Trustee Candidates Hurabiell’s & Yee’s Attacks on Faculty & Prop O | Co-Create Group Agreements for Your Union Meetings | Prop O Heartbeat Fundraiser Thurs at 6pm!

Trustee Candidates Hurabiell and Yee are Blaming Faculty for Class Cuts & Attacking Prop O

Last week, Marie Hurabiell, a long-time republican and former Trump appointee, and Jill Yee, a retired CCSF administrator, appeared on a KGO radio show to co-promote their campaigns for Board of Trustees. During their spot, they attacked Prop O, asserted that City College has all the funding it needs, and claimed faculty are responsible for class cuts and falling enrollment. This week, they co-published an Op Ed in the Marina Times spreading falsehoods about Prop O, claiming “It was authored by AFT 2121 and does not reflect a consensus opinion regarding the priorities and direction of the college…This is a ploy to rehire faculty who were laid off and to reinstate the status quo, an irresponsibly managed institution.”

This is the latest in a series of outrageous claims the two candidates are using as they work together to bolster their campaigns and capitalize on SF’s wave of right-wing reaction that gained steam through last year’s billionaire backed recall elections. Despite being forced to walk back her anti-intellectual and racist attacks on Critical Race Theory (read KQED’s report), Marie Hurabiell is still using her social media to openly mock people with student debt and to express other views openly hostile to public higher education and the communities our college serves. Jill Yee’s anti-labor positions are familiar to anyone who attended Board of Trustee meetings during her tenure as administrator, and she is now running on an openly anti-labor platform, asserting a need to “take the college back from the unions” and uses her credentials at the college to spread falsehoods about City college’s funding, how Prop O was developed, and the causes of declining enrollment at the college.

These two have powerful endorsers with deep pockets, and we can expect more of this open hostility if either of them are elected to our Board. We cannot let that happen. Mail-in ballots have dropped (see your AFT 2121 voting guide here). Help us get the truth out about Prop O and let voters know that we have qualified, competent candidates running for our Board of Trustees who will stand by access to public higher education, labor, and for the communities City College serves: Anita Martinez, Vick Chung, Susan Solomon, and Adolfo Velasquez.

Sign up for upcoming mobilizations, including virtual phonebanking of voters tomorrow– Tues & Weds at 5pm, HERE.

Connect with our endorsed BOT candidates and show your support by donating and volunteering:

Visit Anita Susan and Vick’s campaign & social media links

Visit Adolfo’s campaign site

Co-Creating Group Agreements for Union Meetings

In an effort to improve our practice of centering diversity, equity, and inclusion or DEI within AFT 2121, please help us co-create an updated set of group agreements. This is an opportunity for our union to create agreements that we can adhere to during our union meetings, or in any space where we are discussing union actions, strategy, campaigns and sharing collective space.  

The purpose of co-creating these agreements is to strengthen our practice of DEI and social justice and make room for not just different identities, but a diversity of voices, building our own tolerance for different perspectives and navigating challenges in healthy ways. Please look at the following suggestions for group agreements on this form and also include your own ideas below. The results will be shared at future union meetings.  

Read more about the purpose of group agreements here. Fill out your form here.

Buy Your Ticket & Tell Your Friends to Do the Same–Prop O Fundraiser this Thursday 10/13 at 6pm!

The real estate industry has raised over $437k now to defeat Prop O, your historic City College funding measure. You should expect attack mailers soon, and that means this is moment to donate, come together, & fight back.

So help make Thursday’s Heartbeat event a success–invite your colleagues, friends, family, & community to join you in supporting Prop O & City College!

At the event, expect wine, small bites, a raffle, dance performances, and the premiere of the short film ‘The Heartbeat of City College,’ inspired by Tehmina Khan’s poem by the same name. RSVP for Thursday now & share widely:

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595