SF WERCS Campaign Kickoff Sunday at 11am! | Sticking Together Benefits You | Stop the Cuts Rally Monday at 12pm! | COPE Vote Tues 8/30

Campaign Kickoff 11am this Sunday for a Historic City College Ballot Measure

You worked hard to put this historic City College funding measure SF WERCS on the ballot in November, & now it’s time to make sure it passes! Join your Prop O Campaign Kickoff this Sunday, August 21, at 11am at Rossi Playground (600 Arguello). RSVP now, & encourage your community to join you: https://bit.ly/3Qwwdgp

City College needs more investment for the sake of your working condition & students, & you have the power to make that happen. So join your CCSF community this Sunday, and you’ll receive campaign literature and learn how you can be part of the essential fight to make sure SF WERCS passes.

You can find SF WERCS language, endorsements, and more on your campaign website: https://www.sfwercs.com. And be sure to RSVP & join us on Sunday! https://bit.ly/3Qwwdgp

Sticking Together Benefits YOU

You may have seen a petition recently from a group of faculty calling themselves the UFF, or Union of Full Time Faculty. This petition encourages full time faculty to support splitting off from AFT2121 and forming a new union of only full time faculty. Today we ask you to reject division and a diminishment of your power at the bargaining table, and instead embrace unity as the best strategy for improving our working conditions & college.

In AFT 2121, you have a well-established, well-connected union with a long history of winning battles for faculty, for CCSF, and for public education. AFT 2121 is the group who saved CCSF from being shut down by a rogue accreditor in 2012-14; it is the group who conceived Free City and supported it through a successful ballot process; and it is the group who is currently working to bring more funding and better leadership to your college through the Fall 2022 ballot.

AFT2121 has a long-term, multi-pronged strategy to win better wages AND better working conditions for junior full-time faculty, senior full-time faculty and part-timers. Pay for all faculty is tied to the same pay scale, so when we win a pay increase, we all win. Our strategy to place CCSF faculty in a strong bargaining position before opening talks over pay is bearing fruit. You can see the results of this work in the Fall 2022 ballot. Proposition O will address the long-term problem of the State’s under-funding of the college and allow us to grow back the programs our students and city need. The pro-labor & pro-student Trustee slate will bring back leadership who are willing to stand up for faculty, students, and staff.

Splitting faculty into two unions will allow the District to pit us against each other, to the detriment of all. David Martin is attacking tenure. The only way to fight back is through faculty unity. Union-busting benefits the boss. Even if your only concern were higher wages, the best way to get them is with AFT 2121.


Stand up for our students and laid-off colleagues! Rally Monday, 8/22, at noon at Conlan Hall!

The chancellor has laid off our colleagues, and now he is turning away students in droves.
Three hundred students on a wait list for English 1A? ESL classes with 200 students? Cutting a fully-enrolled motorcycle class and ending the program? There are too many more outrages to list!

Martin is strangling credit, non-credit, and trades at the roots. He is refusing to bargain. We need to pull together and push back.

Be there on Monday! Bring your students! Invite your community allies! And let’s make our voices heard!


COPE Endorsement Vote– Tuesday, 8/30

All AFT 2121 members are invited to attend your next COPE meeting on Wednesday, 8/30 now starting at 12:30pm. We will be hearing from candidates and voting on endorsements:


  • Presentation on Empty Homes Tax

  • Presentation on Prop D & E

  • Interview with Honey Mahogany, Candidate for D6 Supervisor

  • Interview with Manohar Raju, Incumbent Candidate for Public Defender

  • Interview with Candidates for 2-year Board of Trustee seat, Adolfo Velasquez (confirmed) and Dr. Murrell Green (invited, not confirmed)

  • Interview with William Walker, Candidate for 4-year seat on CCSF Board of Trustees

Enter the password “COPE 2022″ to view candidate questionnaire responses posted as they are received here: https://www.aft2121.org/2022-2/

Link to attend: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81016718065

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595