Flex Day Announcement-Invite Everyone to Your Heartbeat Prop O Fundraiser Thurs | Depts Mobilized this Weekend & Now It’s Your Turn!

At Flex Day, Encourage Your Dept to Attend Your Prop O Fundraiser this Thursday 10/13 at 6pm at Kapwa!

At your flex day department meetings tomorrow Monday, be sure to make an announcement about your Heartbeat of City College Film Premiere & Prop O Fundraiser this Thursday at 6pm at Kapwa Gardens. Share this flyer & this ticket link with your colleagues to RSVP: https://bit.ly/HeartBCCSF

And be sure to underline the stakes–the real estate industry has raised over $437k now to defeat Prop O. You should expect attack mailers soon, and that means this is moment to donate, come together, & fight back.

Why is so much money pouring in defeat Prop O? Because unlike traditional parcel taxes, Prop O has a progressive element to it that asks the the largest corporations in the city to pay their fair share, meaning the higher tax rates they can afford. That’s part of what makes Prop O so special & it’s also why you’re seeing opposition like never before. So help make Thursday’s Heartbeat event a success–invite your colleagues, friends, family, & community to join you in supporting Prop O & City College!

At the event, expect complimentary wine, small bites, a raffle, dance performances, and a premiere of the short film ‘The Heartbeat of City College,’ inspired by Tehmina Kahn’s poem by the same name. RSVP for Thursday now.

Retirees, ESL, & Health Ed at another Large Mobilization for City College on Saturday- Now, It’s Your Turn to Organize!

The mighty three–Retiree Chapter, ESL, & Health Ed–joined another big community mobilization on Saturday in Potrero Hill for Prop O & CCSF Trustee candidates Vick Chung, Anita Martinez, Susan Solomon, and Adolfo Velasquez. Over 30 people walked the city distributing campaign literature and increasing the visibility of your fight for a better City College.

Now it’s your turn to organize–every Tuesday & Wednesday, faculty are meeting in person and on Zoom to phone bank voters to talk to them about City College. To win the increased revenue & better leadership you need, you need all departments turning folks out to these phone banks. Email Alan D’Souza to schedule your Department Virtual Phonebank Day now at adsouza@aft2121.org & RSVP for phone banks herehttps://bit.ly/ccsfWINS



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AFT 2121 Voting Guide

AFT 2121 November 2022 Endorsements/Voter Guide

The teachers, counselors, & librarians of City College urge you to vote for leaders & laws that will build a better, more just San Francisco for our students & our communities. 

City College Board of Trustees: Vick Chung, Susan Solomon, Anita Martinez, Adolfo Velasquez (2-year seat)

Board of Supervisors: Gordon Mar (District 4), Honey Mahogany (District 6), Shamann Walton (District 10)

Public Defender: Manohar Raju


A – Retiree Supplemental Cost of Living Adjustment: Yes

D – Deceitful Developer Housing Measure: No!

E – Affordable Housing Measure: Yes

G – Student Success Fund: Yes

H – City Elections in Even-Numbered Years: Yes

L – Renew Half Cent Sales Tax for Transit: Yes

M – Empty Homes Tax: Yes

O – City College Revenue Measure: Yes!!!!

Sate Prop 28 – K-12 Art and Music Education: Yes


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November is coming! Cast Your Vote for Remaining November Endorsements and Turn Out for Prop O & Endorsed Candidates

Vote Now on COPE Endorsements for the 10/4/22 COPE Meeting
COPE met and discussed endorsements for Props A, G, and L and state proposition 28. Cast your vote HERE.

AFT 2121 November 2022 Endorsements To-Date: Ballots Drop October 10th!

Board of Trustees: Vick Chung, Susan Solomon, Anita Martinez, Adolfo Velasquez (2-year seat)

Board of Supervisors: Gordon Mar (District 4), Honey Mahogany (District 6), Shamann Walton (District 10)

Public Defender: Manohar Raju


A – Retiree Supplemental Cost of Living Adjustment: Yes

D – Deceitful Developer Housing Measure: No!

E – Affordable Housing Measure: Yes

G – Student Success Fund: Yes

H – City Elections in Even-Numbered Years: Yes

L – Renew Half Cent Sales Tax for Transit: Yes

M – Empty Homes Tax: Yes

O – City College Revenue Measure: Yes!!!!

Sate Prop 28 – K-12 Art and Music Education: Yes

November is coming! Turn Out for Prop O & Endorsed Candidates

Come out for Prop O and Board of Trustee Candidates – Voting Starts October 10th!

As we round the final days before ballots drop, opponents of Prop O have amassed hundreds of thousands of dollars in a war chest in only a few weeks and are attacking our revenue measure and City College’s future. We have a short time to get the word out about the opportunity to fund our college and elect principled leadership to our board! Sign up for upcoming shifts today: https://bit.ly/ccsfWINS
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Citizenship Day Press Conference & Campaign this Weekend for Trustee Candidates & Prop O!

Citizenship Day Press Conference & Campaign this Weekend for Trustee Candidates & Prop O!

“CCSF is my mother college,” Mei Lee Yang at last Thursday’s Citizenship Day Press Conference. Mei is a proud immigrant & City College alumni who started her journey as an ESL student and then graduated from CCSF’s Registered Nursing program and now serves our city as a frontline worker.

