF Green New Deal coalition!

Revenue Unity Proposal & Signature Gathering
  • The voting link for endorsement of our Revenue Unity Coalition legislation is open for 24 hours at this link: https://surveyhero.com/c/ehq7tpyq
  • See the full text of the CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition’s proposal HERE
  • See the Revenue Unity Coalition’s Executive Summary HERE.
  • Information about our Saturday, June 4th signature-gathering kickoff and volunteering to gather signatures: https://forms.gle/r2Gsvm9cqQ5M93fC8

Get Out the Vote for to Support Chesa Boudin June 7th – No on H!

June 7th is the primary election in SF and Chesa Boudin, our previously endorsed candidate for District Attorney is facing a recall led by right-wing forces! Please help us get the word out for No on H! Join our allies in the Labor Council to get out the Vote for No on H at 329 Note St. in SF on Saturday 5/21 from 10am-2pm! Sign up here: https://www.mobilize.us/sfrisingactionfund/event/458514/ or join the weekly phone banks to help out remotely. Please remember to vote June 7th and tell your networks to vote No on H!

Helping City College Lead In a Green New Deal for SF!

AFT 2121 has been engaged in ongoing work to support a Green New Deal for SF. On June 21st we will be joining allies with Jobs with Justice in a conversation about a future ballot measure to fund a Green New Deal for SF which could bring new resources for green jobs and workforce development to CCSF, but we need more member participation in these discussions so that we can explore the role of community colleges in a just transition to a green economy. If you are interested in getting involved, please email Adele Failes-Carpenter, Political Director: afailes@aft2121.org

Posted in News

DA & COPE | Signature Gathering for Revenue Measure

(Tues. 5/17) Committee on Political Education (COPE) and Delegate Assembly

All AFT 2121 members are invited to participate in your Committee on Political Education (COPE) and Delegate Assembly (DA) meetings Tuesday, May 17, at 1:30pm (COPE) and 3-5pm (DA).

To attend either of these meetings, follow this link from your computer or smartphone OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #810 1671 8065 and password: 783119.

At Tuesday’s 1:30pm COPE meeting we will launch the endorsement vote and review the latest updates and information on the Revenue Unity Coalition’s November Ballot Measure to bring over $40million per year to CCSF. We’ll also talk about the signature gathering drive needed to put in on the ballot.

At Tuesday’s 3-5pm DA meeting, we will review the latest updates and information about the layoffs approved by the Board of Trustees on May 6. There is an FAQ document about the March 15 Notices and Layoffs that provides answers to a lot of questions. If you don’t see your question answered there, please let us know via this Questions about Layoffs form before Tuesday. That way we can try to find the answers before the meeting!

(Saturday, 6/4, 11am) Ballot Measure Signature Drive Launch

To get a revenue measure on the November ballot, we must gather voter signatures quickly! Sign up here for signature gathering, launching Saturday, June 4, 11am at Dolores Park and continuing until Sunday, July 10. Pick the days that work for you and an organizer will follow up to confirm your time. The real long-term solution to shuttered classes and depressed wages is more support. That’s how we win for the good of our students, our college, and our city. Sign up to begin educating voters about City College: https://bit.ly/ccsfREVENUE
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(Thurs. 5/12, 3:30pm) Emergency meeting

Please join us Thursday, May 12 from 3:30-5:30pm for an emergency meeting. We will have an open discussion reflecting on the devastating vote taken last Friday night, and assess the next steps in our strategic plan. This is the time for coming together, supporting each other, and sharing our ideas about where we’re going from here.  

Emergency meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81016718065

Please note, this is not a business meeting. We will hold our final Delegate Assembly meeting of the semester next Tuesday, May 17th, from 3-5pm.

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DA & COPE | Parking Reimbursement | Email Account Confusion

(Tues. 5/17) Committee on Political Education (COPE) and Delegate Assembly

All AFT 2121 members are invited to participate in your Committee on Political Education (COPE) and Delegate Assembly (DA) meetings Tuesday, May 17, at 1:30pm (COPE) and 3-5pm (DA).

To attend either of these meetings, follow this link from your computer or smartphone OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #810 1671 8065 and password: 783119.

At Tuesday’s 1:30pm COPE meeting we will review the latest updates and information about the launch of the Revenue Unity Coalition’s November Ballot Measure to bring over $40million per year to CCSF and the signature gathering drive needed to put in on the ballot.

At Tuesday’s 3-5pm DA meeting, we will review the latest updates and information about the layoffs approved by the Board of Trustees on May 6. There is an FAQ document about the March 15 Notices and Layoffs that provides answers to a lot of questions. If you don’t see your question answered there, please let us know via this Questions about Layoffs form before Tuesday. That way we can try to find the answers before the meeting!

(5/31) Parking Reimbursement

Parking reimbursement forms and receipts are due by May 31, 2022. Full details: https://www.aft2121.org/forms-links/parking-reimbursement/

Email Account Confusion

Last week, CCSF IT sent a message to students whose gmail accounts were inactive, warning them that the accounts would be terminated. But it turns out that some of the older gmail faculty accounts were marked as student accounts in IT’s system, so some faculty received the notices as well.

— The threatened accounts are only the ccsf gmail accounts, mail.ccsf.edu.
— Faculty accounts are not being intentionally targeted. It was a mistake. IT does not intend to cancel faculty accounts, for current or retired faculty.
— IT may not know whether your account is a faculty account or a student account. They are inviting faculty to let them know so they can be sure to keep your account active.
— If you aren’t sure if your account has been targeted, log into your mail.ccsf.edu account. If your account was targeted, there will be a message for you about it from IT.

On Monday, IT sent the following message asking affected faculty to contact the helpdesk::

TO: CCSF Faculty
SUBJECT: UPDATE – April 11-25, Alert – Notice of CCSFMail Account Deletion

If you are a current or retired faculty member, and you received a message indicating your email account would be cancelled, please contact the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@ccsf.edu to make sure your account continues to be maintained.

What Can You Expect
All confirmed faculty accounts will be unaffected by the deletion of inactive CCSFMail accounts.


If you experience any issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@ccsf.edu, (877) 379-2491, or (415) 239-3711.

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595