Fall 2022 FLEX Bulletin

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July Pay Confusion & What You Deserve | Build Your Enrollment this Weekend

July Pay Confusion–Fighting for What You & Your Students Deserve

July pay rates were confusing for faculty who have summer assignments. The District restored FT base pay to the correct rates, but they paid all summer assignments–PT assignments and FT overload–at the concessionary rate.

The District argues it is legitimate to pay July 2022 at the lower rate, because they paid July 2021 at the higher rate. In short, they assert that the one-year concessionary agreement ran July 2021-June 2022 for FT base pay, but August 2021-July 2022 for PT pay and FT overload. The concessionary agreement clearly states that it is “For academic year 2021/2022,” which ends on June 30. (Step increases should have happened on schedule July 1 in both years.)

Your bargaining team is formulating a response to this misapplication of our signed agreement.

To make this very clear: All faculty should be receiving higher pay, and to get it, faculty should expect to fight for that as a collective. Our power is in our unity–that’s how we fight administrators who want to degrade our working conditions and college. Chancellor Martin has refused to use additional revenue received (including a now $15 million COLA from the State) to increase our salaries. Additionally, his current budget assumes NO RAISES for faculty through 2027. For confirmation, see the second line at the bottom of his recent budget under ‘Assumptions.’ All of this is happening while Chancellor Martin continues to cut classes and programs your students & communities need. This is wholly unacceptable, and we must continue to join together to fight it.

AFT 2121 Endorses Vick Chung for Board of Trustees and Supervisor Gordon Mar in his District 4 Re-Election Campaign

The COPE vote concluded and AFT 2121 has endorsed Gordon Mar in his campaign for re-election as District 4 supervisor and Vick Chung for Board of Trustees, following the withdrawal of our previously endorsed candidate, Anabel Ibanez, from the race.

AFT’s endorsed candidates for college board, Susan Solomon, Anita Martinez, and Vick Chung, were also unanimously endorsed by the San Francisco Labor Council on Monday, August 8th! We will be sharing updates about how to support and get involved with their campaigns, but since some of you have asked, here are links for contributing to Susan Solomon’s campaign and to Anita Martinez’ campaign online or via check. Information about contributing to Vick Chung’s campaign will be shared in a future blast.

Reminder! Sign Up to Distribute Beautiful City College Enrollment Posters & Pick Up Your Own this Weekend

Your union has launched #CCSFintheCity, an ongoing art project and enrollment campaign designed to bring new opportunities to your city, build CCSF’s enrollment, and remind San Franciscans of the jewel of public higher education that is City College.

Sign up for an enrollment campaign meet-up this weekend, get your free copies of this beautiful poster, and then join CCSF staff, faculty, students, & community in distributing posters to the people of San Francisco. RSVP now (https://bit.ly/EnrollCCSF):

Sat, Aug 13, 10am-12pm at the Bayview Farmers’ Market (Yosemite & Keith St)

Sun, Aug 14, 1pm-4pm at the Balboa Theater (37th & Balboa)

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Update on Yesterday’s Open Bargaining Session

Report from Open Bargaining: August 10th, 2022

On Wednesday, your AFT 2121 bargaining team met with the District once again. Sadly, the District’s lead negotiator, Clara Starr, was absent. This after they insisted on waiting weeks to restart negotiations to accommodate Starr’s vacation schedule.

Six weeks ago, AFT 2121 made proposals around class size minimum and filling positions of retired faculty. This week the District claimed they had already responded, but it quickly became clear that they had neglected to email their responses to AFT. When they gave us those responses Wednesday, we saw that their plans boil down to a refusal to accept partnership or input. They want control. AFT 2121’s former president and bargaining team member, Malaika Finkelstein, made the case (see here) for why it is crucial to maintain a class size minimum of 15, with time for classes to grow. But the District is refusing. They won’t actually cancel everything below 20, but want to retain their right to do so. This position combined with the classes the district has already canceled demonstrates a lack of vision. The district is working backwards from the destructive layoffs they made in May, instead of acting towards building enrollment by both supporting classes that are already on the schedule and supporting the students who are already registered in them.

Similarly, AFT 2121 had proposed replacing retiring FT faculty with FT faculty, including those laid off in May, so that our college can do a better job of meeting student demand. The District says they will “consider” doing so, on a case-by-case basis. The continued destruction of the Fall 2022 schedule is unacceptable and is already causing real harm to our students & communities (see here). Your AFT 2121 bargaining team plans to come to the table again on Tuesday, August 23rd, 3-4:30 PM. Join us! Register in advance for the next bargaining session here.

Together we can build momentum for student-centered growth and winning the salary restoration that is due to us. Join your colleagues and show the power we have acting together in solidarity.

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Time to VOTE in Mar & trustee candidate endorsement

AFT 2121 Members: VOTE NOW​

​Today your committee on political education met with and interviewed Vick Chung, for CCSF Board of Trustees in November 2022, following the recently announced withdrawal of Anabel Ibanez from the race. The seats up for election are currently held by Thea Selby, John Rizzo and Brigette Davila. AFT 2121 previously endorsed Anita Martinez, Susan Solomon, and Anabel Ibanez for this race. Anabel Ibanez recently announced that she has to withdraw due to health and family concerns.

Your COPE also met with and interviewed​ Supervisor Gordon Mar about re-endorsing him for his re-election as District 4 Supervisor. 

AFT 2121 members, It’s time to cast your endorsment vote! Voting will be open for the next 24 hours. Here is the link: https://surveyhero.com/c/e9ifkrsy​​

For those who were unable to make the meeting, you can view recorded interviews with the candidates​​ as well as their submitted questionnaires on the AFT website.

