CCSF Trustees Consider A Resolution to Restore Our Mission

Dear City College Community,

As the current President of the faculty union of AFT 2121, a former member of CCSF’s chapter of SEIU 1021, a proud graduate of and now teacher at City College, I have promising news to share: at the Board of Trustees meeting this evening at 4:30pm, Susan Solomon and Anita Martinez are proposing a Resolution to Rehire Laid Off Faculty that promises to restore the mission of City College. See full resolution here.

From English as a Second Language to Computer Networking, vital programs throughout our college have turned away thousands of students this year due to the layoffs and course cuts made last May. As you well know, these layoffs and cuts were a continuation of a downward spiral that has caused real harm to our students and city. Over the past four years, CCSF has cut 44% of its offerings, and, as a result, we’ve lost 43% of our students, a decline that threatens the financial stability of our college and undermines our mission.

Thankfully, Trustees Solomon and Martinez have answered the call of voters for change at City College. In November, I joined many of you on the streets knocking on doors talking to voters, and, as we saw at the ballot box, the voters of San Francisco want change at City College.

The voters of San Francisco want a fully staffed Counseling Center for Veterans at City College. The voters of San Francisco want fully staffed Biotech and Computer Networking programs at City College, so students of color, immigrants, and working-class San Franciscans have an accessible pathway into our local tech industry.

The voters of San Francisco want CCSF’s Trustees to stop the downsizing and start the growing: enrollment growth and meeting community demand. It’s what the students of San Francisco deserve, and it is what community organizations, labor unions, and elected leaders throughout the city will ensure they get in coming elections.

I’ll be knocking on doors to support Trustee candidates who stand with City College students, and I know you’ll be right there with me. Stay tuned for news on tonight’s vote, and thank you for your solidarity.  

In Unity,

AFT 2121 President Mary Bravewoman

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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