Bargaining Survey Participation Results | Important Update/Changes on AFT Meetings | AFT2121-UESF Rally Saturday at 12pm

Bargaining Survey Participation Results

You did it! Working together, faculty succeeded in getting a powerful majority of our colleagues to participate in your most recent structure test, the bargaining survey.

Over the course of the past two academic years, AFT has run 6 structure tests or mini-campaigns with the goal of applying pressure on key decision makers and building our unity through listening and conversation. This is urgent work since it is clear that faculty must play a stronger leadership role in managing how our college is run. To have that influence, however, you need to stand together.

The bargaining survey had the highest participation level we’ve seen yet over these two years, and that shows that your efforts are working. We as faculty are standing together to demand a fair contract for the sake of our departments, students, and families.  

Highlights from the bargaining survey–the best structure test/mini campaign so far:

  • 126 faculty members who did not participate in any of the previous structure tests filled out a bargaining survey. Nearly 15% of your unit. A remarkable feat.

  • 94% of Business; 80% of Counseling; 88% in Chemistry; 73% in Biology & Math; 82% in English; & 100% in ESL, Dental Assisting, & Physical Education & Dance!

  • Over 80% of full-time faculty participated

  • See your AFT Bargaining Sunshine Document here

Important MeetingUpdates

We’ve had some changes and some additions to previously scheduled meetings for the semester. Here are the updates for the new/changed meetings:

Tuesday, 3/21, 3:30-5 PM

General Membership Briefing*

In person @ Ocean, MUB 255

Tuesday, 4/4, 1:30-3 PM

(Committee on Political Education)

In person @ Ocean, Room TBD

Tuesday, 4/4, 3:30-5 PM

General Membership
Business Meeting

In person @ Ocean, Room TBD

Tuesday 4/11, 3-5 PM

Executive Board Meeting

Remote meeting

* The briefing is an information session only – no business will be conducted. It follows directly after a contract bargaining session with the District in MUB 255, 2-3:30 PM.

You can always consult scheduled dates/times and meeting links at our Spring 2023 Meeting Schedule. We are still confirming room locations for some of our upcoming in-person meetings. As soon as we have rooms confirmed, the information will be updated in the schedule document and sent out to members.

AFT 2121 & UESF Rally for Education on Saturday! 12pm Union Square–Wear RED for ED!

Join hundreds of educators and classified professionals from throughout the state for a rally in support of the United Educators of San Francisco and AFT Local 2121. Both the SFUSD and City College of San Francisco are at a crossroads, and members of UESF and AFT 2121 are at the frontlines of the struggle to ensure their schools continue to be the vital public institutions that all San Francisco students and communities deserve.

The rally is part of the 2023 CFT Convention taking place in San Francisco from March 17-19 at the St. Francis hotel.

  • Saturday, March 18

  • 12:00 noon

  • Union Square

Remember to wear red for the rally!

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595