Special Meeting 2/10 Friday 3-5pm to Endorse Sunshine Bargaining Document (Attached)

Special Delegate Assembly Meeting Friday 2/10 at 3PM to Endorse Sunshine Bargaining Document

Your AFT 2121 bargaining team will very soon be negotiating with the District for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement, i.e. your new contract.

As an important step in this process, all members are invited to a special Delegate Assembly tomorrow Friday, Feb 10, from 3-5pm on Zoom, to provide feedback on your bargaining team’s Sunshine Document. Attendees will be asked to review the document and consider endorsing it in preparation for its presentation to the Board of Trustees. You can review the document in advance of the meeting by clicking here.

  • Special Meeting of the Delegate Assembly, Friday, 2/10 at 3 PM

  • Agenda here

  • You can use the same link as for other DA meetings – follow this link from your computer or smartphone. Meeting ID: 810 1671 8065, Password: 783119.

So what is the Sunshine Document? It is AFT 2121’s opening communication to the District that articulates your broad goals for the upcoming contract campaign. This document is aspirational and widely encompasses all areas (e.g. salaries, facilities, class size) on which you wish to negotiate. It is in your interest for this document to be broad.

Your bargaining team will be developing specific proposal language based on your input, which is why now is the moment to fill out your bargaining survey and attend a listening session. Filling out your survey is both about articulating your priorities and empowering your negotiating team-it’s important that your team be able to say their proposals reflect majority faculty opinion.

If you do not have your bargaining survey, contact your precinct rep (see list here), and if you’d like to attend one of the two final listening sessions with members of your bargaining team, RSVP by responding to this email.


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Update on Facilities Issues | Paid Summer Internships at the UC Berkeley Labor Center

Update on Facilities Issues

On Wednesday, AFT met with Chancellor Martin to discuss the pressing facilities issues that are making working and learning so very challenging for our college community. We have included the brief updates he provided to AFT below. Additionally, he reported that the boilers in Mission and JAD are broken, and the District is in the process of getting bids to have them replaced. He said space heaters are available in the interim, and that he would prioritize sending a report with updates to the college community this week.

As you know, he does not appear to have prioritized updating our community with this vital information. This is consistent with the general lack of urgency he seems to feel for providing adequate communication about this issue as well as access to clear and concrete solutions. We know that space heaters are one option, and that some faculty have been able to work with their department chairs to either change rooms and/or temporarily move to remote instruction. These are inadequate half-measures, but may be preferable to continuing to ask students and faculty to suffer through unacceptable working and learning conditions.

Still, long term solutions are needed. If you have not already done so, please fill out your bargaining survey and include the facilities issues you are experiencing in addition to your other priorities. Stronger language on facilities in your contract is how we keep admin accountable. If you do not have your survey, contact your precinct rep.

  1. Science heat: The high-pressure steam piping in the building is no longer operational and needs to be replaced. It will need external architectural and contractor assistance to replace. It’s in the project queue for solution design and implementation.

  2. Art Extension heat: The current heating system and design is obsolete. Not only will a new boiler be needed, a full reconfiguration of the systems and controls will also be required. Based on this information, the Art Ext heating project will have to go to full bid by itself and cannot be grouped with other boiler bids (i.e. Mission, JAD, Wellness, etc.). This will be a $1M plus project for which the architects are currently designing.

  3. MUB heat: The geothermal well’s system and controls were replaced and some of the new equipment is working intermittently, which causes different temperatures in similar locations. Facilities is consistently monitoring the radiant flooring and testing the heat to identify needed adjustments to the equipment.

  4. Rosenberg ceiling: The pipe is being replaced right now and should be completed next week or the week thereafter.

    Encourage your Students to Apply for a Paid Summer Internship at the UC Berkeley Labor Center- Deadline is 2/15

Applications are NOW OPEN for the Labor Summer Internship Program! Spend your summer learning about social and economic justice and exploring the intersections of race, class, gender, and immigration in the labor movement!  

Labor Summer is a full-time, PAID, intensive eight-week internship program designed to train the next generation of labor and community leaders. After receiving training from the Labor Summer team, you will be paired with a labor or community organization to apply your skills in real-world settings on issues vital to the state’s working people. You’ll also gain the skills and networks to explore and prepare for labor-related jobs after graduation.  

· Labor Summer runs June 20 – August 11, 2023
· All programming will be in-person!
· Open to rising juniors and undergraduate students, and graduate students
· $20/hr to $22/hr pay
· Applications are DUE Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wait, I have more questions!

