Attend Trustee Elects Swearing In Weds Jan 11 @ 5pm | Enroll in California Labor History w/Fred Glass

Attend the Swearing In of AFT-Endorsed Trustees Elect Weds. Jan 11 at 5pm in MUB 140

In the words of AFT 2121 President Mary Bravewoman, “Our message to the former board members was that their ‘yes’ vote on laying off City College’s faculty and classified staff would mean a ‘no’ vote on their candidacy in November. San Francisco voters put forward a clear mandate for change by electing candidates who will stand against cuts to public higher education. This was the people’s recall.”

Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 11, at 5pm MUB 140 (Ocean Campus ), Anita Martinez, Vick Chung, and Susan Solomon will be sworn into office as the newest members of City College’s Board of Trustees after a stunning upset in November. All three Trustee elects have explicitly vowed to fight downsizing and instead work for the renewal of our college. They will be partners in your fight to create a college that is truly capable of meeting community demand. This is what collective action and working together can achieve. Come celebrate that feeling tomorrow in MUB 140 at 5pm.

You can attend virtually using this link, but all are encouraged to come in person if you can. See the media advisory for the event here and reply to this email if you would like to attend tomorrow and need an AFT t-shirt to wear. And for those who already have an AFT t-shirt, be sure to wear it!

Enroll in California Labor History

Long-time union activist and influential labor historian Fred Glass is teaching California Labor History (LBCS 88) in person this semester Thursday evenings beginning February 2 at CCSF Mission Campus. This is a chance to learn about the history of the struggle for workers’ rights from a veteran of the California labor movement. See James Tracy’s 48 Hills interview with Fred about this course, & enroll today. Many CCSF faculty/AFT 2121 members have taken this unique class over the years.

The golden state has always been ground zero in the battle for workers’ rights. Learn about the colorful personalities, the transformative events, the culture and the organizing strategies devised by workers and unions across a century and a half of struggles for a better world. See how AFT 2121 fits into the broader labor movement; how organized labor relates to movements for social justice of all kinds; and how unions remain relevant today.

Fred is the retired communications director for the California Federation of Teachers, author of From Mission to Microchip: A History of the California Labor Movement (UC Press, 2016), and director of the the ten-part documentary video series Golden Lands, Working Hands on the history of California labor. For more information:


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Reminder! 14th Annual Financial Planning Day, Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023

Financial Planning Day this Thursday–Register Now!

It is almost here! The Retiree Chapter of AFT 2121 will be hosting its 14th annual Financial Planning Day virtually this year! The event is open to all CCSF union members. Newer AFT 2121 members are encouraged to attend. You need to register to attend the event, and registration is open up to and including the day of the event.
      – Save the date Jan 12, 2023 8am-2pm
      – Register in advance for this meeting
      – DRAFT workshop schedule
If you are CCSF faculty but not yet an AFT 2121 member and would like to attend you can fill out your AFT 2121 membership form.


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January Medical Benefits for PT Faculty | Unemployment Claim Clinic Today 4pm | Enroll in California Labor History

January Medical Benefits for Faculty Working Part-time

In January, part-timers don’t always know our Spring workload. So CCSF uses our Fall load to determine benefits eligibility. But we still have to pay the January premiums.

• If you have medical insurance through CCSF in Fall semester, eligibility continues through January 31, whether or not you have a Spring assignment.
• If you have a Spring assignment, or if you are in Kaiser Member Only and therefore have no premium to pay, you don’t have to do anything.
• If you do not have a Spring assignment, you may need to arrange to pay the January premium. The deadline to pay is December 24th.

Details here & see more info on benefits generally here.

Unemployment/Underemployment Clinic 4pm Today!

Thursday, December 15th, 4 – 5:30 p.m. | Registration

At this workshop, staff from your state affiliate, the California Federation of Teachers, will provide real-time help and clarification while you file an unemployment claim. Please note you can file for underemployment if you still have your job but your income has decreased.

Enroll in California Labor History

California Labor History (LBCS 88) will be offered in person spring semester Thursday evenings beginning February 2 at the Mission Campus. Many AFT 2121 members have taken this unique class over the years.

