Real Estate Lobby is About to Attack Prop O- You Need to Organize Now!

Real Estate Lobby is About to Attack Prop O- You Need to Organize for your Students, your Jobs, & your College

A Republican backed association representing the largest landlords in the city–the SF Apartment Association–has just announced that they will be pouring money in to oppose your City College funding measure Prop O.

There is no more time to wait–the only way you win increased funding & better leadership in November is if you take action now. You, staff, & students are the ones with the most at stake in this fight, & that means this is your fight. It is up to you to take action and to lead. If you want to build a City College that is capable of truly meeting community demand, if you want a more competitive salary & stronger department, then you need to take action now.

The English & Library Departments are mobilizing this Saturday, Sep 17, at 11am at Ocean Beach (Lawton & Great Highway). Social Sciences is mobilizing on Sunday, Sep 18, at 11am at the Outer Sunset Farmers’ Market. If you’re in those departments, make sure you show up. All other faculty are also encouraged to join (RSVP here) & to organize your own Dept day ASAP. If your department already had a campaign day, then it’s time to organize another.  

Email Alan D’Souza:

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ESL Campaign Day Success-Now Organize Yours! | Delegate Assembly Tues. 9/20 at 3-5pm | AATF BIPOC Affinity Space Fri 9/16 @1pm

ESL Campaign Day Success- Schedule Yours Now

City College needs change, & you have a plan to make that happen. This weekend, ESL sponsored a Campaign Day for Prop O & Trustee Candidates Vick Chung, Anita Martinez, & Susan Solomon. ESL faculty took action together & mobilized for full funding & better leadership–now, it’s your turn.

If you want a City College that is capable of meeting community demand, if you want a fair contract & real job security, then make sure your Department sponsors a Campaign Day for full funding & better leadership at City College. You have less than 4 weeks until ballots are mailed to voters, so now is the moment to organize your Department Campaign Day.

Email Alan D’Souza to schedule yours now & view additional campaign shifts here.

(Tues. 9/20) Delegate Assembly

All AFT 2121 members are invited to participate in your Delegate Assembly (DA) meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 3-5pm. To view and comment on the action ideas generated at today’s Special Member Meeting, please see item four of the agenda.

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #810 1671 8065 and password: 783119.

AATF Holds BIPOC Affinity Space: Being BIPOC in White Academia

Friday, September 16, 1 PM

It is with many mixed emotions that I send this email. We’ve lost so many great colleagues to the cuts at our college. And yet, while we grieve, we must simultaneously find a way forward. Joan Baez writes, “Action is the antidote to despair.” and Dr. Garcia Peña titled her book, “Community as Rebellion.” I hope we can continue to be uplifted by our mutual hope and collective action against the odds.

Friday, Sept 16th will be our inaugural meeting for the academic year.

Here is the zoom link.

I’ve attached the flier.

Here is the website link.

The Affinity Spaces will be held for both white and BIPOC faculty that will each have separate racial discussions as each group experiences and is impacted by racism differently. All are welcome to attend and engage in introspective discussions. Some topics may be triggering and attendees are asked to assess their ability to choose “equity over peace” (as Dr. Standback-Stroud said on Flex Day) in discussions of antiracism at our institution.

For more information about AATF, go to

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Special Member Meeting Tues. 9/13 at 3-5pm | Your Union Election Guide for November

Special In-Person Membership Meeting Tues. Sept 13, 3-5pm, at Mission Campus

Please join us for a Special Membership Meeting in-person at Mission Campus, Room 106, Tuesday, Sept 13, from 3-5pm. The agenda for the meeting is here & below.

  1. Discussion of your Union’s plan to fight Chancellor Martin & the current Trustees’ callous disregard for students, employees, & the college as a whole

  2. Discussion of possible public actions that can be taken in response & potentially begin planning for them

  3. Discuss how Unfair Labor Practices can help defend the college and our right to fair bargaining, & a discussion of where we are in terms of calling for a strike

Union Election Guide for November

Your Committee on Political Education process has happened, the votes are in, and this is your guide for voting for a better, more equitable college & city.

