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High stakes for all of us – Votes are key in saving City College

Every election cycle has high stakes, but the stakes of this November for CCSF have never been quite so concrete. With the possibility of losing our accreditation hanging over our heads, the College’s fiscal fortunes sway from losing another $11

Posted in President's message

Paths forward: An open letter to the Board of Trustees, 9/27/12

To: Board of Trustees, City College of San Francisco CC: Chancellor Fisher, college community Re: Paths Forward The Draft October 15th Progress Report you consider tonight represents a solid start; it shows the college’s tremendous efforts in meeting the challenge

Posted in Board of Trustees, President's message

Looking for (comm)unity

It goes on one at a time, it starts when you care to act, it starts when you do it again after they said no, it starts when you say We and know who you mean, and each day you

Posted in President's message

Credit and blame

There’s a lot of blaming going around. It’s not that surprising: panic and finger-pointing are both symptoms of larger situational problems. While criticism has value, I am less convinced about the worth of blame. Not only because it’s frequently misdirected,

Posted in President's message

Yes, the budget is terrible . . . let’s stop austerity measures by bringing revenue back

Hit hard The start of the spring 2012 semester has seen a riot of meetings, spreadsheets, and confusion as the college desperately tries to pull its budget back on track. While some of the issue was identifiable last semester, as

Posted in President's message

It’s all about the pie

My favorite chant at recent protests on behalf of the 99 percent? “What kind of pie?” “Occupy!” It’s not just cute; there’s a real point embedded. For all the criticisms of the Occupy Together movement—no definite demands, no plan for

Posted in President's message

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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