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COPE endorsements | Revenue field kickoff | COVID impacts bargaining

COPE endorsement vote, Wed. 8/10

All AFT 2121 members are invited to attend your next COPE meeting on Wednesday, 8/10 at 10am. We will be hearing from candidates and voting on endorsements:


  • Considering Endorsement of Gordon Mar’s re-election Campaign for D4 Supervisor

  • Considering Endorsement of Vick Chung for Board of Trustees

Enter the password “COPE 2022″ to view candidate questionnaire responses here: https://www.aft2121.org/2022-2/

Link to attend: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81016718065


Save the date: CCSF Revenue Campaign field kickoff, Sun. 8/21, 11am

You did amazing work gathering more than 20,000 signatures to qualify SF WERCS for the ballot! Now, it’s time to spread the word about our historic campaign to invest in City College and provide better education opportunities, job training, and services such as counseling, job placement, and homelessness and mental health services to San Franciscans.

Next up: the field campaign to educate voters! Please join us on Sunday, August 21st, 11am at Rossi Playground (600 Arguello Blvd, San Francisco) for our field kickoff! We’ll have speeches from our coalition and a quick training before hitting the streets to drop literature.


COVID Impacts bargaining, Wed. 8/10, 2pm

There are items that the District is due to respond on. We will be having a bargaining session tomorrow from 2-3:30. Members are welcome to observe. The link is the same that we have used for other summer bargaining sessions. If you registered for any of those bargaining sessions, you don’t have to re-register. If you need to have the link resent, email rpugh@aft2121.org.

When: Aug 10, 2022 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Posted in E-news Archives

Enrollment Campaign Sign Up | Pay Snafu | Facilities Issue Reporting

Sign Up to Distribute Beautiful Student-Made City College Enrollment Posters

Your union has launched #CCSFintheCity, an ongoing art project and enrollment campaign designed to bring new opportunities to your city, build your enrollment, and remind San Franciscans of the jewel of public higher education that is City College.

Sign up for an enrollment campaign meet-up this week, get your free copies of this beautiful poster, and then join CCSF staff, faculty, students, & community in distributing posters to the people of San Francisco. RSVP now (https://bit.ly/EnrollCCSF)

Weds, Aug 9, 4-7pm at the Castro Farmers’ Market (Noe & Market St)

Fri, Aug 11, 4-7pm at Chinatown/North Beach Campus

Sat, Aug 12, 10am-12pm at the Bayview Farmers’ Market (Yosemite & Keith St)

Sun, Aug 13, 1pm-4pm at the Balboa Theater (37th & Balboa)

Two CCSF student artists, Alma Garrison & Daniel Ramírez Herrera, worked with Art faculty Amy Diaz-Infante and other AFT 2121 faculty to design a double-sided poster that will be at the center of this enrollment drive. Based on community input, Alma and Daniel crafted a poster with a map highlighting the college’s historic legacy in San Francisco’s communities on one side, and on the other side information on CCSF classes, programs, and registration. RSVP now and ensure this poster makes it into your communities! https://bit.ly/EnrollCCSF

Summer Pay Snafu

Something went wrong yet again. The college seems to have processed many summer assignments as if they were 30 hours, no matter what the hours of the actual assignments. This has resulted in quite a few overpayments. There may also have been some underpayments. If you had a summer assignment that was anything other than 30 hours, check your check! Go to the AFT 2121 page for more on that here.

Facilities Note

Many more of us will be working in-person this semester. It seems that some of the facilities are well-maintained and ready, while others are, let’s say, problematic. With the layoff of classified staff, including custodial and maintenance workers, and the years-long failure of the college to maintain some of the buildings, we’re going to see problems.

If your work-space needs repair or maintenance, please report it. We know the college doesn’t have the infrastructure to respond to all the requests rights away, but we still need them to know where the problems are. Get your requests into the official facilities pipeline by using the Schooldude form. You can also find this form at the bottom right of the CCSF Buildings & Grounds page. As well as the official form, let your precinct rep know! We may need to take collective action to get something fixed, and your rep is the best person to get that started.

Posted in E-news Archives

COPE endorsements | Revenue field kickoff | COVID impacts bargaining

COPE endorsement vote, Wed. 8/10

All AFT 2121 members are invited to attend your next COPE meeting on Wednesday, 8/10 at 10am. We will be hearing from candidates and voting on endorsements:


  • Considering Endorsement of Gordon Mar’s re-election Campaign for D4 Supervisor

  • Considering Endorsement of Vick Chung for Board of Trustees

Enter the password “COPE 2022″ to view candidate questionnaire responses here: https://www.aft2121.org/2022-2/

Link to attend: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81016718065


Save the date: CCSF Revenue Campaign field kickoff, Sun. 8/21, 11am

You did amazing work gathering more than 20,000 signatures to qualify SF WERCS for the ballot! Now, it’s time to spread the word about our historic campaign to invest in City College and provide better education opportunities, job training, and services such as counseling, job placement, and homelessness and mental health services to San Franciscans.

Next up: the field campaign to educate voters! Please join us on Sunday, August 21st, 11am at Rossi Playground (600 Arguello Blvd, San Francisco) for our field kickoff! We’ll have speeches from our coalition and a quick training before hitting the streets to drop literature.



COVID Impacts bargaining, Wed. 8/10, 2pm

There are items that the District is due to respond on. We will be having a bargaining session tomorrow from 2-3:30. Members are welcome to observe. The link is the same that we have used for other summer bargaining sessions. If you registered for any of those bargaining sessions, you don’t have to re-register. If you need to have the link resent, email rpugh@aft2121.org.

When: Aug 10, 2022 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595