Prop O Day Sat & Sun 10/22 10-1pm w/Sup Walton at MLK Park | Chinatown Prop O Action Tues 10/25 11:30-2pm | Mission Campus Campaign Theater Wed 10/26 12-1:30pm | Create Group Agreements in Advance of Member Mting Tues at 3pm | COPE Voting Now!

Prop O Mobilizations ESSJ Sat 10/22 at 10am w/ Supervisor Walton at MLK Park & Health Ed Sun 10/23 at 11am at Youngblood-Coleman Park

It’s time to Get out the Vote for City College. Your real estate industry opposition has amassed over $650k and is running misleading attack ads on TV & by mail–that means it’s time to use your people power to turn your community out!

RSVP now for your Prop O Campaign Days tomorrow Saturday, October 22, at MLK Park (Keith St & Carroll Ave) at 10am & Sunday, October 23, at 11am at Youngblood-Coleman Park (Mendell St. & Galvez Ave.). Ethnic Studies & Social Justice (ESSJ) is sponsoring Saturday, and Health Education is sponsoring Sunday, so if you’re in ESSJ or Health Ed make sure you show up for your days, but everyone else–faculty, students, staff, & community–join! And RSVP for other campaign days here:

Yes on O Chinatown Community Mobilization & Visibility Action–Counter the Misinformation & Speak Up for City College!

Share far & wide–invite friends, colleagues, & students–and join your Chinatown community partners in reminding the Chinese community of City College’s essential role as an accessible pathway to better jobs & better lives for all San Franciscans. RSVP:

This event is hosted by the Chinese Progressive Association, Chinese for Affirmative Action, your Classified Staff Labor Siblings SEIU 1021, & your union AFT 2121. The action will begin with a Mobilization (11:30am-12pm) at Portsmouth Square and then move to a visibility action on Stockton St (between Washington & Clay) from 12 to 2pm, where we will hold large signs broadcasting the value of City College & combating misinformation surrounding Prop O.

Spooky Spectacle at CCSF Mission Campus Wed. Oct 26, 12-1:30pm–Campaign Visibility Theater w/Your Trustee Candidates

Voting is happening right now, so this is another effort to let our community know the frightening CCSF situation ( ESL sections with 50-75 people, long wait lists for English 1A, reduced counseling staff and hours, slashed programs like motorcycle repair, disappearing departments like Horticulture and BEMA, etc.) will take the form of street theater and rally outside Mission Campus next Wednesday. There will be a professional juggler! There will be a Dastardly Magician attempting to make CCSF shrink and vanish! There will be low level ESL students performing “Thriller”! There will be student improvisers and speakers! There will be several of the AFT-endorsed candidates for the Board of Trustees. And we are hoping that there will be lots of local press to report on this scary scenario before the elections.

This is part of a week of campaign visibility actions. Please tell your students and come to the show yourselves. We will assemble on the Bartlett Street side of the school, at the corner of 22nd Street. All are welcome; the more , the scarier! (Costumes optional, but encouraged!) Questions- email Carolyn Cox at

Co-Creating Group Agreements for Union Meetings in Advance of your General Membership Meeting Tues Oct 25 3-5pm

In an effort to improve our practice of centering diversity, equity, and inclusion or DEI within AFT 2121, please help us co-create an updated set of group agreements. This is an opportunity for our union to create agreements that we can adhere to during our union meetings, or in any space where we are discussing union actions, strategy, campaigns and sharing collective space.  

The purpose of co-creating these agreements is to strengthen our practice of DEI and social justice and make room for not just different identities, but a diversity of voices, building our own tolerance for different perspectives and navigating challenges in healthy ways. Please look at the following suggestions for group agreements on this form and also include your own ideas below. The results will be shared at future union meetings.  

Read more about the purpose of group agreements here. Fill out your form here. The link for your General Membership Meeting Tuesday, October 25, from 3-5pm is here.

It’s Time to VOTE! Final COPE Endorsements + Ballots Have Dropped

Your AFT 2121 COPE met today to consider final endorsements of John Hamasaki for District Attorney and Alida Fisher for School Board. Cast your votes here. The survey will be open for 24 hours:
View AFT 2121’s endorsements-to-date for the November 8th election HERE.

Join upcoming mobilizations to get out the vote for Prop O and our Board of Trustee candidates! You can also contribute directly to our endorsed BOT candidates! Find links for contributing to Vick Chung, Susan Solomon, and Anita Martinez HEREand Adolfo Velasquez HERE!
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595