Raffle Prizes Needed for Heartbeat Fundraiser | Campaign Mobilization Saturday 9/24 11am Balboa Park

Raffle Prizes Needed for Heartbeat Premiere Prop O Fundraiser

Do you bake an out of this world delicious 5 layer chocolate cake that friends and relatives beg you to make for every holiday or family get together? Are you a woodworker who makes beautiful jewelry boxes or wooden toys for children?

If you have a skill, gift certificate, vacation spot, or anything else to give, then you can make an important contribution towards the passage of Proposition O, a San Francisco ballot measure that will bring up to $45 million annually to our beloved but financially challenged City College. Some big money interests in San Francisco’s real estate industry want to see Prop O defeated—and they have lots of money to put towards that effort.

To make sure we reach every San Francisco voter with a positive message about the benefits that up to $45 million annually will bring to our college, and ultimately the community, we are holding an outdoor fundraiser on Thursday, October 13th from 6:00 – 8:00pm, at Kapwa Gardens in the SOMA district. You can buy a ticket by making a donation of $50 or more here. The event will be centered around the premiere of “The Heartbeat of City College,” a film featuring CCSF students, staff, and faculty reciting stanzas from a powerful poem about the value of our school, written by English instructor Tehmina Khan.

As part of our effort to raise vitally needed funds for Prop O, we are also planning a raffle at the event. Sure, it might be nice if any of you had a brand-new Lexus or maybe a cruise for two around the world that we could raffle off. But few of us working at CCSF have those kinds of gifts to offer. But what you do have are talents and skills–and perhaps that nice case of wine–that would make wonderful prizes for our fundraising raffle.

So, put your thinking caps on and let us know what you might be able to offer up to help make our fundraiser the success it needs to be! Please email Classified Staff SEIU 1021 member Arnie Warshaw at arnieccsf@yahoo.com by next Tuesday, Sep 22, to let us know what you can give. CCSF unions, employees, students, & community together–we can keep City College a strong and vital public resource for our city. #HeartbeatofCCSF

Mobilization for Trustee Candidates & Prop O this Saturday 9/24 at 11am at Balboa Park (San Jose & Santa Ynez)

RSVP now for a Trustee Candidate & Prop O Campaign Day on Saturday, Sep 24, at Balboa Park (San Jose & Santa Ynez). Math, Business, & Ethnic Studies & Social Justice are sponsoring this day, so if you’re in those departments make sure you show up for your day, and all other faculty are encouraged to join as well! At the launch, you will have a chance to meet your candidates & then head out and help them win by hanging campaign literature on doors & talking to any voters you meet along the way. This may seem like not a big deal, but it is–bringing visibility & awareness to voters about City College, your candidates, & Prop O is essential to ensuring you win in November.

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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