Blog Archives

Stand Up for San Francisco, Stand Up for City College: More Intro English Classes Now!

Dear CCSF Community, City College IS San Francisco–when you get your blood drawn, when a first responder shows up on your block, when you take your kid to daycare, when new housing is built in your neighborhood, those are City

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English Student Message | Restoration Grievance | COPE Vote | Parking Requests

Student Perspective: Why I’m Speaking at Tomorrow’s Board Meeting for More English & Chemistry Classes   My name is Katherin Olivares. I am from Guatemala, and my dream is to become a Registered Nurse. English 1A was my first experience

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City College English Teacher Urges Action for the Sake of Our Students

Dear City College Community, My name is Lizzie Brock, and I have been a member of the CCSF English faculty since 2007. I mostly teach 1A and 1A+S, “College Reading and Composition,” foundational courses for Bay Area students hoping to

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End of Year AFT PARTY this Friday May 17 from 4-6:30pm at Pierre Coste!

End of Year AFT PARTY this Friday May 17 from 4-6:30pm at Pierre Coste! All faculty are encouraged to attend AFT 2121’s end of year party and celebration this Friday May 17, from 4-6:30pm, at Pierre Coste. This party will

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Union Meetings Tues 5/14 | Unemployment Workshops | Saturday for Connie Chan | FACCC Symposium

Participate in Your Union Decision-Making! Join DA and COPE meetings on Tues 5/14 COPE – Committee on Political Education, NOTE NEW TIME. 12:00-3pm, Tuesday, 5/14 on Zoom (agenda here) Want to hear Mayoral candidates Aaron Peskin, Daniel Lurie, and Ahsha Safaí

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Restoration Checks Are Here | Leadership Election Results | Elders Speak! An Oral History | May Day Events

Restoration Checks Are Here! Collective union power–that is how you today received a salary restoration for 21-22. Back when the impacts of the COVID pandemic on our economy and college budgets were extremely uncertain, an overwhelming majority of faculty voted

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Vote for AFT Leaders by Monday | End of Year Party | COPE Vote | Faculty Solidarity Actions | PT Health Care | Retirement Workshop Friday

Voting for Union Leadership Ends Monday! You have until Monday, April 29, to vote for your union leadership, and to be clear: all union members should vote! This is your voice and your union. Eligible voters should have received a

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595