For a local & state guide, see CFT’s site here:

Positions on Measures:

  • YES on Prop O – To Invest in City College!

  • YES on Prop M – Empty Homes Tax

  • YES on Prop E – Affordable Housing Measure by BOS Remember: “E is for ‘Everyone!'”

  • NO on Prop D – “Affordable Housing” Measure Initiative Remember: “D is for ‘Developer Deceit'”

Endorsed Candidates:

  • Vick Chung for Board of Trustees (4 year-seat)

  • Susan Solomon for Board of Trustees (4 year-seat)

  • Anita Martinez for Board of Trustees (4 year-seat)

  • Adolfo Velasquez for Board of Trustees (2-year Seat)

  • Gordon Mar for District 4 Supervisor (Re-election)

  • Honey Mahogany for District 6 Supervisor

  • Shamann Walton for District 10 Supervisor (Re-election)

  • Manohar Raju for Public Defender (Re-election)

Posted in E-news Archives

Join Your Trustee Candidate Kickoff Tmrw Sat. 9/10 at 11am ! | AFT Student Debt Clinics Next Thurs & Fri

Trustee Candidate Campaign Launch, Tmrw Sat. 9/10, 11am @ Mission Playground

Your endorsed Trustee Candidates Vick Chung, Anita Martinez, & Susan Solomon will hold admin accountable and stand up for our students & our college. We need to work together to ensure they win, and that means you.

RSVP now for your Trustee Candidate Kickoff tomorrow Saturday, Sep 10, at 11am at Mission Playground (on 19th St between Valencia and Linda). See media advisory for the event hereDepartments will be sponsoring campaign events from now on, & ESL is sponsoring this one. If you’re in ESL, make sure you show up for your day tomorrow, and all other faculty are encouraged to join as well. At the launch, you will have a chance to meet your candidates & then head out and help them win! You’ll be hanging campaign literature on doors & talking to any voters you meet along the way.

If you can’t make it tomorrow, join a Prop O Campaign Mobilization at 11am on Sunday at the Sunset Reservoir Playground (24th and Quintara). It’s crucial that you keep getting the word out that your college needs more long-term support and better leaders. RSVP:

oin Your Trustee Candidate Kickoff Tmrw Sat. 9/10 at 11am ! | AFT Student Debt Clinics Next Thurs & FriAFT Student Debt Clinics Next Thursday & Friday

If you are carrying debt from student loans, join us next week for a workshop on loan forgiveness for public service employees. Your state affiliate California Federation of Teachers is holding Student Debt Clinics Thurs 9/15 at 1:30pm & Fri 9/16 11:30am. You can register for both here:

Currently, the deadline to enroll in this program is October 31. See link in flyer or this link ( for more information.

Posted in E-news Archives

Join Your Trustee Candidate Kickoff this Saturday 9/10 at 11am | AATF Holds BIPOC Affinity Space Friday 9/16 at 1pm

Trustee Candidate Campaign Launch Event, Sat. 9/10, 11am @ Mission Playground

Our community is suffering right now–we’re suffering the consequences of failures in leadership by Chancellor Martin & the current Trustees. City College urgently needs new leadership to responsibly manage the money winning Prop O will bring & protect our vital community mission.

Your endorsed Trustee Candidates Vick Chung, Anita Martinez, & Susan Solomon will stand up for students & hold admin accountable. We need to work together to ensure they win, and that means you.

RSVP now for your Trustee Candidate Kickoff this Saturday, Sep 10, at 11am at Mission Playground (on 19th St between Valencia and Linda). Departments will be sponsoring campaign events from now on, & ESL is sponsoring this one. If you’re in ESL, make sure you show up Saturday, and all other faculty are encouraged to join as well. If you can’t make Saturday, join a Prop O Campaign Mobilization at 11am on Sunday at the Sunset Reservoir Playground (24th and Quintara). RSVP:

You will have a chance to meet your candidates & then head out and help them win! You’ll be hanging campaign literature on doors & talking to any voters you meet along the way.

