Calling All Faculty! Return Your Signature Gathering Packets for City College ASAP

Every faculty member received a signature gathering packet in the mail two weeks ago, so that you can do your part to ensure a historic CCSF funding measure goes to SF voters in November. It’s imperative that everyone who received a packet get at least 3 signatures from SF voters and return their packet ASAP and by next Wednesday, July, 6, at the very latest.

Key steps:

  1. Get at least 3 signatures from SF voters to support City College. If you have any questions, watch this helpful training video on the measureconsult this 1pg fact sheet on the measure, or attend a signature gathering training trmw Tuesday June 28 12-12:30pm on Zoom (link here).

  2. Sign the back of your petition booklet & the “declaration of circulator” form included in your packet

  3. Return your entire booklet (do not tear out pages) & declaration form in the envelope included in your packet to the AFT 2121 office (you will have to fold the booklet), or drop off your materials at the AFT office (you can slide the booklet & form through the side of the office door)

As part of the Revenue Unity Coalition with SEIU 1021, SF Building Trades, & Stationary Engineers Local 39, your goal as faculty is to collect 5,000 signatures by July 11. Right now, you have 2900 with two weeks left.

If the remaining faculty members with packets return them with at least 3 signatures, you will beat your goal and generate over 2,000 signatures for City College.

Many hands make light work–wherever you live in the Bay Area, you can find a way to talk to 3 SF voters about signing their names in support of your college. And remember, your colleagues are going out everyday to gather signatures, so if you need a group to go with, join by RSVPing here:

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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