Blog Archives

Bargaining Update: Where we are now and a new District proposal

Where we are: Changes to the state budget and its potential impacts on the CCSF budget have delayed our conversations with the District over their proposed wage concessions. Tuesday night, the District sent a new, adjacent proposal to all labor groups.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Concessions bargaining update

Our AFT 2121 Bargaining team had an initial meeting with administration on Tuesday to begin sharing information about the finances. No proposals were made. The District had originally asked us to settle everything by 6/11. But the state Legislature has

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

District proposes wage freezes: Attend upcoming Union meetings

Administration has made a proposal to AFT 2121: Freeze our wages for at least six months and help stave off further class cuts. This would be a freeze, not a wage reduction. All step, column, and contractual raises would be

Posted in E-news Archives, Events, Negotiations

COVID bargaining | AFT elections: Ballots out | Canvas privacy | DA & COPE

Rebort-back: COVID impact bargaining AFT 2121 leaders met with Chancellor Gonzales and SVC Tom Boegel to push back against last week’s announcement that the only faculty eligible to teach this summer are those previously certified by the Distance Learning Office

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

COVID-19 updates: Faculty pay and benefits will continue for Spring semester

As we all struggle to cope with the changes to our lives, AFT 2121 and the District have come to an agreement about the impacts on our wages and benefits. Faculty pay and benefits will continue for Spring semester. The agreement commits

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

AFT 2121 reaches agreement on impacts of CoVid-19 plans

  Today, March 12, AFT and the District reached agreement over coronavirus impact negotiations. The agreement,   assures that faculty pay, benefits, and other contractual rights are intact through this crisis, and guarantees that faculty will be held harmless if

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

COVID-19 negotiations | AFT Elections | Joint Education Committee Hearing | Support workers during COVID-19

AFT impact negotiations over coronavirus crisis AFT has begun negotiations with the District over the impact of District emergency measures on faculty working conditions. We seek an agreement that ensures the following: All faculty will be paid and maintain benefits

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595