End of Year AFT PARTY this Friday May 17 from 4-6:30pm at Pierre Coste!

End of Year AFT PARTY this Friday May 17 from 4-6:30pm at Pierre Coste!

All faculty are encouraged to attend AFT 2121’s end of year party and celebration this Friday May 17, from 4-6:30pm, at Pierre Coste.

This party will be a celebration of summer and of the power of collective action. While we didn’t win everything we wanted this year, we made significant progress and that was only possible because we stood together. From restoring our salaries for 21-22 to winning significant raises to expanding faculty health care, we fought for a stronger City College for the good of our students and city.

Let’s celebrate that Friday May 17 at Pierre Coste 4-6:30pm. All faculty are welcome.


Decision Making! Final Committee on Political Education Tues 5/28 at 12pm

COPE – Committee on Political Education, NOTE NEW TIME. 12:00, Tuesday 5/28 on Zoom to finish up our important last meeting (agenda here)

We heard from San Francisco Mayoral and Supervisors candidates at our last meeting, and now all members are encouraged to join for deliberations on how your union should weigh in on these races. This is a chance to shape the political direction of your local and city for the good of our students and the vital mission we serve.

Educator Housing in San Francisco–Take the Survey Today

MEDA Community Real Estate is excited to bring a potential opportunity for San Francisco educators to access intergenerational wealth-building opportunities through homeownership.

MEDA is encouraging all CCSF faculty to fill out a survey so that MEDA can share more information about the educator population with lenders and get a better sense of potential buyers. See more info on this flyer, & support this process and fill out your survey below!

CCSF Educator Housing Survey at 2205 Mission St. → https://forms.gle/tSZZyEmjLG6TyWzA8

Unemployment: Summer Benefits & CFT Workshop

Part-time faculty who don’t have summer assignments or sufficient income from other work are entitled to unemployment benefits over summer break. Even if you’re pretty sure you’ll have an assignment in Fall, you are still eligible. You’re considered unemployed until that assignment actually starts, since the assignment isn’t guaranteed.

Apply as soon as possible on or after your last day of work. Your application is retroactive only to the Sunday of the week in which you apply. For faculty who have semester-long assignments, the last day is officially May 22nd, even if that doesn’t match our actual work dates.

When you apply for benefits, you must report your earnings. Web4 paystubs still list hours and hourly rates, but those rates are misleading. You were not paid hourly, except for subbing and office hours.

For detailed information about how to calculate your earnings and apply for unemployment, see the AFT 2121 unemployment page.

CFT is hosting a free workshop with CFT Vice-President John Govsky to

guide contingent faculty (called “part-time” at CCSF) through the online unemployment filing process. Topics include new and reopened claims, phone interviews, denials, and appeals. Open to all contingent (part-time) faculty who are CFT members.

May 16, 3:30 pm, by Zoom
Register here

Show your Solidarity with the Committee of Interns and Residents CIR/SEIU Healthcare

In December 2023, the CIR SEIU presented comprehensive proposals covering wages, sick leave, fertility benefits, vacation, and holidays. However, CIR SEIU has yet to receive any response from Sutter. Sutter’s prolonged delays and disrespectful behavior during bargaining sessions have left hard-working residents feeling disheartened and powerless. AFT 2121 members understand that treatment all too well. We also know how important it is to come together and stand up for yourself as one.

Come and show your support and solidarity for San Francisco’s hard working medical residents!

CPMC Van Ness Campus
1101 Van Ness
SF, CA 94109
Friday, May 17th, from 12:30 to 1:00.


HELU Founding Convention, May 17-19 online

Higher Education Labor United (HELU) is a national organization founded in 2021 to unite higher education workers throughout the U.S. Unions and organizations representing over 550,000 higher ed and allied workers across the U.S. are working to organize together around a shared platform.

The very first HELU convention will be held in a hybrid format, so even if you can’t travel to New Brunswick, NJ, you can still join in! The Convention will solidify HELU’s organizational structure and plans for the short- and long-term through decisions made by delegates. Voting at the convention is limited to delegates of HELU member organizations in good standing. Educational and plenary sessions will be open to the general public with advance registration. There is no cost to attend.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595