· Learn more about the Labor Summer Internship Program on our website.
· Check out our FAQ page.
· Even more questions? Email Clementina Jara at ucblaborsummer@gmail.com

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Special Delegate Assembly Called for 2/10 at 3PM to Endorse Bargaining Sunshine Document

Special DA Meeting Called for 2/10 at 3PM to Endorse Sunshine Document

As you know, your Bargaining Team is currently preparing to negotiate with the District over our Collective Bargaining Agreement (aka “The Contract”). This is why we have asked all faculty to fill out the Bargaining Survey to let their priorities be known and have invited all to attend a Listening Session with the Bargaining Team. Another step in the process is to share our Sunshine Document at two Board of Trustees meetings. A Sunshine proposal is a broad, aspirational document, laying out our goals for the upcoming contract campaign, and we will be sharing ours at the February meeting of the Board of Trustees. All members are encouraged to attend this Special DA meeting to endorse the Sunshine Document.

  • Special Meeting of the Delegate Assembly, Friday, 2/10 at 3 PM

  • Agenda here

You can use the same link as for other DA meetings – follow this link from your computer or smartphone. Meeting ID: 810 1671 8065, Password: 783119.

Posted in E-news Archives

Have a Concern? Attend a Bargaining Listening Session! | Changes to Mask & Vaccine Mandates at City College

Talk to Members of your AFT 2121 Bargaining Team at a Listening Session

AFT 2121 will be negotiating your next contract with the District soon. This is an opportunity for you to have a voice and a chance to fight for the salary, workload, schedule, and functioning facilities you and your students deserve.

Have a question, idea, or comment regarding these negotiations that you want to share directly with members of your AFT 2121 bargaining team? Then reply to this email with the listening session you would like to attend (see list below). AFT 2121 members will be on hand to discuss, and sessions will be offered both in person and online.

Friday, 2/3/2023, 10 – 11 AM via Zoom

Wednesday, 2/8/2023, 2-3 PM @ DTN 322

Thursday, 2/9/2023, 6 – 7 PM via Zoom

Wednesday, 2/15/2023, 4:30-5:30 PM @ Mission 454

Changes to Vaccine and Mask Mandates at City College

The Board of Trustees has voted to modify CCSF’s COVID vaccine and mask mandates. Important updates:

  1. The COVID vaccination requirement for employees remains in effect.

  2. The Student vaccine mandate for in-person classes will be lifted beginning with registration for summer 2023.

  3. The indoor masking requirement will be softened to “masks highly recommended” effective Feb 6th.

  4. Masking will continue to be required in the Student Health Center and Allied Health classes where patients are seen.

The College Health and Safety Committee suggested these modifications in an effort to bring City College in line with CDC guidelines and to remove barriers to student registration. The recommendation for change was then discussed at the Academic and Classified Senates, the Participatory Governance Council, and the Associated Student Executive Council.

AFT 2121 would like to raise a few concerns with changing the mask mandate mid-semester since doing so may cause problems for employees and students. First, the change comes after the deadline for students to drop credit classes with a full refund. Second, faculty with concerns about working in an unmasked environment don’t have a simple or quick remedy for accommodations. David Martin said in Thursday’s BOT meeting that he “hopes” there will be an accommodation process, and Monday’s all-college email said that employees can request an accommodation. However, some employees have already reported this process to be flawed.

While faculty are not unanimous on our opinions about these changes, we are in agreement that we need to protect the most vulnerable among us. AFT 2121 conducted a faculty survey in the fall on COVID safety protections. Results were posted 11/15/22, and can be seen here. Monday’s all-college email suggests that members of the college community can make themselves heard through upcoming PGC meetings and by talking to our representatives on the PGC Health and Safety Committee.

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Part-Time Employment Letters | Attend a Listening Session w/Your Bargaining Team | Free Student Debt Clinics

Part-Time Faculty Employment Letters

Like last semester, the District just mailed employment letters to part-time faculty asking us to accept our Spring assignments. These letters do not change the existing terms of employment or contractual part-time faculty employment rights.

The language of the letter does not actively misstate the law. But it only references the Education Code so it paints an incomplete picture. Part-time faculty also have contractual rights that protect assignments and employment in various ways. The District once again did not consult or inform AFT 2121 before sending these letters.

Although the letter instructs us to sign that we “accept” the “contract,” we are not required to do so.



Sign Up Today for a Listening Session w/ Members of your AFT 2121 Bargaining Team

AFT 2121 will be negotiating your next contract with the district soon. This is an opportunity for you to have a voice and a chance to fight for the salary, workload, schedule, job stability, and general working conditions you deserve and that your students count on.

Have a question, idea, or comment regarding these negotiations that you want to share directly with members of your AFT 2121 bargaining team? Then reply to this email with the listening session you would like to attend (see list below). AFT 2121 members will be on hand to discuss, and sessions will be offered both in person and online.

