Blog Archives

State Chancellor Brice Harris at AFT 2121 General Membership Meeting

    On Tuesday over 100 faculty came to our General Membership meeting to hear State Chancellor Brice Harris speak and to ask him questions and express their concerns. The message was loud and clear: we want our democratically elected Board

Posted in Accreditation, Board of Trustees, Events, Members, News, Speak up

2014 Election Endorsements

Our union has endorsed the following propositions and candidates for the election on November 4, 2014. Learn more about your individual ballot and find your polling place as well as statewide union positions at CFT’s electronic voter guide. California State

Posted in Board of Trustees, Elections, News, Speak up

Students, faculty, staff & community say: no more cuts!

      On Tuesday, students, and community supporters delivered over two-thousand petitions in the shape of bricks, symbolizing that now is the time to rebuild CCSF, to Susan Lamb, Vice Chancellor in charge of making decisions to cancel classes at

Posted in Budget, Events, News, Speak up

Comment for July board “meeting”: “Restoration status” is unnecessary and deeply flawed

AFT 2121 officers have sent the message below to Special Trustee Agrella in advance of his July “public comment” session, now held each month for one hour on the day that he makes decisions in lieu of the publicly elected

Posted in Accreditation, Board of Trustees, Speak up

David Campos on City College of San Francisco

Wondering why AFT 2121 has endorsed David Campos for Assembly? The teachers, counselors, and librarians of AFT 2121 support David Campos because he is fighting for a San Francisco for all of us, for all of our communities– not for

Posted in Accreditation, Speak up, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Union files mass grievance on missing sick leave and pay info

Fed up with the District’s lack of transparency in providing pay and sick leave information, a whopping ninety AFT 2121 faculty filed a mass grievance May 13th to restore information previously provided to faculty on electronic pay advices. AFT alleges

Posted in News, Pay, Speak up

Support fair accreditation: AB 1942

The California Federation of Teachers is sponsoring AB 1942 from Assemblymember Rob Bonta, which would secure transparent, fair accrediting practices for all of California’s community colleges. The bill is scheduled for its first policy hearing on Tuesday, April 29th in

Posted in Accreditation, Legislation, News, Speak up

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595