AATF Holds BIPOC Affinity Space: Being BIPOC in White Academia

Friday, September 16, 1 PM

It is with many mixed emotions that I send this email. We’ve lost so many great colleagues to the cuts at our college. And yet, while we grieve, we must simultaneously find a way forward. Joan Baez writes, “Action is the antidote to despair.” and Dr. Garcia Peña titled her book, “Community as Rebellion.” I hope we can continue to be uplifted by our mutual hope and collective action against the odds.

Friday, Sept 16th will be our inaugural meeting for the academic year.

Here is the zoom link.

I’ve attached the flier.

Here is the website link.

The Affinity Spaces will be held for both white and BIPOC faculty that will each have separate racial discussions as each group experiences and is impacted by racism differently. All are welcome to attend and engage in introspective discussions. Some topics may be triggering and attendees are asked to assess their ability to choose “equity over peace” (as Dr. Standback-Stroud said on Flex Day) in discussions of antiracism at our institution.

Posted in E-news Archives

Donate & volunteer for trustee candidates | COPE endorsements | Health & safety win | Chancellor’s forum report

Help City College win new leadership and new investment

To protect the true community college mission and responsibly manage the money winning Prop O will bring to the college City College needs new leadership.

City College Trustee Candidates Vick Chung, Anita Martinez, & Susan Solomon will put students first, & we need to make sure they are the leaders managing Prop O.

Prop O will provide the stable ongoing local investment that City College needs to combat the State’s under-funding of public education.

Chancellor Martin & the current Board of Trustees are downsizing your college without regard for the impact on students & communities. Stopping them will require each and every one of us working together. Yes, that means you. We only have one month before mail ballots drop so we need all hands on deck to win full funding & new college leadership in November.

Sign up now to campaign for the candidates September 10 & 11 at 11am in the Mission District & join a Prop O campaign mobilization on Saturday September 10 at 11am in the Sunset. Find more info on events & RSVP here:

Donate to trustee candidates:

COPE endorsements report

Following the 8/30 COPE meeting AFT 2121 members voted to:

These positions join our previous endorsements for November 2022:

Chancellor forum reportback

On Friday, Chancellor David Martin held a forum. As you can see from this photo, the Ocean Campus did not seem energized to hear his vision for our school.

He talked about the “difficult decisions” he’s made. He claimed that his mistake in slashing the Real Estate program had been that he hadn’t cut the classes earlier.

Here are a few things he didn’t mention: Students can’t get into English 1A. As of 8/15, right before waiting lists were wiped out, there were 642 waitlisted students for English 1A , that’s one in six students who tried to sign up. And that only counts students who managed to get onto the limited waiting lists. At the same time, ESL has been slashed. Low-level ESL classes are shamefully overcrowded, with an average enrollment of 90 students in remote non-credit sections. Our Motorcycle program is virtually gone. BEMA has been slashed. And the list goes on.

AFT 2121 Grievance Officer Malaika Finkelstein interrupted the beginning of the forum, asking the chancellor to address an urgent situation. Rent was due yesterday, and a faculty member was at risk of eviction because the college had failed to pay him. Malaika asked the chancellor to instruct his administration to pay the faculty member immediately. The chancellor refused, saying only that he would talk about it privately later. Some administrators in the room voiced resentment at the interruption, apparently feeling the chancellor’s prepared speech to be more important than preventing the possible eviction of a colleague.

Later in the forum, it was reported that the person had been paid, but that was not accurate. CCSF finished their pay process about three hours after the forum had ended, and as of this writing Friday afternoon, the money has not yet cleared the bank. The good news is that the landlord has not initiated eviction proceedings, but it easily could have gone differently.