Jan 30, Monday, 2-3pm, JAD Room 139

Jan 30, Monday, 4-5pm, Evans (Rm 115)

Jan 31, Tuesday, 12-1pm, Zoom (link will be sent)

Feb 1, Wednesday, 1-2pm, Ocean (Batmale Hall 754)

Feb 3, Friday, 10-11am, Zoom (link will be sent)

Feb 8, Wednesday, 3-4pm, DTN (Rm TBD)

Feb 9, Thursday, 6-7pm, Zoom (link will be sent)

Feb 15, Wednesday, 4:30-5:30pm, Mission (Rm TBD)

Free Student Debt Clinics– February 2, 13, and 28

CFT and AFT National are providing free online student debt clinics to members. New rules from the Department of Education have made Public Service Loan Forgiveness more accessible than ever for public service workers. If you’re carrying student debt, these workshops can provide important information and free resources that will help access loan forgiveness.

Free online clinics: 2/2, 2/13, and 2/28, 4-5:30 pm. Register here.

Posted in E-news Archives

Sign Up for a Bargaining Listening Session | Nominate Your Colleagues for the CFT Convention| DA & COPE next Tues 1/31 | Rally for Twitter Janitors Weds at 12pm

Sign Up Today for a Listening Session w/ Members of your AFT 2121 Bargaining Team

AFT 2121 will be negotiating your next contract with the district soon. This is an opportunity for you to have a voice and a chance to fight for the salary, workload, schedule, job stability, and general working conditions you deserve and that your students count on.

Have a question, idea, or comment regarding these negotiations that you want to share directly with members of your AFT 2121 bargaining team? Then reply to this email with the listening session you would like to attend (see list below). AFT 2121 members will be on hand to discuss, and sessions will be offered both in person and online.

Jan 25, Wednesday, 11am-12pm, Zoom (link will be sent)

Jan 26, Thursday, 11am-12pm, Ocean (Rosenberg 518)

Jan 27, Friday, 12-1pm, Zoom (link will be sent)

Jan 27, Friday, 3-4pm, Zoom (link will be sent)

Jan 30, Monday, 2-3pm, JAD Room 139

Jan 30, Monday, 4-5pm, Evans (Rm 115)

Jan 31, Tuesday, 12-1pm, Zoom (link will be sent)

Feb 1, Wednesday, 1-2pm, Ocean (Batmale Hall 754)

Feb 3, Friday, 10-11am, Zoom (link will be sent)

Feb 8, Wednesday, 3-4pm, DTN (Rm TBD)

Feb 9, Thursday, 6-7pm, Zoom (link will be sent)

Feb 15, Wednesday, 4:30-5:30pm, Mission (Rm TBD)

Nominate AFT 2121 Delegates for our CFT Convention in San Francisco March 17-19

The Convention is our state affiliate’s (the California Federation of Teachers) highest governance body, where delegates shape union policy and positions on issues affecting all members. The biennial Convention is open to all CFT members, but only elected delegates can vote.

Nominate yourself or any of your colleagues to serve as a delegate–all AFT 2121 members are welcome. Delegates will be elected at the 1/31 Delegate Assembly. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at that meeting: https://bit.ly/CFT2023

Under the theme “United for Justice. United for Education,” the biennial CFT Convention will run from Friday, March 17 through Sunday, March 19, 2023, at the Westin St. Francis located on San Francisco’s downtown Union Square. Yes, we’re in person again! See more on the Convention here: https://www.cft.org/convention-2023

COPE & Delegate Assembly, Tuesday 1/31, from 1:30-3pm & 3-5pm on Zoom

All members are encouraged to attend your Committee on Political Education (1:30-3pm) & Delegate Assembly (3-5pm) next Tuesday January, 31.

See the Agenda for your Delegate Assembly Here. Precinct reps will vote on CFT Convention delegates at the Assembly. Nominate your colleagues here: https://bit.ly/CFT2023

You can use the same link for each meeting–follow this link

from your computer or smartphone. Meeting ID: 810 1671 8065, Password: 783119

Support SEIU 87 Janitors at Twitter: Wednesday, 1/25, at Noon

SEIU 87 members who worked at the Twitter Building were illegally laid off before the holidays and are fighting back! Janitors from the Twitter Building in New York will be joining SEIU Local 87 for a huge labor action and rally at Twitter HQ here in SF on Wednesday.

What’s going on at Twitter is an example of the disparity between the obscenely wealthy and the hard working families represented by Local 87. Come out on tommorow Wednesday and join janitors in the fight for racial and social equality. Tell Elon Musk: “Don’t mess with our janitors!”  

Who’s City? Our City! It’s a Working Families City!

Wednesday, January 25th at Noon
Twitter HQ: 1355 Market Street (between 9th & 10th)

Posted in E-news Archives

AFT 2121 Flex Meeting Today Friday 3:30pm- Bargaining Updates & More

AFT 2121 Flex Meeting Today 3:30-4:30pm

Join your union Flex Day Meeting for an update on bargaining for your next contract, the District’s budget, and a discussion of facilities issues. Link is here & below.

Topic: Spring 2023 AFT2121 Flex Day Meeting

Time: Jan 13, 2023 02:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

Read about

Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595