Emergency Board of Trustees Mting Now Tuesday 3/14 at 5pm

Emergency Board of Trustees Meeting Moved to Tuesday at 5pm Mission Campus

Trustee Alan Wong has called an emergency meeting to talk about arctic conditions at CCSF. The meeting was first planned for Monday; it has been moved to Tuesday. Since this is a special meeting they will only take public comment for items on the agenda.

BOT Emergency Meeting: Tuesday 3/14, 5:00
Mission Campus and on Zoom
Agenda and instructions to sign up for public comment here.

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Last Day to Submit Your Bargaining Survey | Facilities Issues & the Chancellor’s Missing Leadership

Submit your Bargaining Survey Today!

Share your priorities, ensure they’re taken into account in negotiations for your new contract, & support your bargaining team in its fight for your issues: https://bit.ly/BargainSurvey

This is about information and power. 1) Your bargaining team wants to hear your top concerns and 2) it needs to be able to say that its proposals reflect majority faculty opinion, but to say that all faculty need to submit surveys today!

Chairs, non-members, and members are encouraged to fill out the survey today. It takes a few minutes to do your survey here–for the ranking questions you do need to make sure you only select up to 5 issues and rank them in prioritization from 1 to 5. Otherwise, the form will not accept your submission.

‘Just Too Cold to Learn’–When Will Chancellor Martin Exercise the Leadership our Students Deserve?

From Mission Campus, to John Adams, to Ocean Campus, students and employees throughout the City College system are sitting in classrooms for hours with temperatures dipping into the low 40s. This is wrong, and, while we understand that fixing boiler systems will take time, we are deeply disappointed by Chancellor Martin’s lack of leadership on this issue. For the sake of our students and community, we again call on Chancellor Martin to:

  1. Take Urgent Action:  Take seriously the immediate health and learning hazard posed by low temperatures, mold, and other major facilities issues. Our community deserves real leadership and that means Chancellor Martin needs to treat this issue with the urgency and clarity it deserves.

  2. Provide Clear Communication & Take Responsibility: Being a leader means taking responsibility for your organization and clearly communicating to your constituents what you’re doing to address serious issues. It means showing you care. AFT understands that Chancellor Martin cannot have boiler systems fixed overnight, but clear communication is something the Chancellor can and should provide. Students & employees deserve to know the plans and timelines for repairs as well as what the District will do in the short-term to provide relief. This is a matter of leadership and respect. Our students deserve nothing less.

Faculty and students have been speaking out, and the press and our own trustees are sitting up and taking notice:

Take a look at the AFT 2121 facilities blog for ongoing updates.

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Facilities Update 

Speak Up at a Board of Trustees Facilities Meeting Thursday, 3/9, 3:30-5pm  

Do you want to tell the BOT about the Arctic cold in your workplace? Do your students want to speak up? The BOT Facilities Committee meets on Thursday, and they’ll take public comment.

The next meeting is tomorrow Thursday, 3/9, from 3:30-5:00, both in person at MUB 140 and on Zoom. To make public comment, you must sign up by 3:00 that day. Instructions are on the agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/ccsf/Board.nsf/Public

They have a few hopeful items on their agenda.
▪ Accepting bids for boiler replacements at JAD, Mission, and the Wellness Center. The agenda does not list time-frames for the work to actually be done.
▪ Notices of completion for multiple projects, including asbestos tile removal in Cloud and something they call “Science Hall Basement Abatement,” and in one place, “Science Abatement.” This could be mold abatement. Or something else they have chosen not to name publicly.

More information and some press coverage:
▪ Take a look at the AFT 2121 facilities blog for ongoing updates.
▪ An article in Mission Local, 3/8/23: City College students spend year without heat, jump from ‘one icebox to another’
▪ An article in The Guardsman, 2/20/23: City College Struggles with Inadequate Heating, Leaving Faculty and Students in the Cold

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District Stalling at the Bargaining Table

On Monday, March 6th, your AFT 2121 bargaining team met with the District and presented two crucial proposals. Yet, once again, the District team that David Martin has appointed was unprepared to bargain in good faith.

The first proposal presented by your bargaining team was expanded medical insurance. Taking advantage of new legislation would bring in $1.6 million in ongoing, stable funding from the State while increasing the number of faculty eligible for medical benefits. It would lower the bar for faculty to qualify for benefits to 40% load, instead of the current 50%. More details here. It’s an obvious win-win for everyone. Other colleges around the state are making similar agreements, and the new money is already reflected in the budget that David Martin presented to the community last week.

A responsible District would jump at the opportunity to bring in more money. But yesterday, the District team expressed no interest in the proposal. At first, they wouldn’t even agree to discuss it at our next session. But under pressure from AFT Executive Director Alayna Fredricks, they finally agreed to put it on the agenda.

The second proposal presented by your bargaining team was full restoration of wage concessions. When we took wage concessions in the 21-22 academic year, part of the agreement was that if more funding became available, we would go back to the table. Now we have the actuals from the concessionary year, and the numbers clearly show that City College’s financials ended up in much better shape than the district was projecting, and we demand that the district restore our wages.

The District team came unprepared. Although they were aware of the topics of discussion well in advance of our session, there was no one present who understood the budget well enough to discuss our proposals with any authority. This kind of foot-dragging does not meet the District’s legal obligation to bargain in good faith. When pressed, the District team couldn’t even make a commitment to bargain in good faith at our next session. The most they could say was that they would “try” to have someone present who could discuss District finances and actually negotiate.

