Real Estate Lobby is About to Attack Prop O- You Need to Organize Now!

Real Estate Lobby is About to Attack Prop O- You Need to Organize for your Students, your Jobs, & your College

A Republican backed association representing the largest landlords in the city–the SF Apartment Association–has just announced that they will be pouring money in to oppose your City College funding measure Prop O.

There is no more time to wait–the only way you win increased funding & better leadership in November is if you take action now. You, staff, & students are the ones with the most at stake in this fight, & that means this is your fight. It is up to you to take action and to lead. If you want to build a City College that is capable of truly meeting community demand, if you want a more competitive salary & stronger department, then you need to take action now.

The English & Library Departments are mobilizing this Saturday, Sep 17, at 11am at Ocean Beach (Lawton & Great Highway). Social Sciences is mobilizing on Sunday, Sep 18, at 11am at the Outer Sunset Farmers’ Market. If you’re in those departments, make sure you show up. All other faculty are also encouraged to join (RSVP here) & to organize your own Dept day ASAP. If your department already had a campaign day, then it’s time to organize another.  

Email Alan D’Souza:

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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