Enrollment Campaign Sign Up | Pay Snafu | Facilities Issue Reporting

Sign Up to Distribute Beautiful Student-Made City College Enrollment Posters

Your union has launched #CCSFintheCity, an ongoing art project and enrollment campaign designed to bring new opportunities to your city, build your enrollment, and remind San Franciscans of the jewel of public higher education that is City College.

Sign up for an enrollment campaign meet-up this week, get your free copies of this beautiful poster, and then join CCSF staff, faculty, students, & community in distributing posters to the people of San Francisco. RSVP now (https://bit.ly/EnrollCCSF)

Weds, Aug 9, 4-7pm at the Castro Farmers’ Market (Noe & Market St)

Fri, Aug 11, 4-7pm at Chinatown/North Beach Campus

Sat, Aug 12, 10am-12pm at the Bayview Farmers’ Market (Yosemite & Keith St)

Sun, Aug 13, 1pm-4pm at the Balboa Theater (37th & Balboa)

Two CCSF student artists, Alma Garrison & Daniel Ramírez Herrera, worked with Art faculty Amy Diaz-Infante and other AFT 2121 faculty to design a double-sided poster that will be at the center of this enrollment drive. Based on community input, Alma and Daniel crafted a poster with a map highlighting the college’s historic legacy in San Francisco’s communities on one side, and on the other side information on CCSF classes, programs, and registration. RSVP now and ensure this poster makes it into your communities! https://bit.ly/EnrollCCSF

Summer Pay Snafu

Something went wrong yet again. The college seems to have processed many summer assignments as if they were 30 hours, no matter what the hours of the actual assignments. This has resulted in quite a few overpayments. There may also have been some underpayments. If you had a summer assignment that was anything other than 30 hours, check your check! Go to the AFT 2121 page for more on that here.

Facilities Note

Many more of us will be working in-person this semester. It seems that some of the facilities are well-maintained and ready, while others are, let’s say, problematic. With the layoff of classified staff, including custodial and maintenance workers, and the years-long failure of the college to maintain some of the buildings, we’re going to see problems.

If your work-space needs repair or maintenance, please report it. We know the college doesn’t have the infrastructure to respond to all the requests rights away, but we still need them to know where the problems are. Get your requests into the official facilities pipeline by using the Schooldude form. You can also find this form at the bottom right of the CCSF Buildings & Grounds page. As well as the official form, let your precinct rep know! We may need to take collective action to get something fixed, and your rep is the best person to get that started.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595