Salaries Restored as of July 1 | Signature Gathering Success!

Salaries Restored as of July 1, 2022

The temporary agreement you made with the District in May 2021 has ended. As of July 1 your salary was restored to the salaries in the contract, including any applicable step increases you earned in the interim.

To be clear–Chancellor Martin’s unnecessary layoffs had nothing to do with this restoration. Your temporary agreement ended June 30th, and, by law, your salary returns to the level set by your 2018-2021 contract. This contract remains in effect until you and the district agree upon a new one. See your 2018-2021 contract here & see more info here on how to check your July paycheck to make sure you are being paid at your contractual, pre-concessionary agreement rate, plus any applicable step increases.

Your bargaining team is continuing to push Chancellor Martin to negotiate in good faith over further salary increases to which you are entitled. Last May, CCSF administrators committed to negotiate with you over retroactively increasing your salaries should the college receive any new revenue. The District has received new revenue–from faculty retirements and the State (including a $9 million COLA)–but it has refused to bargain in good faith over retroactive salary increases. The California Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) recently upheld your Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) claim alleging bad faith negotiations over this retroactive salary increase. And you as faculty will be pursuing this matter further. Stay tuned for updates.


Signature Gathering Success!

You needed 9,000 signatures to bring your historic City College funding measure SF WERCS to voters in November, and this morning, a contingent of City College community members delivered over 20,000 signatures to the San Francisco Department of Elections to qualify SF WERCS for the ballot in November. That is a show of force, and your hard work made it happen. See this link for a livestream of the press conference & stay tuned for more on the event this morning.

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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