Prop O & Trustee Candidate Days Sat 10/29 & Sun 10/30 | Tuesday Chinatown Yes on O Action Success | Dazzling Mission Campus Community Rally Wednesday

Prop O & Trustee Candidate Mobilizations Sat 10/29 & Sun 10/30

It’s time to Get out the Vote for City College. Real estate industry opposition has amassed over $700k and is running misleading attack ads on TV & by mail–that means it’s time to use your people power to turn your community out!

RSVP now for your Prop O Campaign Day this Saturday, 10/29 at 11am (meet at Keith St and Bancroft) and your Prop O, Prop L, and Trustee Candidates joint mobilization this Sunday, 10/30 at 11am (meet at 19th St and Diamond St).

We have less than two weeks left to get the word out about the opportunity to fund our college and elect principled leadership to our board! RSVP for other campaign days here:

Yes On O Chinatown Action Against Misinformation

Over sixty Chinatown community members and leaders joined City College students, teachers, staff as well as CCSF Trustee Alan Wong for a Yes on Proposition O mobilization and visibility action in Chinatown on Tuesday. Together we countered misinformation and said in one voice: support San Francisco students & vote Yes on Proposition O.

Enormous thanks & gratitude to the Chinese Progressive Association for working with AFT 2121 and SEIU 1021 to host to the event, and to Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA), City College Trustee Alan Wong, and all of the students and community members who made this action a success. See video clips of the initial rally here & of the visibility action on Stockton street here.

You can see coverage in Sing Tao48 HillsKPFA News & Flashpoints, and also in print in China Press.

In the words of one participant, Biotech student Jessica Chen: “CCSF has provided me with the opportunity to receive an affordable education as an immigrant. My training at CCSF has helped me get ready to step into my future career. I’m studying and working in a research lab at UCSF. I’m so grateful to City College. We need City College and City College needs Prop O.”

Your next Prop O visibility action will be a Freeway Banner Drop on Weds, Nov 2, from 4-6pm near Ocean Campus. To participate and/or join the team publicizing this event, email Robin Pugh at

Dazzling Mission Campus Circus & Rally for City College on Wednesday

ESL Instructors Carolyn Cox, Lori Admokom, Kate Frei, Armen Hovhannes, and others organized an absolutely brilliant full scale circus performance on Wednesday dramatizing the crisis of class cuts at the college and rallying the community for more support by passing Prop O & electing Anita, Susan, Vick, & Adolfo as our student-centered Trustees.

With dance, theatrical skits, juggling, signing, and more, City College students and faculty dazzled a crowd of over a hundred, including CCSF Trustee candidates Adolfo Velasquez and Anita Martinez.

Thank you to Theatre Department students Tonantzin Alcantar Bratt, Devin Boston, Hazz Bubna, Mark Lesley, Bohdan Andrukh, and Alexis Royeca for enlivening us with your brilliant performances, and to the many other students who made this such a rewarding community event. You all entertained the audience while making a serious point: City College courses from ESL to Biotech are disappearing, and San Francisco’s students are the ones suffering.

One of the stars of the show was Jefferson Freire, a Brazilian American immigrant, ESL student, and now a professional performer in the troupe Circus BellaFollow Jefferson and see his work on Instagram here. From acrobatic dancing to juggling on a unicycle while holding a “Vote Yes on Proposition O” sign, Jefferson was astounding. See a video clip of his performance here.

In the words of Freire, “As an immigrant, City College has changed my life. From taking City College’s English as Second Language classes, I have been able to learn to speak English and that has allowed me to make friends, become a part of the San Francisco community, and find a better job. I’m now working as a performer in the Circus company Circus Bella, and I love it.”

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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