Huge thanks to Supervisor Gordon Mar, Sally Chen from Chinese for Affirmative Action, Susan Solomon, Anita Martinez, Vick Chung, & Adolfo Velasquez for standing with Mei & over 70 other City College students & community members on Thursday. Read coverage of the event in Sing Tao Daily, see the livestream here, & then join the last Campaign Literature Distributions this weekend!

Campaign Mobilizations are happening Saturday & Sunday for Prop O & your four endorsed trustee candidates: Adolfo Velasquez, Susan Solomon, Anita Martinez, & Vick Chung. Come meet your candidates, see your community, & then go out & increase the visibility of your fight: Saturday, Oct 8, & Sunday, Oct 9, 11am both days at Potrero Hill Rec Center (801 Arkansas Ave). RSVP: https://bit.ly/ccsfWINS

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RSVP Now: Thurs 10/13 6pm Heartbeat of City College Film Premiere & Prop O Fundraiser

Beloved colleagues and comrades,

I am delighted to invite you to the world premiere of “The Heartbeat of City College,” a short film created by faculty, staff, and students in English, ESL, Theatre Arts, Cinema, and Music. As our administration and trustees continue to cut classes and programs, shutting thousands of students out of higher education, this film reminds us of who we are, why CCSF matters, and what we continue to fight for.

I began writing the poem by the same name in Spring of 2019 (see an early version here) not realizing that it would strike such a deep chord in our college community. As I read early drafts at events and rallies, members of our community joined with me to re-envision it for a larger canvas. This beautiful collaboration sings out our passion, creativity, and commitment to ourselves and to our communities. It sings in the face of layoffs and heartless cuts.  

Please join me for small bites, stories, and song, as we bring you “The Heartbeat of City College” and raise funds for Proposition O: SF WERCS, which, if passed, will invest up to 45 million dollars a year to keep the heart of City College beating. Chronic under-funding by the State has shaken our college for a decade, but Prop O will give us the independence we need to help our students and our city thrive.

Join with us to grow the college so that it may inspire our community, offer pathways to a living wage, help us build careers we love, and keep us learning and growing. We are all the Heartbeat of City College.

Donate $50 or more to attend, and invite your friends and family to join you: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/sfwercs

Love, Hope, and Solidarity,
Tehmina Khan

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Action Item on Temporary Remote Assignments for Spring 2023

Spring 2023 Remote Assignments

Last week, the Office of Instruction sent out a scheduling memo to chairs and deans. It has caused a lot of confusion and worry. AFT 2121 President Mary Bravewoman spoke with David Martin about this and has confirmed that some of the directives of that memo will NOT be enforced. This comes directly from David Martin, as of Wednesday 9/28.

— For Spring 2023 only: Temporary remote instruction WILL be allowed. Instructors will NOT need to be enrolled in IOTL training and the class will NOT need to be on track for IOTL in order to be scheduled as temporary remote.

He still intends to hold departments to the 9/30/22 deadline to determine which classes should be temporary remote, although he acknowledges that there will need to be some flexibility after that date.

That means if your class should be temporary remote for Spring, and you thought it wouldn’t be allowed, talk to your chair immediately – today – and see if you can arrange it.

He intends for temporary remote to be completely eliminated by Summer 2023. He acknowledges that the IOTL training system will need some work to make that happen, and told us that there will be funding for additional IOTL training available soon.

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9:30am Tmrw Thurs Chinatown Campus Support Immigrants CCSF Press Conference | SFO Workers on Strike | Open Enrollment for Medical Plans

Join Supervisor Mar, Your Trustee Candidates, & AFT 2121 Tmrw Thurs 9/29 at 9:30am for a Citizenship Day Press Conference at CCSF Chinatown Campus

On Thursday, City College will be, for the first time since COVID, hosting its annual Citizen Day to celebrate English as Second Language (ESL) students who have recently passed their citizenship exams. For generations, CCSF’s ESL programs have been a first stop for San Francisco’s immigrant community, providing accessible language classes, citizenship courses, and vocational training in healthcare, custodial, & tech.  

But right now, City College ESL is suffering–hundreds of students have been locked out of the classes they need this fall due to unnecessary layoffs and course cuts. 39 ESL faculty members were laid off last May, and the result is 32% fewer courses this fall, a dramatic cut that is causing real harm to SF’s immigrant community.

In response, Supervisor Gordon Mar & CCSF’s faculty union AFT 2121 are holding a Press Conference before Thursday’s Citizenship Event to broadcast the stories of City College’s immigrant students & deliver a call to action to defend the college at the ballot in November by passing Proposition O & electing CCSF Trustee Candidates Anita MartinezSusan SolomonVick Chung, & Adolfo Velasquez.

See the press release for the event here & watch live here on Facebook if you can’t make it in person.

Unite Here Local 2 SFO Workers Are on Strike for Fair Wages & Benefits

Employers are reaping in huge profits at the airport. Unite Here 2 workers are out on strike at SFO demanding fair wages and benefits. These workers were all laid off due to COVID and are now back and having to work multiple jobs at the airport to get by. Workers at the airport should be able to afford the food they serve. One Job Should Be Enough!

Make sure to check out and share these videos on social media featuring airport workers:



Open Enrollment for 2023 Medical Plans

Open Enrollment is coming up in October! View the new 2023 rates. [link to new rates]

Rates for HealthNet actually went down this time. HealthNet member-only will be free for employees.

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595