Blog Archives

Workers’ Rights Board hearing: the future of higher education in San Francisco

Please join the hearing and investigation on faculty working conditions and student learning conditions at City College of San Francisco, San Francisco State University and the San Francisco Art Institute. 

Posted in Events, iamcitycollege, Negotiations

California Court of Appeals denies ACCJC’s objections

The California Court of Appeals has denied the ACCJC in court yet again! Read the full CFT press release on the denied appeal.

Posted in Accreditation, E-news Archives, iamcitycollege, News, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Board of Trustees votes 4-2 against holding ACCJC accountable

Board of Trustees votes 4-2 not to join with City Attorney Herrera and seek enforcement of the injunction against the ACCJC. Despite overwhelming support from the faculty and students and a clear consensus that the ACCJC has not provided the College with

Posted in Accreditation, Board of Trustees, E-news Archives, iamcitycollege, News, President's message

Defend the College! Why City College should encourage City Attorney Herrera to seek enforcement of the injunction against the ACCJC.

 A key decision point is fast approaching for the college administration. The District must decide to stand up to defend the college. The faculty are united that the District must urge the City Attorney to go to Judge Karnow to

Posted in Accreditation, Board of Trustees, E-news Archives, iamcitycollege, News, President's message

Tell the ACCJC to treat our colleges fairly! Rally on June 5th in Oakland.

Do you think the ACCJC treats California’s Community colleges unfairly? The next ACCJC meeting will be on Friday, June 5th in Oakland. You can bet that AFT 2121 and CFT leaders from across the state will be there to tell

Posted in Accreditation, E-news Archives, Events, iamcitycollege, Legislation, Solidarity, Speak up, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Thursday, May 7th: join the hearing to support our CCSF

Come out to City Hall and support our City College! The SF Supervisors’ Neighborhood Services Committee will hold a hearing and update on CCSF, called by Supervisors Mar, Campos, and Kim to get updates about the current situation of the college—from

Posted in Accreditation, Board of Trustees, Budget, Events, iamcitycollege, News, Solidarity, Speak up, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

The college we deserve!

Read President Tim Killikelly’s column from the March 2015 issue of Union Action.

Posted in Accreditation, Board of Trustees, Budget, Elections, iamcitycollege, Legislation, Members, Negotiations, News, Part-timers, Pay, President's message, Union Action newsletter

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595