Special Board of Trustee Meeting Thurs. 7/27 at 7pm to Address the Waitlist Crisis at City College

Dear City College Community,

Just over a week ago, we broke the unfortunate news that mass waitlists were building at City College, with over 1,600 students already waiting for spots in classes with no seats and over 6,000 students expected to be in the same position by the end of August. We also shared that City College’s Chancellor, David Martin, was refusing to take prompt and effective action to address this crisis.

In May, CCSF’s Board of Trustees advised Chancellor Martin to rehire the full-time faculty he laid off a year prior. Prompt action on this front is pivotal because starting this process allows departments affected by layoffs to immediately begin hiring part-time faculty in order to meet student demand.

Chancellor Martin, however, has failed to act quickly to add courses and faculty, and this is fueling a growing waitlist crisis at City College, with thousands of students waiting for seats in English, Construction, Business, & so much more. As the union of City College’s instructors, counselors, and librarians, we called on our Board of Trustees to take urgent action to hold the Chancellor accountable. We shared this message with our community, the press (see our Media Release here), & online (see our Twitter).

And now together we are making progress. The SF Examiner has reported on the growing crisis, & our Board of Trustees yesterday called for an emergency meeting tomorrow Thursday, July 27, at 7pm at Ocean Campus (MUB 140) and on ZoomTune in to make sure City College leaders know that our community is watching.

Chancellor Martin’s mismanagement of our schedule left thousands of students locked out of class last year, and now the problem stands to get worse. City College has the resources right now to meet student demand, and it is imperative that our leaders add the classes and faculty necessary to do so. City College students deserve nothing less.

In Unity,

AFT 2121

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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