Speak Out at Trustees Meeting Today & Work to Replace Them | Rally for Farmworkers Friday

Speak Out at Trustees Meeting & Work to Replace Them

Chancellor Martin & the Board of Trustees are right now cutting our programs & courses with abandon, and the impact is falling directly on the faculty who teach those classes and on students who are being turned away from the college in droves.

Take action today by speaking out at the Board of Trustees meeting & then volunteering in the fight to regain control of your college.

  1. The single best way to pressure the Trustees & the Chancellor is to show them you’re prepared to win more resources & better leadership for your college. The Trustees need to see that you as faculty will ensure they lose their positions because of their reckless decisions. Volunteer for Prop O campaign shifts now (click here for link) & stay tuned for opportunities to support your endorsed Trustee candidates: https://bit.ly/ccsfWINS.

  2. Your college community will be on hand at today’s Board of Trustees meeting at 3:30pm on Zoom, so be sure to tune in & speak out (click here for link). Invite impacted students & community members, & let’s make sure we make crystal clear the consequences of the Trustees’ decisions. Click here to learn more about how to sign up for public comment.

Some numbers on the Trustees’ & Martin’s cuts. These are from the Banner as of 8/24. Cuts are still being implemented–Martin has threatened to shrink the schedule even further.


Fall 2021

Fall 2022

All depts credit



All depts non-credit



ESL credit and non-credit












(the posted schedule says 2, but 1 of those has already been cut)




Most of these cuts have to do with the layoff of FT faculty. Chancellor Martin would rather overcrowd classes (one ESL non-credit class is now up to 92 students) and leave students without their required English classes than re-appoint laid-off FT faculty.

Some of Martin’s cuts, however, extend beyond the impact of FT faculty layoffs. For example, there are no FT layoffs in Biology. Classes are full, and they were also full in Fall 2021. The program is simply being cut for the sake of downsizing. Around the college, Chancellor Martin is making cuts with no notification to students, and is simply erasing waiting lists, preventing us from knowing exactly how many hundreds of students he & the Trustees are locking out.

Our elected college leaders need to be held accountable. Speak out today & work to regain control of your college.

Stand up for Farmworker Union Rights–Join the Rally in Sacramento on Friday

SF Labor Council still has some seats on the bus that will be leaving Friday morning to take folks to the big farm worker rally in Sacramento urging Governor Newsom to support the right of farmworkers to vote in union elections without intimidation & retaliation. The bus is going to leave at 7am from the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, for the rally which starts at 9:30 a.m. at the Capitol. They will return by about noon and lunch will be provided on the bus.

Sign up here.

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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