Blog Archives

​Fall contract campaign: organizing to win!

History Our union, AFT 2121, ​has spent a large part of the summer reaching out to members about our campaign for a fair contract. ​We’ve been talking with members who have endured years of cuts and a lack of respect for faculty voice in

Posted in Benefits, Events, Negotiations, News, Pay, Solidarity, Speak up

Tell the ACCJC to treat our colleges fairly! Rally on June 5th in Oakland.

Do you think the ACCJC treats California’s Community colleges unfairly? The next ACCJC meeting will be on Friday, June 5th in Oakland. You can bet that AFT 2121 and CFT leaders from across the state will be there to tell

Posted in Accreditation, E-news Archives, Events, iamcitycollege, Legislation, Solidarity, Speak up, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

Tuesday, May 19th: COPE candidate endorsements and Delegate Assembly

Please join the Delegate Assembly tomorrow  for important planning and work leading into the summer and fall! Get the DA agenda. AFT 2121 Delegate Assembly (3-4pm) COPE meeting for members (4-5pm) Tuesday, May 19th Ocean Campus, MUB 251 This November there will

Posted in Events

Hundreds of faculty, students and community rally for a fair contract NOW!

On Wednesday, City College faculty, students, and community supporters rallied at four campuses across the city to demand a fair contract. Over 500 people participated to hear speakers address the disparity in faculty wages and administrator salaries, as well as instructional

Posted in Events, Negotiations, News

Thursday, May 21st: Jobs with Justice #blacklivesmatter forum

Jobs With Justice has organized a #blacklivesmatter forum co-sponsored by Labor and Community Studies CCSF and the School of Unity and Liberation. The panelists will connecting economic justice, racial justice and black liberation. Discussion to follow panel. BLACK LIVES MATTER

Posted in Events, Solidarity

This Friday: come to our end of the semester party!

  This Friday, May 15th join your colleagues for good company, food, and drinks. We have and will continue fighting for for justice and fairness for ourselves and for our students. But now, it is time for us to celebrate! Get the flyer

Posted in Events, Members

Thursday, May 7th: join the hearing to support our CCSF

Come out to City Hall and support our City College! The SF Supervisors’ Neighborhood Services Committee will hold a hearing and update on CCSF, called by Supervisors Mar, Campos, and Kim to get updates about the current situation of the college—from

Posted in Accreditation, Board of Trustees, Budget, Events, iamcitycollege, News, Solidarity, Speak up, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595