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The support for CCSF keeps coming in!

The College of the Sequoias Teachers Association sent us this proclamation of support of CCSF faculty and students. “Be it further resolved that: Because your faculty’s bold stance against this offensive intrusion into the education of California citizens has brought to light

Posted in Accreditation, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Grossmont College on ACCJC

The Academic Senate of Grossmont College has passed this resolution calling for the ACCJC to adhere to transparent practices. “Whereas, keys to the overall success of this unique system are a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect between the regional commissions

Posted in Accreditation, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Support from Foothill-De Anza

AFT 2121 wishes to thank the Foothill-De Anza Faculty Association for sending us this resolution in support of CCSF faculty, staff, and students. “Whereas the ACCJC has openly criticized the CCSF faculty union for promoting a high standard of professionalism

Posted in Accreditation, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Letter to Chancellor Tyler: Stop class cancellations

Pictures from today’s gathering in Conlan Hall while AFT 2121 met with Chancellor Tyler about our growing alarm at class cancellations. 2500+ students, faculty, and community members agree with the letter written by AFT 2121 President Alisa Messer—more that 80

Posted in Events, News, President's message, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Thank you Academic Senate of Oxnard College for more support!

AFT 2121 is grateful to receive yet another resolution about the concern over the ACCJC’s outrageous actions from the Academic Senate at Oxnard College. 

Posted in Accreditation, News, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Union letter to ACCJC: This is a “public” meeting?

California Federation of Teachers President Joshua Pechthalt has sent this letter to the chair of the Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), which held closed meetings in Sacramento and today, after presumably all actions before the Commission have

Posted in Accreditation, News, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi weighs in for City College

U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi offered a compelling statement of support for our City College at a press conference at Chinatown North Beach campus on Monday, January 6th. Setting aside her prepared remarks, she said emphatically, “Make no mistake; this is

Posted in Accreditation, News, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595