The golden state has always been ground zero in the battle for workers’ rights. Learn about the colorful personalities, the transformative events, the culture and the organizing strategies devised by workers and unions across a century and a half of struggles for a better world. See how AFT 2121 fits into the broader labor movement; how organized labor relates to movements for social justice of all kinds; and how unions remain relevant today.

Says ESL instructor and former 2121 officer Jessica Buchsbaum, “Taking this class was a great introduction to labor history in California. It’s given me a better understanding of and appreciation for AFT 2121’s achievements”.

Instructor Fred Glass, the retired communications director for the California Federation of Teachers, wrote From Mission to MicrochipA History of the California Labor Movement (UC Press, 2016) and directed the ten-part documentary video series Golden Lands, Working Hands. For more information:

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Delegate Assembly 3-5pm Today & No COPE | AFT 2121 Holiday Party 12/21 6-8pm | Turn in Your Sharon Hendricks Petitions by Dec 15 | Volunteers for Financial Planning Day

Delegate Assembly Today, 12/13, 3-5 PM

Reminder: join your AFT 2121 Delegate Assembly today, 12/13 from 3-5pm on Zoom.

As we wrap up the semester, join us for updates and a discussion of plans for the upcoming semester. All members are welcome. There is no COPE meeting today.

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone. Meeting ID: 810 1671 8065, Password: 783119.

AFT 2121 Holiday Party, 12/21, 6-8 PM at El Rio

After two years of remote gatherings, the AFT 2121 Holiday Party is back in person. Join colleagues to share stories, celebrate wins and look to 2023.

AFT 2121 Holiday Party
Wednesday, December 21, 6-8 PM
El Rio, 3158 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94110-4560
(Note: El Rio has indoor and outside spaces for gathering.)

Dec 15 Deadline- Mail in Your Petitions for Sharon Hendricks Now!

Sharon Hendricks (AFT1521 member) needs 750 signatures of active community college faculty to remain a student- & labor-centered voice on the CalSTRS Retirement Board. Download, print, sign, and mail the following petition to support her (click here for link). The deadline for returning your petition is December 15th.

Mail to: CFT, Attn: Jarrett Cooper, 1107 Ninth St. Suite 460, Sacramento, CA 95814

Send a photo of signed petition to

Volunteers Needed for Financial Planning Day on January 12, 2023

Would you be willing to be a Zoom Co-host (Presider) for a Financial Planning Day Workshop? It would involve making some announcements, introducing the presenters, and perhaps relaying questions from Zoom Chat to the presenters.

Your assistance would be invaluable!

A Zoom co-hosting practice session will be held Thursday Dec 22, 10 am – noon. (Can’t come Dec 22? Still volunteer! More sessions will be held in January.)

To volunteer or to ask questions, email Guy De Primo at

PS: Financial Planning Day registration is open at:

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Powerful Protect John Adams ESL Protest Yesterday | Unemployment Insurance Info | Rally for Tartine Workers Sat 12/10 at 1pm

Susan Solomon Joined Hundreds of Immigrant Students & ESL Teachers in an Inspiring Rally to Protect John Adams ESL

Trustee-elect Susan Solomon joined hundreds of CCSF students and faculty in a protest at Mission Campus today. The large crowd began with chants and short speeches, and then created a human billboard of signs on either side of Valencia Street in order to protest the closure of the ESL Program at John Adams Campus, which has served immigrants on San Francisco’s westside for over forty years. See initial coverage of the event in Mission LocalUnivisionTelemundo 48Sing TaoSF StandardKQED, & the SF Examiner.

Thank you to everyone who made yesterday such a profound demonstration of why City College needs to hold fast to its mission to serve immigrant San Franciscans in their communities. Thank you to the hundreds of students who bravely spoke out for their right to an accessible education. Thank you to Student Trustee Malinalli Villalobos & Student Chancellor Heather Brandt for your leadership on this issue from the beginning, and thank you to Trustee elect Susan Solomon for speaking at this event and reminding us that you “cannot take a one size fits all approach to education.”

City College ESL has historically offered courses throughout the city at multiple campuses and community-based organizations in order to serve students with limited resources for managing long commutes. That is the access ESL students need, & it is this vision that Chancellor Martin does not seem to understand. We need that to change.

