Bargaining Update & Rehire Resolution Tmrw | Important COVID Sick Leave Update

From the Bargaining Table

Your bargaining team has been making some progress in its negotiations for a stronger college.

  • The team made new proposals, including a 15-student minimum class size in Article 18protections from ghost-student-induced class cuts, higher rates for clinical labs, and a work modality proposal to allow faculty to do their remote work from any location.
  • AFT and the District signed a TA accepting gender neutral language changes throughout our contract. This was made possible by Jesse Kolber and Pau Crego, who took the initiative to comb through the entire contract. Thank you to Jesse and Pau! You can see all proposals and TAs here.

However, on our major economic interests, the story is different. Chancellor Martin’s team finally responded to part of AFT’s economic package proposal. However, they did not have any counter to our salary proposal. Instead, they said they would not commit to any increased staffing, FTEF, or to restore laid-off FT faculty. This is not a recipe for enrollment growth or for meeting community demand.

AFT is negotiating for a college that has the staffing needed to serve our students and city. The thousands of students we turned away this year are a tragic testament to the need for more support, and that is what we intend to achieve.

At the Board of Trustees meeting tomorrow at 4:30pm in MUB 140, CCSF’s Trustees will vote on a Resolution to rehire laid-off faculty (see Resolution here). This is a crucial step to increasing enrollment and ensuring the long term financial viability of our school.

A contingent of local leaders will join students and faculty from impacted departments to speak in favor of this resolution. We encourage you to attend in person and show your support for these speakers, and for a City College capable of again meeting San Francisco’s demand for new skills, better jobs, and hope. BOT Meeting: Thursday, May 18th, beginning at 4:30.

Our next bargaining session will be Tuesday, 5/23. More dates will be posted on the AFT 2121 Calendar. Please join us! Open Bargaining: Tuesday, 5/23, 2:30-5. Ocean Campus, MUB 261

ENHANCED COVID SICK LEAVE: March 2020-December 2022

It took a long drawn-out grievance and the beginnings of a formal arbitration process, but we finally have an MOU on COVID sick leave!

That original agreement was signed on 9/1/2020, guaranteeing that faculty who worked in person during the shut-down would receive 1.5x the normal sick leave accrual. The District has attempted to stop the accruals multiple times since then, sometimes by negotiating and sometimes by simply stopping unilaterally. This new agreement locks in an ending date, December 2022, and commits the District to calculating the leave for all faculty by this summer.

If you worked in-person at any time from March 17, 2020 – December 2022, talk to your chair and make sure they know the hours. They might have the information already, but it’s good to make sure. Your chair will need to report the correct hours to HR.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

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Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595