Clearly, the priorities are all wrong. The chancellor could have talked about the new state funding and the exciting possibilities of new local funding, and told us how City College can grow. He could have told us how he plans to bring back classes from Biology to Music to Welding. Failing that, he could have taken responsibility for the emergency that his administration had caused for one of his own employees.

We need new, responsive leadership. At the same time, we need to pressure our existing administration to step up and do the right thing. Change will require each and every one of us taking action.

  • AFT 2121 will hold a special in-person membership meeting on 9/13 to discuss how we can resist downsizing. Agenda here.

    Special Membership Meeting
    Tuesday 9/13, 3-5 pm
    Mission Campus, Room 106
  • City College Trustee Candidates Vick Chung, Anita Martinez, & Susan Solomon will put students first, and we need to make sure they are the leaders managing the new funding if we win Prop O. Join a campaign mobilizations and lit drop! Many dates many locations and dates available in September and October.

    More info and RSVP here:

Health & safety win

EOPS Counselors returned to work in-person to find a building full of mold. It was more than an annoyance – people were reporting headaches, itchy eyes, and respiratory problems. Administration had been informed, but all they had done was to find a new office for one counselor. Even that didn’t help, as there was no computer in the new office and the counselor ended up having to come back to the EOPS bungalow. All the other EOPS employees were still assigned to the bungalow, and students were meeting their counselors in moldy rooms.

All that changed this week. On Wednesday, all the EOPS counselors got together with AFT 2121 President Mary Bravewoman and Grievance Officer Malaika Finkelstein. They filed an OSHA report. They also wrote a letter to administration, saying they would all work remotely until this is resolved. Administration finally took action. They closed the EOPS bungalow as of Thursday morning. Counseling appointments are currently remote, while the dean is trying to arrange new office-space. Facilities has also requested a professional evaluation from an Industrial Hygienist.

If your work-space needs repair or maintenance, please report it. We know the college doesn’t have enough workers to respond to all the requests rights away, but we still need them to know where the problems are. Get your requests into the official pipeline by using the Schooldude form. You can also find this form at the bottom right of the CCSF Buildings & Grounds page. Also, let your precinct rep know. If we need to take collective action, your rep is the best person to get that started.

And remember, all workers have the right to file with OSHA if there is a real health and safety problem. You can file here, or by contacting the San Francisco office at 415-557-0100 or If you take the step of filing, please let your precinct rep know, or tell Malaika:

Posted in E-news Archives

Join the Fight for New Leadership & Full Funding at City College | Special Membership Meeting Tues Sept 13

City College Needs New Leadership & Full Funding: Join the Fight

Prop O will provide the stable ongoing local investment that City College needs to protect the true community college mission from the State’s underfunding of public ed. At the same time, City College needs new leadership to responsibly manage Prop O. Chancellor Martin & the current Board of Trustees are downsizing our college without regard for the impact on students & communities.

Stopping them will require each and every one of us working together. Yes, that means you. We need all hands on deck to win full funding & new college leadership in November.

City College Trustee Candidates Vick Chung, Anita Martinez, & Susan Solomon will put students first, & we need to make sure they are the leaders managing Prop O.

Sign up now to campaign for the candidates on the weekend of September 10 & 11 at 11am in the Mission District & join a Prop O campaign mobilization this Saturday September 3 at 11:30am in the Inner Sunset. Find more info & RSVP here:


Special In-Person Membership Meeting Tues. Sept 13 from 3-5pm

Please join us for a Special Membership Meeting in-person at Mission Campus, Room 106, Tuesday, Sept 13, from 3-5pm. The agenda for the meeting is here & below.

  1. Discussion of your Union’s plan to fight Chancellor Martin & the current Trustees’ callous disregard for students, employees, & the college as a whole.

  2. Discussion of possible public actions that can be taken in response & potentially begin planning for them.

  3. Discuss how Unfair Labor Practices can help defend the college and our right to fair bargaining, & a discussion of where we are in terms of calling for a strike.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595