Support SF Immigrants: Sup Mar & AFT 2121 Citizen Day Press Conf Thurs 9/29 9:30am

Join Supervisor Mar & AFT 2121 for a Citizenship Day Press Conference at CCSF Chinatown Campus- Thurs 9/29 @ 9:30am

Next Thursday, Sept 29, City College of San Francisco will be again hosting, for the first time since COVID, its annual Citizen Day to celebrate English as Second Language (ESL) students who have recently passed their citizenship exams. For generations, CCSF’s ESL programs have been a first stop for San Francisco’s immigrant community, providing accessible language classes, citizenship courses, and vocational training in healthcare, custodial, & tech. City College ESL is an essential pathway to better jobs, degrees, & community for SF immigrants.

But right now, City College ESL is suffering: hundreds of students have been locked out of the classes they need this fall due to unnecessary layoffs and course cuts. 39 ESL faculty members were laid off last May, and the result is 32% fewer courses this fall, a dramatic cut that is causing real harm to SF’s immigrant community.

In response, Supervisor Gordon Mar & CCSF’s faculty union AFT 2121 are holding a Press Conference before Thursday’s Citizenship Event to broadcast the stories of City College’s immigrant students & deliver a call to action to defend the college at the ballot in November by passing Proposition O & electing CCSF Trustee Candidates Anita MartinezSusan Solomon, & Vick Chung.

City College needs increased local investment & better leadership to sustainably meet the needs of San Francisco for new job skills & advanced degrees. That means passing Prop O & electing Trustees with the leadership & independence necessary to put students first.

Join us Thursday, Sept 29, at 9:30am at CCSF’s Chinatown Campus to learn more. RSVP & share widely:


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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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