Blog Archives

The Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

We are outraged, grieving, and unsurprised that Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty. He claimed self-defense after killing two men and wounding a third during a protest against the police shooting of Jacob Blake. The so-called criminal justice system has

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Bargaining today, Wednesday, next week

Return-to-Campus bargaining continues! You can see a summary of agreements so far here. Last week, the District told us they intend to discipline faculty who fail to submit proof of COVID vaccination or apply for exemptions. In the District’s initial proposal,

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

Join Striking Workers at Kaiser!

Calling all AFT 2121 Members- Put on your union t-shirt and join your labor siblings on the picket line in solidarity with striking Stationary Engineers Local 39 at Kaiser! For over 8 weeks the essential workers of Stationary Engineers Local

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UC-AFT WENT ON STRIKE THIS MORNING AND WON! Your siblings in UC-AFT called for an Unfair Labor Practices strike at nine UC campuses throughout the state today and tomorrow and won significant advancements in job stability, workload, compensation, and paid

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Social distancing, Spring 2022 | UC-AFT on STRIKE!

Social distancing, Spring 2022 If we become a “fully vaccinated” school, the CDC would allow us to remove social distancing rules. This has created a huge campus buzz. To be clear, in most departments a policy change is NOT necessary

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Cast COPE vote now | Speak up for emergency housing

At today’s COPE meeting, members discussed a potential endorsement for a California State Assemblymember in AD 17.  Please cast your vote on who you want your union to endorse for D17 now!​ The voting link will remain open until 1:30pm on Friday, 11/19.  Today, COPE also heard from

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D17 Candidate questionnaires | Student organized candidates’ forum | CFT Student debt clinics

COPE AD 17 endorsement update: Candidate questionnaires are in Committee on Political Education, Tuesday, 11/16 from 1:30-3pm At this month’s COPE meeting, you will consider a potential endorsement for a California State Assemblymember in AD 17. Candidate questionnaires are in!

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595