We need Chancellor Martin to meet again with faculty and students, only this time we need him to not only ‘listen,’ but to actively incorporate what he hears into his decision making. Finally, we need our Trustees to ensure this conversation takes place and that our college meets the needs of John Adams ESL students who are fighting to preserve their fully enrolled classes.

Unemployment Insurance

If you work part-time, you are officially unemployed after the semester ends, even if you expect to have a Spring assignment. You may be entitled to benefits.  

Apply as soon as possible on or after your last day of work. That’s December 20th for those who have full-term assignments. Your application is retroactive only to the Sunday of the week in which you apply, so don’t wait.

For detailed information about how to calculate your earnings and apply for unemployment, see AFT’s unemployment page.

Join ILWU for a Community Rally For a Fair Union Contract at Tartine! 595 Alabama St on Saturday, Dec 10, at 1pm

As Tartine ramps up into their busy holiday season, we are calling on the community to stand with Tartine workers in their fight to win living wages, transparency, and accountability at work.

Tartine is owned by CIM, a multi-billion-dollar real estate company that prioritizes profit over community. According to the community group African Communities Together and an investigation by Bloomberg, CIM has evicted hundreds of its tenants–particularly people of color and recent immigrants–throughout the pandemic, even as it makes record-breaking profits. CIM and its subsidiaries have shown, over and over again, that they care more about their bottom line than they do about workers, tenants, and local communities.

ILWU has urged Tartine-CIM to work with them to negotiate a fair contract. We are asking all union members, workers, community members, and those who believe in justice and dignity for workers to join us Saturday, December 10, at 1pm at 595 Alabama St to show their support for this contract fight!

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D​elegate Assembly Tues 12/13 from 3-5 PM | Tmrw Weds 11:30am Restore John Adams ESL Rally!

Plan to Join Your Delegate Assembly, Tuesday 12/13 from 3-5 PM on Zoom

As we wrap up the semester, join us for updates and a discussion of plans for the upcoming semester. All members are welcome. There is no COPE meeting this


To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone. Meeting ID: 810 1671 8065, Password: 783119.

Restore John Adams ESL Rally at Mission Campus Tmrw Weds. at 11:30am

With a budget surplus, CCSF Chancellor Martin is choosing to close the over 40 year old ESL program at City College John Adams Campus. These are photos of John Adams students preparing to protest tomorrow. Trustee elect Susan Solomon will be joining them, and we encourage all AFT members to do so as well! See the media advisory for the event here.

Weds. 11:30am CCSF Mission Campus (1125 Valencia St) Rally & Action! #HeartbeatofCCSF

Posted in E-news Archives

Jan 12 AFT 2121 Financial Planning Day- Register Now | Tmrw Dec 6 CFT Online Panel Discussion on Supporting LGBTQ+ Communities

Register Now for January 2023 Financial Planning Day

The Retiree Chapter of AFT 2121 will be hosting its 14th annual Financial Planning Day virtually this year! The event is open to all CCSF union members. Newer AFT 2121 members are encouraged to attend.
        – Save the date Jan 12, 2023 8am-2pm
        – Register in advance for this meeting
        – DRAFT workshop schedule
Participants needing disability accommodations must contact by January 6. If you are CCSF faculty but not yet an AFT 2121 member and would like to attend you can fill out your AFT 2121 membership form.

The AFT 2121 Retiree Chapter needs volunteers to help with breakout groups during the zoom event. If you are interested in volunteering to be a co-host and helping with technical zoom questions for one of the panel breakout rooms please email Or just register for the next volunteer practice session on Thursday, 12/22 at 11am.

Tuesday 12/6: CFT Online Panel Discussion on Supporting LGBTQ+ Communities

Your statewide affiliate, CFT, invites all members to join the upcoming online panel discussion on supporting LGBTQ+ communities set for Tuesday, December 6 from 4:00-5:15 p.m.

Given the recent attacks on the LGBTQ+ community across the country, this timely panel discussion will help CFT members gain knowledge and understanding of what we can do together to mitigate these attacks and provide resources to help our communities. Please join us for this important discussion.

For more information, and to RSVP, click here.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

Read about

Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595