Blog Archives

Team recommended probation, not “show cause”

The ACCJC shot themselves in the foot last week by admitting in a court filing that members of its evaluation team recommended a less-severe penalty than “show cause.” The Commission “confirmed as undisputed that ‘nobody on the 2012 evaluation team suggested

Posted in Accreditation, News

“Restoration Status”: We need answers!

Now that City College of San Francisco has applied for “Restoration Status” there is an urgent need for a closer examination of this unnecessary and flawed policy. We need the ACCJC to answer basic questions. We need answers about the

Posted in Accreditation

Comment for July board “meeting”: “Restoration status” is unnecessary and deeply flawed

AFT 2121 officers have sent the message below to Special Trustee Agrella in advance of his July “public comment” session, now held each month for one hour on the day that he makes decisions in lieu of the publicly elected

Posted in Accreditation, Board of Trustees, Speak up

Unanimous: AFT passes emergency resolution for Fair Accreditation and the Fight to Save Our City College of San Francisco

AFT members from around the country were unanimous in adopting our urgent call to redouble efforts for CCSF and fair accreditation for our colleges — and against the ACCJC. Download the resolution: Emergency Resolution: Support Fair Accreditation and the Fight to

Posted in Accreditation, Support for AFT 2121, CCSF

July 16 — Our Day in Court (Again)

The ACCJC’s lawyers are doing anything they can to try and stop City Attorney Dennis Herrera’s lawsuit. Next week, the ACCJC will ask that the suit be set aside or thrown out entirely. We need to show Judge Curtis Karnow

Posted in Accreditation, Events, News

Join us at the BOG meeting!

A resolution to continue the Special Trustee with Extraordinary Powers for another year is on the agenda of the next California Community Colleges Board of Governors meeting. We need to stop it! Join us: July 7th at 12:00 pm 1102 Q Street, 3rd Floor Sacramento, CA 95811 During

Posted in Accreditation, Events, News

“Restoration Status”: Union analysis and comment

On Wednesday, CFT president Joshua Pechthalt and our AFT 2121 president Tim Killikelly submitted a joint public comment (download full comment here) to the ACCJC regarding the Commission’s proposed Restoration Status Policy. This proposed policy is not only completely unnecessary,

Posted in Accreditation, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595