Important Updates on AFT’s Bargaining for a Better College

Bargaining Update-April 27, 2023

AFT 2121 Made A Comprehensive Salary and Staffing Proposal.
You can read the economic package proposal here. In its totality, AFT’s proposals are a roadmap for a stable and thriving City College. Highlights:

  • Salaries: CCSF faculty salaries are below the median for Bay Area community colleges, yet our faculty live in one of the most expensive cities in the nation. To attract and retain the faculty our students deserve, CCSF needs to offer fair and competitive wages. The District has previously stated a commitment to keeping CCSF faculty at or above the Bay 10 median. AFT has proposed to make that commitment a reality.

  • Increase Staffing for Enrollment Growth: Thousands of students have been turned away from classes they need this year due to under-staffing. From CNIT to ESL to Registered Nursing, CCSF needs to expand its staffing and schedule to meet the needs of our community. AFT is therefore asking the District to reinstate all faculty on the rehire list. This will support increased educational access for our students, protect the jobs of FT & PT faculty, and contribute to enrollment growth needed for the college to weather impending changes in state funding.

AFT is calling for an investment in our college’s future, in our students’ learning opportunities, and in our dedicated faculty by outlining a path to financial stability. By bringing back laid off FT faculty and growing FTES, we can meet students’ needs and surpass hold harmless funding in the coming years.

One quick note: AFT’s economic package has a total financial value distributed between salaries and staffing. Should the district reject AFTs staffing proposals, we reserve the ability to reallocate the total value of those proposals.

Some Positive Movement At The Bargaining Table, Finally!

On Tuesday our bargaining team signed a tentative agreement (TA) that expands medical insurance to more faculty and brings in new money to CCSF! And while this is a huge win for all parties, it was no small task to reach this agreement!

A few highlights from our Healthcare Expansion TA:

Starting immediately:
              • Faculty who work 40% or more are eligible for insurance.
              • CCSF is now eligible for 100% reimbursement from the State. That means the expansion of benefits is FREE for the college. It also means CCSF gets reimbursed for the money *already spent* on benefits for part-time faculty. That’s over $1M each year in stable, ongoing, new money coming into CCSF.

The change in State law that made this agreement possible was the result of a collaboration among Community College Unions across California. Working together, we secured the funding, and continue to make coordinated efforts to get these expanded benefits into our contracts. This is the power of organizing!

Some Things Still Haven’t Changed
The district came to the session nearly 20 mins late due to issues in making copies. And while David Martin’s team finally presented a counter proposal to AFT’s Restoration proposal,they could not sufficiently explain how the district reached their proposed restoration amount of $3M.  

The district also proposed changes to Article 13-1 Part-time Reemployment Preferences. AFT asked for a response to our previous requests for additional bargaining dates and the district offered four (4) dates over the next two (2) months. AFT called on the District’s team to commit to finding more dates to achieve their stated, and our shared goal, of completing negotiations by the end of June. The District’s team committed to offering additional dates by Monday.

The Work Has Just Begun!
We’ve made some forward movement and we’ve presented a comprehensive economic proposal, but there is still much work to be done. You can support your bargaining team by bringing your colleagues to our next open negotiations, Tuesday, May 9th, from 2-5 PM, in MUB 261.


Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595