City College Teachers Need Your Support–Rally Thurs 10/26 at 5pm for a Stronger CCSF

Stand Up for City College 10/26 5-7pm: Tell Chancellor Martin to Invest in Our Programs & Classes

City College is the heartbeat of working families in San Francisco. We are the largest source of higher ed degrees and workforce training in this city. From Custodians, to Nurses, to EMTS, to Biotech researchers, our grads make San Francisco run.

But the teachers, counselors, and librarians of City College have now gone 3 years without a raise, and are getting ready to strike in defense of our college. CCSF faculty are paid far less than faculty at other Bay Area colleges, putting vital programs at risk. The students of San Francisco deserve better.

The good news is we can act–our beautiful community elected 3 new Trustees to govern the college, and now we need to urge those Trustees to take urgent action to ensure the college starts to negotiate in good faith with faculty. We also need to show Chancellor Martin that any strike by City College teachers is going to have the full support of our community.

But to do that, we need you. Join City College faculty, students, & community at a Rally for a Fair Contract Thursday 10/26 from 5-7pm at Ocean Campus. RSVP now & share widely:

And thank you–we stand in total solidarity with each and everyone of you. We know the real heartbeat of San Francisco, and we will not stop fighting for it.

City College Rising
Rally for a Fair Contract
Thursday, October 26, 5-7pm
CCSF Ocean Campus Multi-Use Building (55 Frida Kahlo Way)


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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

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