Unfortunately this behavior is not new. Last fall AFT 2121 filed a ULP (unfair labor practice) about this exact behavior; we’re currently awaiting the judge’s decision. Despite this recent history, David Martin continues to set his teams up for failure, scheduling sessions where no one on the District side has the authority or the knowledge to actually bargain. Now more than ever, we need to show the district that faculty are united and ready to fight:

• Come to the next bargaining session! Let the District see your faces and your strength.

The next Bargaining session is March 21, 2:00-3:30. Location to be determined. If it’s in person, it will be on the Ocean Campus, right before our General Membership meeting. If it’s on Zoom, you can register here, or use the same link you already have if you registered.

• Fill out your bargaining survey: https://bit.ly/BargainSurvey . A survey may seem like a small thing, but it actually has a huge impact. It is how your team demonstrates that AFT 2121 proposals have the support of faculty–and that’s how we win the contract we deserve.

Posted in E-news Archives

Open Bargaining Monday | Last Week to Fill Out Your Bargaining Survey

Last Week to Fill Out the Bargaining Survey–Share What Matters Most to You!

We head to the bargaining table this week for salary restoration, and you have until Friday, March 10, to submit the Bargaining Survey for our full collective bargaining agreement (aka “the contract”), which we will begin bargaining on shortly. Now is your chance to share your priorities and concerns with your bargaining team. (Link: https://bit.ly/BargainSurvey)

Why should I fill out one more survey?

  • It’s essential that all faculty fill out the bargaining survey so that you have a voice in the bargaining process. It also gives us, your bargaining team, credibility to be able to say that our proposals reflect majority faculty opinion, but we can only say that if you fill out your survey today. https://bit.ly/BargainSurvey

I’m not sure if I already filled it out…

  • This is the same bargaining survey that has been available since December. However, if you aren’t sure you filled it out, you can go ahead and submit it. Any duplicate submissions will be deleted before results are tallied.

I don’t think my voice is important in this contract campaign.

  • Every faculty voice at City College of San Francisco is important in this campaign. If you want to win big at the table, it will take all of our voices together. We need to hear from full and part timers, credit and noncredit, department chairs and new hires, instructional and non-instructional faculty. The survey is open to non-members, so every faculty member can and should fill it out. This is the first step of our campaign, and it is only the beginning of our growing work together, so lift your voice and join the chorus of your colleagues!

The final deadline is March 10. Check in with colleagues at FLEX day meetings to make sure everyone has the link and has filled out the survey. Together, we can win a great contract!


We return to the bargaining table on Monday!

We are not yet at the point of negotiating our full contract. That will happen after the District completes its side of the legally required sunshine process. (AFT’s sunshine document was passed by our DA and presented to the District on 2/16. You can read it here.) In this early round of negotiations, your bargaining team will present proposals about critical issues outside of our regular contract:

— RESTORATION OF WAGE CONCESSIONS. When we took wage concessions in the 21-22 academic year, part of the agreement was that if more funding became available, we would go back to the table. Now we have the budgeted actuals from the concessionary year, and it’s time to demand our money back!

— MEDICAL INSURANCE EXPANSION. The state has dedicated $200 million in ongoing, stable funding for colleges to expand the number of faculty eligible for medical insurance. We can bring in new money to the District, cover existing costs, and expand coverage all at once. More details here.

All members welcome! Come show the District that faculty are ready to fight for what we deserve.

Open Bargaining

Monday, 3/6, 2:00pm
Register to attend the meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtcOGoqjIoGdYoWHsJMaO3Mc4IxMR67diR

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with your link to join the meeting.

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COPE & D​elegate Assembly Tuesday 2/28

COPE & Delegate Assembly Tuesday 2/28 from 1:30-3pm & 3-5pm on Zoom

All members are encouraged to attend your Committee on Political Education (1:30-3pm) & Delegate Assembly (3-5pm) tomorrow Tuesday, February 28 (meeting was moved from 2/21).

You can use the same link as for other DA meetings – follow this link from your computer or smartphone. Meeting ID: 810 1671 8065, Password: 783119.

AFT 2121 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Delegate Assembly/COPE

Posted in E-news Archives

Update from Your Bargaining Team on Your Next Contract & the Fight for Salary Restoration

Sunshine‘ Document Completed–Fill Out Your Bargaining Survey Today

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day! Your bargaining team has been busy since the semester began. Through listening sessions and the results of bargaining surveys submitted so far, your bargaining team and Delegate Assembly have crafted our faculty sunshine document.

It’s essential that you share your priorities so you have a voice in this process. It’s also essential that your bargaining team is able to say that its proposals reflect majority faculty opinion, but that means everyone needs to fill out their bargaining survey today! Contact your precinct rep for instructions on submitting your survey.

The sunshine document will be presented to the Board of Trustees and the CCSF community this Thursday, February 16, during the AFT2121 Constituency Report. The BOT meeting begins at 4:30 and the constituency reports are slated to begin around 6 PM.

During the Sunshining period between the February and March Board of Trustees’ meetings, your bargaining team will be crafting proposals based on the sunshine document and your input. We also will be returning to the table with the district to negotiate for the salary restoration (i.e. retrospective salary increases for 21-22) that you are owed based on updated budget numbers. In addition, we will be negotiating other improvements in light of recent California healthcare legislation.

We look forward to seeing members in person and virtually at the upcoming bargaining sessions! Our unity and participation is vital to securing an excellent contract.

See you soon!

Your AFT2121 Bargaining Team

Bargaining Team: https://www.aft2121.org/bargaining-team/

Sunshine Doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dnHVMyaU4MJTiB6oX75kLo7ZOtvvIY2e/view?usp=share_link

Precinct reps: https://www.aft2121.org/about-us-2/delegate-assembly/

BOT meeting: http://ccsf.granicus.com/player/event/1207?&redirect=true

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595